Judgement – Guess who's coming for dinner?
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Ambassador Cala Lurn & Commander Richard Dunham & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Lieutenant Mathew Totti

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Title   Guess who's coming for dinner?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Ambassador Cala Lurn & Commander Richard Dunham & Citizen Akamu "Ka'er" Makani & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Posted   Fri Sep 30, 2011 @ 10:18pm
Location   Klingon Embassy
Timeline   SD 37 - 19:30 til late

Kard browsed the large table which ran the length of the banquet room. The table was laid in the Earth tradition of silver service and napkins, considering the diplomatic dinner he had been invited to would mainly consist of non-human dignitaries. He ran his fingers over the neat linen table cloth, as an Ambassador he was used to such luxuries although he often tried to recreate such luxuries on his ship, he could never quite replicate the Federation standard.

He had been on the station for less than a day and already he faced diplomatic duties, duties that he relished in the opportunity to dig his teeth into. A steward rushed in, almost taken aback by the large Klingon who made the room look considerably smaller. He seemed to take a deep breath before proceeding to rush into the galley located through a side set of doors. Kard looked up from the table decorations he was admiring as the main doors swished open again.

Cala came walking threw the door, wearing a deep red, sleeveless dress; that cling closely to her upper half of her body and loose on the lower end. She hair her long dark brown hair fall off her shoulders and wearing some gold jewelry. She had gotten earlier yesterday that she was invited to a dinner with all the other Ambassadors on this station and she figured it was a good idea. The only other Ambassador on this station she had met was Cyi and voice of Isha t'Khellian. Walking into the room she noticed that there was a full male Klingon around the age of 80 years old.

She was slightly rusty on her Klingon but she had hopped that he didn't recognize her from the historical temples. The Klingon Ambassador looked at her she nodded her head and commanded, "quv Daq taH naDev (honored to be here)".

"Your Klingon is lousy, ha!" Kard called out to the woman in red, he began striding over. "Ambassador Kard!" He declared raising the young womans hand to his lips. Kard had taught himself all of the social customs, even those not expressed by his own people.

Cala allowed the Klingon to kiss her hand, "Ambassador Cala Lurn, station's Envoy," she came out with a small smile, "Its been a VERY long time since I've been to Qro'noS. But its always great to be in the presents of a warrior every know and then."

"And it has been a long time since I was in the presence of such a beautiful woman!" Kard said with a hearty smile! "

The doors opened quickly, to show the tall figure of Tharek Getal. He strode forward and immediately examined the room. The only slightly less taller Klingon and a smaller woman, possibly Human, inhabited the silver-clad room. He walked toward the two and announced himself profoundly. "Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal, Ambassador to the Cardassian Union."

"Ambassador Kard, Klingon Empire!" Kard said proud and strong!

"Pleasure, I'm sure." Getal stated with a 'diplomatic' smile.

"Ambassador Cala Lurn," Cala came out offering her hand to the Cardassian, "Pleasure."

Tharek took it and shook. "The pleasure is mine, Ambassador." He said eerily.

Isha arrived at the facility at almost exactly the same time as Commander Villiers, so much so that she hung back a little to give the Commander time to enter. She had also seen who had gone in directly before and she wanted to give him time to choke on a canape if the Elements were truly smiling on her.

Isha wondered if this Klingon would be an improvement on the last.

Cala saw the Romulan Ambassador entering in the room. After she was done greeting Getal she moved her attention over to Isha. She remembered the last encounter they had and she did hope that things wouldn't go to hang wire while they were in the same room.

The door slid open and Cyi walked in. His eyes darted around the room taking a quick survey of who was there, who wasnt, and almost as important, who was talking to whom. He adjusted the vest of his form fitting outfit and walked over towards the Klingon Ambassador.

“Ambassador Kard, Son of K'hir, Honor to your House and Honor to the Klingon Empire.” Cyi said speaking to the Klingon. “I am Cyi Ainari, Special Envoy of the United Federation of Planets to Deep Space 5.”

"A true honourable greeting!" Kard declared poring himself a large glass of what he presumed was wine from the table.

Getal's head tilted to the presence of those he did not know yet, and to Isha. He smiled to himself, walking slowly toward her. "Pleasure to see you again Ambassador."

Tempted though she was to cut him dead without acknowledgement, Isha knew that such an action would reflect badly on her as an ambassador. Something, that in this new company she did not want to occur.

"Why Ambassador Getal," she said with a smile that might have appeared charming had it not been for the icy glint in her eyes, "the words have not yet been invented that describe just how delighted I am to see you again so soon."

Suddenly the prospect of greeting the new Klingon seemed very enticing as it meant she could get away from Getal.

"Likewise Ambassador, likewise." Getal said with dark intent. His attention then shifted to the Klingon, who was addressing the entire party.

At the same time Isha took the opportunity to turn away and move to the other side of the room.

"Honoured guests, my embassy has thrown this dinner for you, Ambassadors, new friends and diplomatic staff please be my guests and sit!" Kard called out to the room which had begun to slowly fill with various dignitaries and diplomatic staff.

Cala took her place next to where the Klingon Ambassador was going to sit. She sat down quietly and waited for everyone else to sit. She was slightly wondering what dinner was going to be about.

Tharek made to sit down, but a humorous, or, humorous to Getal, thought crept into his skull. He chose to wait for Isha to sit down, and make her torture in this room all the more unbearable.

Isha chose a seat not far from the station's Executive Officer. A Bolian Isha did not know was already seated next to Villiers. The Ambassador offered a polite nod as she sat and then introduced herself.

Getal chose the seat directly next to t'Khellian, the grim smile still present on his face as he finally seated.

Isha knew it was him. She recognised the sound of his gait. She did not turn immediately but finished her conversation with the Bolian. Only then did Isha turn her head.

"Does this sort of thing really amuse you that much, Getal?" Isha asked in a low tone.

"You have no idea." He said, turning to meet her gaze. "Remember t'Khellian, Gorhoç edek." Tharek pronounced in Cardassian. The words rang in his mind like someone had shot off a torpedo next to his ear. After his ghastly words, he turned back to the table to concentrate on the diplomatic gathering, and how he longed to just leave. The last thing he needed was more competition when Rh'vaurek returned.

Mathew had arrived after Isha and Karen and remained reasonably withdrawn.
He took a seat next to the Commander and nodded smiling at her "Hi Commander, lets hope this dinner is better than the last time we ate together!" he said cheerfully.

Cyi, who was sitting silent at the table across from the Romulan Ambassador, scanned the table with a comfortable fake smile as assessed the diplomatic situation. His eyes rested a moment on the Chief Diplomatic Officer before moving on. He was aware that Matt did not trust him from their last meeting. Cyi grin was almost genuine. He enjoyed a little bit of friendly conversation.

"So Kard son of K'hir why have you brought us here today," Cala came out kindly wondering truly why all the Ambassador's and her Adviser was here as well. She mostly looked at the Klingon Ambassador more then everyone else at this point in time.

Kard was slightly taken a back by the question. "You shouldn't question a Klingons hospitality, my consulate wanted to extend the branch of peace from the Empire!" Kard declared gulping another large swig from his wine. He noticed the doors opening.

Tasha arrived fashionably late in her dress uniform, with dress being the operative word. She rarely wore a dress, never feeling the need to express or impress but this was something entirely different. It was a diplomatic dinner and she didn't want to be the commander of the station in her usual garb and so chose something a little less formal.

The dress was a one piece cobalt blue creation of linen and lace that ran from her neck to her ankles. The bodice was embroidered lace, covering her chest in a blue gauze and then from her calves down, the same material adorned the lower part of the garment, finished off with a pair of matching shoes.

As she entered the room, some noticed her, some didn't as she smiled as she eased around the narrow gap between the bulkhead and the various officers and diplomats that sat on its edge, weaving her way to one of the empty seats near the far end of the room.

"Captain Tahir!" Kard called out from the one end of the room. He had studied the personnel files of all his guest, a standard etiquette principle he had followed since a disastrous dinner he had with a Tholian ambassador who Kard mis pronounced his name. "Come come, sit with us!" Kard declared ushering the captain to a vacant seat near to himself.

Her head turned sharply to the growl of a Klingon whom she had not failed to notice when she entered, along with other Cardassian and Romulan dignitaries as well as her own staff.
She dipped her head graciously and held him in a locked stare.
" If I were to sit with you, that would be construed as favouritism. I must decline your invitation." She said with no smile though given the choice of remaining seats, she would have personally preferred it. "I will sit here, but feel free to join me." She responded as she drew back an empty chair in the midst of three other vacant seats.

One of the Ambassadors aides arrived and immediately went to the Kard and spoke into his ear, loud enough for those close to hear.

"Kard, your son demands your attend to him." The aide spoke clearly but trying to remain both composed and hushed which for a Klingon, was not easy.

"Attend?" Kard replied with no effort to disguise both his anger nor his tone.

The aide dipped his head a little. "Do you wish that I reveal the reasons with the present company."

Kard pushed his beaker away from him and stood, glaring at the aide and growled.

"Forgive me guests, but my wayward son needs the strength of his father." He said in excuse and stomped from the embassies elaborate dining table.

The guests at the table watched as the Klingon ambassador stormed from the room. Some followed him with their eyes, whilst some watched the watchers.

Cala sat back and watched the Klingon storm away. She had wondered what was wrong and perhaps she should ask but perhaps that wouldn't be such a good idea. She looked around at the other people who were sitting at the table. Cala stood up from her seat and stated with a bright smile, "Perhaps we will not let this stop us from are dinner? I would love to get to know each and everyone of you and perhaps you love to know me. So I suggest we continue with this dinner." She had hoped that everyone would stay to eat but if everyone had to go then she understood.

Tasha thought about following the new ambassador, but then she was an invited guest and as such decided to remain seated as Cala stood to make her announcement.

The UFP envoy felt that this was an excuse to leave and rose, making his apologies.
"Forgive me." He said simply as he placed the unused serviette onto his empty plate.

The room now fell silent. The main reason for this gathering was to get to know all the ambassadorial staff.
Tasha looked back to Cala who had paled significantly and stood to also address the remaining few.

"Ambassadors, crew and guests. There is still plenty to eat" Her arm swathed across the table to the feast that was laid before them, "so please, help yourselves." She smiled, feeling pity for Ambassador Lurn who had tried to make this event memorable and at this juncture, it would be remembered for something else. She looked across to the Cardassian.
"Ambassador Getal, would you care to make an introduction?" She asked having rarely spoken to the Cardassian and thought that now was as good a time as any.

The window to leave was rapidly closing and the Junior Attache to the Grall Alliance shifted in her seat wondering what excuse she could give to dive out before it shut completely. She was SO keen to get away from that despicable brute, the Cultural Representative of the Empress of Besurbia. She had known him when he was a mere Administrator in the days when they were both on the same side.

That was before the war. Now he was back in her face again and she could NOT believe her bad luck. He was sitting over the other side of the table from her and in order to leave she would have to go round him. She imagined what sort of smirk, comment or other jibe he would fire at her, re-igniting that embarrassment he had so loved to put her through in the past and for which she had always hated him with a passion.

Vali knew she should be above those old teenage feelings now but they all came flooding back. She tried to swallow it down and concentrate on her job. She was here to improve relations with the Federation and the Klingons. She could NOT allow herself to be side-tracked by that *jerk*. She glared at him, trying to work out an escape that wouldn't make the other diplomats think less of her.

Davisham; the Cultural Representative of the Empress of Besurbia, toasted the women in front of him politely, he was after all still a gentleman and decorum had to be seen to, however his tongue was beginning to sting from where he was having to bite down on it, to stop himself launching a series of words at the deceitful condescending farm animal sitting in front of him. This Junior Attache to the Grall Alliance had been a thorn in his side for some time, stretching back to his days a a apprentice assistant in diplomacy, he grudgingly had to accept this woman as a worthy advisory to his political machination....though he did despise her for it, and just what the hell was she smirking at?

Vali nodded to accept the toast as the other ladies did, she didn't want to be seen to be behaving in anything less than the most proper fashion. Her demeanour was one of grace and serenity yet her eyes shot spears of detestation at the bane of her younger years.

Her spears of detestation were riposted by daggers of hate and vilification. This women had cost him his marriage, his wife had complained that he talked about her all the time, she had said she was the first woman in his life back then not her. The memory made him grit his teeth together further. This women had cost him much and she would pay the price.

Cala smiled at every one and felt troubled as few of the members had left. She'd hope in future thing would have been so grim. She gradually took some of the food that was before her and started placing them on her plate. Once was done she took a sip of her drink and chimed, "How are things Gul Tharek." Hoping to create relationship with the Cardassian.

And so the evening continued, the odd ensemble getting to know each other a little better or in some cases, knew them for the worse.
The Captain made her excuses and left mid way through the third dinner serving as the ambassadors began to form smaller groups, the clans of each species made larger gaps, now that Kard the Klingon had given them space to do so and the two Cardassians sat quietly, watching those around them.


Captain Tasha Tahir
Ambassador Kard son of K'hir (Departed)
Cyi Anari (UFP Ambassador (Departed)


Cultural Representative of the Empress of Besurbia
NPC by Rick Dunham


Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Ambassador to the Cardassian Union


Federation Envoy
Cala Lurn

And the talents of Chelsea; Isha; Akamu