Judgement – The Second Death
by Arrival James Grayburn & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   The Second Death
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Arrival James Grayburn & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sun May 08, 2011 @ 5:33pm
Location   Women's Restroom, The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD 37 - 02:00hrs
"I'm sorry." the killer said.

It was true, less true than it had been with the first victim. It was something about willingly taking a life, it was terrifying, invigorating, arousing, all of these things and more. Strong hands nearly shook as the silenced pistol was tucked away, hidden once more.

At the killer's neck hung a small pendant. No sensors or cameras would record where this went.

Two lifeless eyes stared up into eyes that, though beautiful and encased in living flesh, were nearly equally dead. Again, blood seeped from the hole in a woman's chest. An archaic weapon form, brought back into vogue in fighting the Borg. The hole had pierced her heart, emerging on the other side. No sound was heard before the screaming that had drawn workers from the Box of Delights rushing into the restroom to see this grizzly sight.

The sound of shoes hitting tile ended as the doors parted and the killer left, sighing a contented sigh.


Ensign Norman Fox was the first to have arrived on scene. He had managed to clear the room, place up a barricade and call for the chief. It was the second death discovered on the station in less than a day. The victim had been identified as a visitor on the cruise-ship that had docked here two days previous.

"Sir," the Ensign said, snapping to attention as the interim chief arrived.

"Don't tell me. . .a second one?" Trellis asked rhetorically as he entered the crime scene. He withdrew a long cylinder-like object from his pocket and used it to scan the walls around him leading towards the body.

"Yes, sir. The same type of killing as with Vaughn, we've cordoned off the area and nobody has left since the body was found." the Ensign commented, "Our best guess as to the time of death was only about fifteen minutes before she was found." Unfortunately for the investigators, the killer could easily have left the bar in that amount of time.

"How is this possible!?" Trellis said, his emotions becoming more evident. The question was moreso in regards to the mindset necessary to commit such a heinous act more than an inquiry into the actual logistics.

"Expand the parameter, I want this entire establishment closed and every patron questioned, immediately." He ordered as he left the scene to the investigators to continue their forensic examination.

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security