Things Past – Shadows Dancing
by Awn'Renshano & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Shadows Dancing
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Awn'Renshano & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sat Oct 06, 2012 @ 8:30am
Location   Meldaben-Kaan (Lemurian Homeworld)
Timeline   Six Months Ago

The shimmering spires of Meldaben-Kaan glittered in the pale moonlight of the three moons in the heavens above. From this vista atop High Command, General Hes'Qadar could look down apon the entire city of Quorinis, the most spleandorous city in the Dominion. This view had long been Hes'Qadar's place to meditate on the current affairs of the Lemurian Dominion for 80 years now, and every time she managed to spy something new either in the city below or the stars above.

Hearing the familiar clank of stilletos against the marble Hes'Qadar instantly knew who it was behind her, a benefit of Lemurian superior hearing.

"I know why you have come," Hes'Qadar spoke softly. "And you won't change my mind, Awn'Renshano, or Matriarch Gallae or whatever she calls herself is the proper choice for our envoy on the Federation station. She has experience, she's commited to The Plan, and the circumstances of her exile no longer mean anything..."

"Then you know more than I do." The woman's statement was delivered in a clear tone, one that by its melody and timbre intimated that Hes'Qadar was entirely mistaken if she thought that was the case, and a tone that carried an ancient authority.

Ban'la would have been recognised had she agreed to lower the lilac hood that fell in folds over her face, obscuring the deep burgundy of her eyes that no-one could deny. It may have been two hundred years since she had held the highest office but that heritage still affored influence to Ban'la. As it was she had chosen not to make her identity known in coming here, and had fully shielded it ... hence such irritating assertions!

"I will speak directly with Awn'Renshano," Ban'la said. It was not a suggestion. Hes'Qadar might think that she knew to whom she was speaking, but that was Ban'la's intention. "Bring me to her."

Hes'Qadar knew now that she had indeed over stepped the bounds of her authority and rank by her earlier assertions, and kept her eyes facing forward as not to bring any further unpleasantness to this encounter. "Of course, I will arrange for a shuttle to take us to Leuss when you are ready to depart." Hes'Qadar said with difference and respect, for she now knew just exactly whom she was dealing with, even if the woman behind her had masked herself well. "I am sorry if I caused offense with my earlier assertions... Domina..." Hes'Qadar said freely, openly and without hesitation, revealing the identity of her shadow to the no doubt extensive listening devices within every surface of this building within earshot.

Ban'la kept her silence. Pride swirled around Hes'Qadar like an aura, so certain she was that her view was the correct one, but it was not her place to decide what was for the greater good, even though she might earnestly believe that it was.

A third set of footsteps clanked against the marble floors behind Ban'la, and if Hes'Qadar's ears were right, it was the woman who know held Ban'la's old job...

"Good evening," Ven'Aa said as she came onto the balcony. From what her highly evolved social senses told her, Ven'Aa just defused a tense situation between two very powerful women. Ben'la had never gotten along with Hes'Qadar before, why should she start now? Not that Ven'Aa didn't know why Ben'la found her so. Pride was Hes'Qadar's weakness, and combined with extreme youth (Relative to other members of High Command) and undeniable genius, made Hes'Qadar both an asset and a liability.

"Leave us General," Ven'Aa said softly to Hes'Qadar, Ven'Aa needed to seek the advice of one of her predecessors, in private.

Hes'Qadar started to straighten her back to defend her presence there but Ven'Aa shot her a cold look with her deep oean blue eyes, and with that the much younger General left in a huff.

Ven'Aa watched her leave as she started to speak to Ban'la. "She's too smart for her own good, and she's never been knocked down a few pegs or rather, she's never allowed herself to be." Ven'Aa mused. "Domina, there is something I require council on, no doubt it is the same matter you and the General were discussing."

Ban'La's left ear twitched slightly, "Your first statement was correct, and as to your second ... she will be." As she walked across the floor, her gait more a glide than a pace she mused on the final assertion. When she reached the window Ban'la paused and gazed out over the skyline, building spiralling like lace against the grey sky. "On what did you require counsel?" she asked.

Ven'Aa hesitated for a moment, Ban'La was of a different generation, and was noted among the more conservative Dominas of recent centuries, she might not take kindly to Ven'Aa's idea. "I want to call a full meeting of the Sadow Council on Katratzi, and this time I want to bring in the leaders of High Command, the next steps in the Plan require their cooperation." Ven'Aa said with a slight hesitation, something that gave away the enormous amount of respect Ven'Aa held for Ban'La and just how radical her idea was.

"It has been my observation that co-operation is not easily won," Ban'la said, her gaze still tracing the skyline. Her nostrils flared slightly as she drew a silent breath. "If you are not sure that the interests of the Council and of the High Command are aligned it would be rash to invite them to convene in the same forum. Open debate would only lead to hostility and division. Such division has ruined more than one reputation in the past," she continued.

It was rare for the opposite to be true, for a repuation to be made through that contentious process, Ban'la's own was one such, no other had achieved the same in her lifetime.

"But perhaps through informing them we can breed a greater understanding between the visable leaders and we who truly manage our great society?" Ven'Aa said in a voice that made her question sound like a plea. In the end she did not require Ban'la's approval, in fact it was technically only through Ven'Aa's good graces that Ban'la still walked this plane of existance. Such drastic action by Domina's against their predecessors were rare, but precedents had been set. "But regardless, within the week we will leave for Katratzi, and I will send for Matriarch Gallae to join us, she has been away from us far too long, she must be updated on the new Plan."

As she turned from the window to transfer her appraising gaze to Ven'Aa Ban'la's expression slipped from neutral to one that suggested understanding, though that was far from the truth. There were always plans, and the tricky thing about plans was that they seldom melded perfectly with one another ... but this one ... well this one might be a catalyst, though its instigator would be left as burned as the plan itself once the plans of others ascended.

"Will we?" she asked simply.

"Yes!" Ven'Aa said is a show of dominance and strength, befitting of a Domina. Ven'Aa had now grown slighty weary of what she tought of as heel dragging on Ban'la's part. "There are currently seven other extant Dominas besides you and I and almost another dozen more high ranking officials who have earned the priviledge of knowing and shaping The Plan. And now the time has come for the full implementation of our Plan for dominating the other races, and that requires a certain amount of cooperation between High Command and the Council." Ven'Aa explained in a harsh, condescending tone, extending her rare display of force over grace. "And don't think I won't hesitate to get rid of those who oppose The Plan and it's caretaker..."

Ven'Aa stayed for a moment to let her threat digest with Ban'la, but even Ven'Aa knew the threat was idle and she would never follow through with it. Not to mention among some members of the Council Ven'Aa fitted her own description of an enemy of the state, and later Ven'Aa might be trapped by her words in her rash and somewhat foolish threatening of one of the most popular and influential Domina's of recent history.

There was no give in Ban'la's stance, or expression but what she said suggested something different. "I am 1700 years old, I will be gone in due course but while I have influence, I am open to persuasion," she said, but though her tone implied resignation, Ban'la had the future in mind.

"I should hope so." Ven'Aa said on her way into the building and out of the setting northern sun, being raised in the cities on the center coasts of Meldaben-Kaan, she had developed an aversion to the sun and couldn't wait for the 2 week 'Sunny Sweeps' between the 'Rainy' and 'Monsoon' seasons to be over.

Ban'la did not follow. She merely returned her attention to the sky.


an NPC by Louise