Cascade – The Truth, in Part
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   The Truth, in Part
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sun Feb 10, 2013 @ 12:39pm
Location   Pradai, Cariel III. Unspecified location within Romulan space
Timeline   In parallel with SD71
Isha had chosen her study for the meeting with the Vulcan delegate, at this time of day warm sunlight flooded through the window tinging the furniture a pale yellow with its beams.

Such a risk, she thought as she twisted the fabric of her skirt between her fingertips, as she waited for the inevitable knock on the door. The delegate had arrived the previos night, she knew that, and whilst the night may have brought her visitor rest, it had brought Isha more nerves than comfort. And if I take it, this is something I will not be able to undo.

The knock came, and when Isha gave permission to enter, it swung wide to admit the tall Vulcan, typical of his kind, all sharp sallow features and black hair in a practical if unflattering cut. "Madam t'Vaurek," he bowed. "I am Salvek. Thank you for hospitality."

Isha bowed her head, then as she straightened gestured to the two armed chairs at the 'guest' side of the desk - she did not intend to erect an un-needed barrier. "It is I who must thank you, Salvek, for making such a journey on what may to you appear to be the whimsical request of a stranger. Please be seated." Isha ligtly brushed the palms of her hands over her hips, then once he had chosen a chair, she took the vacant one.

"If you reqcuire refreshment at any point, please make me aware," she said as she sat. "I trust your journey was uneventful?"

"No more so than it would be for any Vulcan, I believe. " Pleasentries completed Salvek shifted his body language. "My colleagues within the steering commitee for the Reunification Society was quite surprised to hear from you, Madam. It has been some time."

It was time to stop prevaricating. "I unexpectedly find myself in this unique position, Salvek. The work I did years ago, when I was part of the Senate, and part of two Great Houses could not progress. Every other member of our delegation lost their lives - among them were people I called friends. Such a risk could not be taken again whilst my status remained as it was," she said.

"News of the attack did reach us. We are glad it has not completely ended a desire for Reunification. But I must ask. IF you are not of the status you once were, are you even able to help us now?"

Isha leaned forward, "I established the colony here over thirty years ago. The system was a gift from my husband. Since then I have done all I can to add to recources, agriculture, and to a population - there are many intelligent, talented people of the Empire who do not have the benefit of a connection to a greater or a lesser House, not without a regular payment of a tribute anyway. Through my network I have appealed to the disenfranchised, I have offered them a home, a life where hierarchies established after landfall have little place. Many, many have come," she she said, her fingers curled around her knees.

"Your magnaminity is laudable, Madam, but reunification requires will in the Senate. I do not see how your collection of Waifs and Strays will accomplish that."

The smile that pulled back Isha's lips and revealed her even, gleaming white teeth bore no suggestion of pleasure, thugh her tone as she spoke was silken, "Waifs and strays? What distain you show for a colony forty years in growth, self sustained, a net exporter of produce, and one protected by a system wide security network, a fleet and populated by those who are one mind. It was with great risk these families and their friends, and colleages revealed their true hearts to me. That is not something that I take lightly, nor will I see their commitment to me be in vain."

Salvek's eyebrow raised, but that was all

"If we Cariel chooses to cede from the Empire we will not require the agreement of the Senate," Isha said, her true intention explicitly stated. If this was a trap, and Salvek in truth a spy, then she would die, and her plans with her.

"If the senate lets you cede." Salvek countered. "But no succesful change in attitudes has ever been won from bloody revolution. And if seperation from Vulcan is to be ended, it must start somewhere. Even a small and apparently hopeless gesture is like the stone that presage the avalanche."

"The Senate would do better to allow a potentially powerful faction to cede rather than start a war. I lknow it, and they know it. The propaganda machine will downplay the loss of a remote colony, and the populace will be satisfied. There are those who are sympathetic, and who remain in power who will see that it is so," Isha said, her face as expressionless as the Vulcan's own.

"And if you're wrong?"

"Then the grand plaza in the centre of Ra'tleihfi will host a grand execution, me and my commanders. The majority of those foolish enough to follow me will be welcomed back to ch'Rihan once a few of their number publically admit the error in their decision to be part of such a misguided venture. I'm not suggesting that this will be a rapid transition, Salvek, but once the final step is taken, the Senate will see that they have no choice but to agree."

"A bold gamble. A dangerous one. And as such we are prepared to offer as much assistance as we are able to render. But for my own curiosity, I would like to know why now?"

"I have served the Emprie all my life, but now I have withdrawn from public life. It has been requested that I curtail my retirement, leave this haven I've crafted over the years and return to the Federation spac station that has been both my home and my prison for what feels like decades. It is a strategic venture on behalf of the Empire, and it seems that I am the only one who both sides trust enough with the task."

"And what does the Stelam Shi'ar gain from this?"

"Why, a personnel exchange! Starfleet will be given reciprocal access to one of our deep space facilities, as well as exploration rights for scientific purposes to several worlds within the Neutral Zone. All I have to do is return to Deep Space Five in the role of First Officer. Should I agree, my plans will be set in motion. At all times any of my colonists will be free to change their minds, to return to the Stelam Shiar, up to the point of secession that is. But even with your support, that time may be many years away.

"I am a very patient woman. I will not act too soon," Isha said, they then moved on to the details.

Ihhei Isha t'Vaurek NPCd by Louise

Salvek NPCd by Notty