Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Secrets
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Secrets
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Fri Jan 02, 2009 @ 2:11pm
Location   Quartermasters Office
Timeline   SD6 06:45 (Backpost)

Tasha pressed the door chime and almost immediately, the door slid apart to reveal both Petro and Rakka inside.

"Morning." She said as she entered and moved up to the desk, raising her hand to signal Rakka to remain seated on the desks edge. "Please, don't get up. I am glad that your here as well Commander." Tasha said, as she stood at the other end of the desk as her lips raised in the slightest of smiles. "I do hope I am not interrupting anything?" She enquired, looking at Petro, who still seemed drawn. "Petro, I hope the studying is not putting you under too much pressure." Tasha asked, not wanting her quartermaster being unduly strained with the entrance examinations for the station Academy.

Petro looked up at Tasha and forced a smile. "No, the studies are good." She said, her voice softer than usual. She moved to stand, but felt the pain in her back again shooting down her legs. "We were just talking." she said, nodding to Rakka. "How's your arm?"

She raised her arm, signalling that it was better than many thought. "Good!" She smiled.

"Commander, as Riley's superior, will you aid me at the service later?" Tasha enquired, needing Rakka's strength as well as her presence.

"Oh... of course," Rakka replied quietly, not knowing exactly what this would entail but not knowing who else would be qualified for it. Who else had taken the time to get to know Riley, anyway? It made her angry sometimes, knowing how few people actually knew him. "What do you need me for?"

Tasha took a small breath. "I have given a great deal of thought to it and would like to run through my plans, if it suits you. What I would like to do, is to have you and Lieutenant Commander T'Lan, be the only Command officers on the deck plate. We will share a flag, placing over Rileys casket, the we both salute, I will start the service and then off you to say a few words, then open the floor up to anybody else. After that, we shall have Mr Freeman launch the casket. Is there anything you would like to include, or even do differently?" Tasha asked.

"That sound fine," Rakka said numbly. All she knew of funerals was what she had seen, and this sounded like one. She didn't feel she really had anything to contribute other than what she might say, and that alone had been keeping her mind busy.

Tasha could see that the funeral was making her 2nd XO uncomfortable. She glanced at Petro. "Would you like Petro to stand with you?" She offered, before adding, "Just for moral support, or at least in the front row?"

"Well... I would like her nearby," Rakka admitted. "Though I wouldn't want to make her stand up there in front of everyone." She glanced up and met Petro's eyes.

Petro returned Rakka's gaze. Her heart lept for just a moment at the thought of all those people again, being in front of them, and stifled her fear. "Perhaps I could be seated in a front row or something." she offered.

Tasha wondered for a moment, for the need of a visible show of security would be required, but dismissed it.
"If you are agreeable Commander, I would like an honour guard of the security section for Jon." Saying his christian name sounded strange as it left her lips, it was the first time she actually said it without rank or surname and she didn't know why she did so now.

~Jon?~ Petro thought. She had never heard anyone referenced by that name in recent events and for a moment it confused her.

The name startled Rakka as well, but she didn't show it. "That seems appropriate," she agreed. If they had ever gotten closer, Rakka wondered, would she have called him by his first name? She wasn't sure if she could have ever called him anything other than Riley.

"Very good." Tasha dropped her head a little, there was so much to do today and she wanted things to be right "Commander, see you at the briefing, 08:00 my office." She glanced at Petro, before bowing her head. "Until later." She turned, and stopped after the second step, turning back to Rakka. "Will you be OK?" She asked the question, not knowing how Rakka was handling the loss of Riley.

Rakka sighed, turning her head to glare at the wall. She was beginning to hate this question. What did people really mean by 'okay'? Certainly she would go on with her life, as she always had, and she had certainly been through worse things than this before.

What was Tasha really asking? Would she be all right mentally/emotionally? (Had she ever been?) Would she be able to go with her job? (Had she ever not?) Would she need help with anything? (Had she ever asked for any?)

"As far as you're concerned, I'm sure I'll be fine," Rakka finally concluded.

Tasha pursed her lips, the sharp retort telling her far more than Rakka may have realised.
"Very well, as long as your sure." She nodded her head forward, leaving the 2 of them alone, heading back to Ops and the loneliness of her own office.

Rakka stood up straight and looked down at Petro. "See you at the, uh... funeral...?"

Petro looked up and nodded. "Yes. At the funeral."


Captain Tasha Tahir - CO

Lieutenant Commander Rakka - CSO

Warrant Officer Petro - Quartermaster