Judgement – Box of Surprises
by Lieutenant T'Pal & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Box of Surprises
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant T'Pal & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Wed May 11, 2011 @ 1:34pm
Location   Box of Delights
Timeline   MD 37: 04:30

Turning her head, T'Pal saw Whitmore was sleeping soundly next to her. His breathing was even and deep, but T"Pal made sure he woudl be out for a but longer/ Gently lifting his arms that was draped over her, she rose sliently and applied a Vulcan neck pinch. Once sure he was out, she slipped out of bed opened a secure panel in her wardrobe.

She got into a body suit, making sure the bioscan scatttering properties still worked often used by certain intelligence agencies. She had found that the older ones still worked best. After checking and choosing her equipment, she added some to her waistband and the rest she put into a small flat backpack.

Usually she would simply walk out of her suite and disappear later, but tonight she didn't need to. After studying her route, she quitely slipped into an air vent and moved through the maze of airducts, jeffrey's tubes and access vents to her destination.

Her main access point to the Box of Delights was not the front doors, shuttered and locked, but a panel that led onto the jeffries tubes system. Silently removing it she found herself in a room that was clearly back of house. To her left was a squat shape that bore some resemblence to a transporter pad, only not quite so big. An industrial replicator. It was clearly dormant. Like the rest of the bar, long closed up for the night, it was eerily silent. A head of her was the only exit.

She replaced the panel quickly and as silently. Her next action would be to confuse the movement activated security sensors. Her suit would protect her from being picked up by internal sensors and most security systems, but she wanted to be certain that se would not trigger any alarms. Her previous scans of the bar interior revealed no additional security systems, which would lead most to the conclusion that there would not really be anything a value in the bar itself, but not for T'Pal.

After confirming that she had not triggered anything, she moved with the fluidity of her kind to the replicator and accessed it's memory with a small Padd. At first glance there was nothing unusual about the logs, but then her interest was piqued, not by what was present, but the fact that someone had tried to erase some logs. It didn't take her long to access them from the embedded replication logs on the hard drive.

Carefully she saved the information on her Padd for later analysis. She was neither surprised not shocked at what she found, but it did show that the Box of delights had a bit more to it than met the eye. It also provided her with some information as to how to proceed and what to look for. That wouldnt be found in in bar, but in teh owner's office.

T'Pal assended the steps to the door, a small fingerprint padd on the right side to allow or deny access. It was rather old fashioned, but effective, making one side of her mouth curled in a smile. . It made perfect sense for Yolanthes race, with it's unusual DNA structure. The padd didn't only read the patterns of the print, but also the unique proteins found on her skin. It would be a challenge to some, but not to T'Pal. To find Yolanthe's fingerprint among all the possibilities in the bar could prove a challenge of one didnt have one to compare it with. But of course, fingerprints would be present on the pad itself.

From her belt she removed a small adapted tricorder to scan the padd. It was easy to find the newest print read it into the tridcirder, including the signature protein. It was then reversed and transferred to a gel sheet. Satisfied, T'Pal placed the sheet against her fingers and pressed the pad. The door read it as possitive and the door opened, allowing her access. Motion sensors would not be a problem, but T"pal scanned and disabled the other security measures as well

The door opened onto the black and white rococo confection, with its lush fabrics, and its decorative excess. The queen anne sofa was carved and/or replicated from a gloosy ebony. The pile on the rug was as deep as T'Pal's little finger. There was even a black crystal chandalier that hung over the small table infront of the sofa. The only colour in the room that wasn't black or white was alcohol on the small fridge, and the contents of the fruit bowl

In looking for more colour, the back of the office that caught t'Pal's eye. In one corner, a large desk, again in the over decorated style, but this time made of a glass-like material, to accomodate the touch sensitive nature of modern computer interfaces.

And behind that, hanging from loops and hooks and nails was a motley collection of weaponry. there were knives, coshes, knuckled dusters, vicious looking throwing spikes and claw tipped gloves. There was also about half a dozen energy weapons, personal phasers and disrupters. And finally, in glorious incongruity to the rest of the collection, was a pair of gold lame underpants, and a small leather pouch.

Weapons always interested T'Pal, and the rarity of some items drew her attention. ~Collector's items~ she thought and captured them on her padd for future reference and more attention later. What attracted her attention was the leather pouch. Unusual to find one here. ~ A ferengi change pouch?~ However, something told T'Pal that it did not contain change though. Careful to note the original position, she picked it up and opened it. In her palm fell a key.

That perplexed T'Pal even more. She fingered it lightly and then scanned it. Her experience told her that it opened a locker of some kind and the results from her scan showed her that she had been right. using her tricorder she scanned the office to see if the scans could locate a fit to the key, but it came up negative.

After braodening her scan, the results lead her to the Holospa, a place she was very familiar with. T'Pal had indulged in the many luxurious treatments provided there. It was easy to bypass the security and she slipped in. A small satisfied smile formed on her full lips. She had never used the lockers in the spa, so she didn't recognze it immediately. but of course, a perfect place to hide something. it didn't take long to find the locker, in plain sight if you knew what you were looking for, but obscure enough to hide it effectively. When she was satisfied that they were no unusual alarms or other security measures, she opened it.

The contents were as unusual as the owner herself. ~So she gambles....~ T'Pal deducted as she went through a long list of bets with the full details of each bet. An eyebrow raised at what she was betting on. The Bokai female had an interest in illegal fighting, a very big and extensive interest. That played well to the violent side of the hybrid, filled her with a kind of instinctual respect of the bar owner. There was also a list of names, which was listed under undesirable bookies. That was not only very dangerous to have, but could proof to be very useful information. The data got copied on her own padd to go through later.

The isolininear chips were copied to T'Pal's own data files hidden in the main holodeck server. They seemed to store holodeck programms and T'Pal could run them later. Her attention then moved to a kit bag. T'Pal placed on a small bench ang opened the zipper, also old in design, but still used on certain items, creating a feel of nostalgia for it's users. T'Pal had no feeling of the kind, but the contents were indeed unexpected. Armour... she recognized it as the kind of weaponry used millinia ago on certain planets, this probably copies of what was used on earth and similar civilizations. A quick scan revealed blood on them. And they were not holographic......

T'Pal stored a few images she took on the padd and then retraced her steps carefully one by one, erasing any trace of her being there. As she left the spa, she turned to visit Klia's office. Once again, getting inside was relatively easy for the experienced.

The office was completely different to that of Yolanthe, all sleek minimalism and smoked glass, and T'Pal targeted the extensive console first, an eyebrow lifting shortly afterwards. Klia was a writer of holodeck programme, that was well known, but this was not your usual run of the mill story. The woman had won quite a few awards for the pornagraphic material, some of which was right up T'Pal's ally, so some of that was copied too.

As she was about to leave, her eyes fell on a leather container, which she opened. The smell immediatly filled her sensitive nostrils. Cardassian.... It was a shirt seeming wrapped around something. Slowly and carefully T'Pal unwrapped it, finding a PAdd in it.

Her acute sense of time alerted her to the fact that her time was up and without contemplating it too much, she took the shirt and Padd after closing the leather container's lid again.

Twenty minutes later T'Pal was stapping out of the sonic shower and padded to her lounge where she scanned the shirt she took. The results were surprising to say indeed.

"Box of surprises....." she said softly to herself. After investigating Wayne Bradshaw, she knew for certain who would be on her list next....


Security consultant among other things