Interlude – Oh, it's you
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Oh, it's you
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun May 23, 2010 @ 5:52pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   Immediately after 'Of What May Come'
Jana had left the science lab with PADDs in her arms. She had work to do but she would rather sit in the lounge or in one of the coffee shops on the Promenade. She wasn't sure why she was moving so quickly, she just felt the need to get far away from the labs. Jana turned the corner and ran into someone with enough force her PADDs scattered across the corridor and she landed flat on her behind.

Rh'vaurek was mulling over his conversation with Tharek as he made is way to the shuttlebay; their scheme was either going to work, in which case the Tal'Shiar's part and by implication the part of the Romulan Government would be acknowledged, or it would fail and Rh'vaurek would find himself looking for a scapegoat to take the blame. He barely felt the impact but looked paused and looked down. "Watch where you're going," he advised.

"Pardon me..." Jana grabbed the scattered PADDs before looking up. "'s you..." Her brows furrowed as she stood up. "Perhaps this is payback for hitting you when we were held hostage?"

His customary supercilious half smile twisted his lips as he folded his arms. "If it was payback you'd know about it," he said.

"And do you intend on 'paying me back' Rh'vaurek? Do I need to watch my back? " She asked with a hint of a sarcastic smile playing across her lips.

"Oh no," Rh'vaurek replied, "As I recall I suggested it. It gave me enough of an idea how they would react to innappropriate displays of bravado, so I don't owe you," he told her. "Since when are we on first name terms?"

"Ah did feel good to slap a Romulan across the face." She said ignoring his question.

Rh'vaurek really did not have time for this banter. The Liorae had already delayed departure while he lingered over a bottle of Kal`iFhou with his Cardassian counterpart and a mouthy human was very lowon his list of priorities. "Try it without permission and I'll break your hand before returning the favour," he said, as a matter of fact rather than a threat.

Jana got angry and moved closer to him, her finger in his face."Listen to me, the last time the Romulans attacked the station a dear friend of mine lost her partner who up to that point had done nothing but protect her and keep her safe! If she were here I am sure she would like to do more than slap you across the face. Just try and break my hand and you can believe that I will make you pay!"

Rh'vaurek laughed though his dark eyes lacked the humour as he ignored the finger and stared at her. Was she really that stupid? "If you have a complaint take it to the embassy," he said before knocking her hand sharply away, "and I'm sure I'll be trembling all the way back to ch'Rihan," he said shoving her aside and continuing on his way.

Jana swore in Czech as he walked away. As much as Jana wanted a fight she knew that he would do just as he said and break her hand. She walked briskly to her original destination, she needed something warm and strong to drink.


Lt. (JG) Jana Kasikova
Alien Archaeologist/Anthropologist

erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
Deputy Head of Special Operations Division.