Cascade – Priorities
by Radmi Porkar

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Title   Priorities
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Radmi Porkar
Posted   Mon Mar 18, 2013 @ 10:15pm
Location   Ivor Prime
Timeline   Morning After 'New Awakening'
Radmi's eyes flung open. Listening intently he attempted to hear it again. He wasn't sure if it had been part of his dream or … SNAP! A branch cracked under the weight of someone ... or something. They were close too; Easily within a hundred feet. Radmi couldn't see anyone, but his view was obstructed from the brush he'd been sleeping in. The upside was it provided him with cover. It was unlikely he'd be seen.

Rustling of leaves, and then … that sound was mechanical. Whoever was out there they weren't an animal. Radmi looked around for something he could use as a weapon. Two option immediately availed themselves: A bolder, and a pointed branch. The bolder was small enough to throw, but big enough to cause a fair amount of pain. And the branch was fairly thick. It could double as a club and a small pike. Picking up the bolder and keeping the banch nearby he prepared himself for his would be attacker.

From behind a tree a cybernetic being stepped into view. The man had greyish skin, and an odd piece of head gear to match his body suit. Despite the heavy armor Radmi immediately noted two areas that could prove vulnerable to attack. The neck would be his best bet, but just behind the crown of his head was also an option.

Radmi waited patiently for the mechanical man to move within range. He seemed to be staring off into space with no discernible purpose. Growing anxious Radmi tried to focused. He had to keep his breathing even and silent. Then with no seem-able provocation the man's head jerked. His body quickly followed taking him in the opposite direction of Radmi, and toward the village in the distance. Relaxing slightly, Radmi waited for the sound of the man's methodical steps to dissipate into the distance. Shortly after his disappearance the sound of bird's chirping, and rodents scurrying filled the silence.

With the danger gone Radmi began to appraise his situation. He was hungry. Food and water would be his first priority. Checking his primitive bandage he could see that his arm was beginning to heal nicely. But it wasn't his arm that was causing him the most pain. It was his head. Placing his hand to the back of his head he could feel a fair sized bump. Removing his hand a crusty red substance was visable. At least the blood wasn't fresh. But his head wound was likely at least partly responsible for his amnesia.

Radmi closed his eyes hoping for some guidance. The woman from the night before wasn't there, but she had been a part of his dream. Radmi tried to remember, but to no avail. His dream had been so vivid, but now … he couldn't remember a thing. Something told him the dream was important, but it was gone. Much like the memories of his past.

A growl from his stomach reminded him of his priorities. Food first, answers later. Taking hold of the nearby branch he'd earlier considered for a weapon he looked out among the trees. It was time to see if he could hunt.


Radmi Porkar
Bounty Hunter