Judgement – Dorian's trial (III)
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Ambassador Cala Lurn & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Mathew Totti

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Title   Dorian's trial (III)
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Ambassador Cala Lurn & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Mathew Totti
Posted   Mon Jan 16, 2012 @ 12:41am
Location   Conference Room 3
Timeline   SD39 10:40

"Your honor, Defense is finished with this. . ." he said as he tried to find a word to aptly describe the individual placed before him. ". . .prisoner," he said with such contempt as if the words spewed from his mouth in utter contempt.

Ned stepped forward with one last question. "Mr Garson, if I may, as you stated, you were tortured by the Commander. Did you ever retaliate?" the question required a simple yes or no.

The Cardassian gave a short hollow laugh. "No. I was too busy begging for my life."

"Thank you." Ned responded as he spun about on his heel and dipped his head to the defense and the Judge and moved back to his seat.


"Your Honor, now that the State has rested its Case-in-Chief, the Defense would like to call Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel to the stand."

Ned clasped his hands across his knees as Gabriel brought himself down to the witness stand. He looked to the defence to open the questioning.

"Please introduce yourself to the Court," the attorney said to his client.

"My name is Lieutenant Commander Dorian Gabriel, until recently I was the Chief of Security for Federation Starbase Deep Space 5." He said in a even tone.

"You say 'until recently', what has taken place to remove your from your position?" the attorney asked.

"I was relieved of duty as a result of unfounded accusations that I was involved in a murder from several years ago." Gabriel replied.

"You say, 'unfounded', why do you believe that?" his attorney inquired.

"Simple, they were made by agents of the Romulan Star Empire, a terrorist organization that has been responsible for various attacks against the Federation for centuries." Gabriel replied spitefully.

Ned dropped his head and scribbled onto his PADD a question for later, when it would be his turn but kept his attention on Gabriel's voice.

"Well, Commander. Why were you on Privus Prime, originally?" The attorney asked his client.

"I was there because Commander Muldeen contacted me to inform me that..." he began to say, but the emotion-filled comment stopped himi mid-sentence.

"Commander, if you need time to compose yourself, we can wait." the attorney replied.

"No...I'll be fine." Gabriel said as he took a deep breathe to compose himself. "I was informed that Dr. Redding had been killed." He said definitively.

Donovan nodded as he continued his examination. "And Dr. Redding was someone close to you, correct?" He asked.

"Yes, she and I. . .were very close." he said in a lowered tone.

"When you arrived on the station, did you ever learn how she died?" the attorney asked, moving the story further along.

"Yes, once I identified the body, I began to inquire into what happened. I learned that she was working on a particularly important project that involved the Romulan Government." he said. "The ....Romulan...she was working with," Gabriel said with apparent disgust. "...had made several subspace communiques to unidentified sources, additionally, he was to have a meeting with Dr. Redding. Undoubtedly, she had discovered his communiques and was prepapred to confront him." Gabriel said.

"Hmmm, well, what happened to Dr. Redding exactly. How do you know her death wasn't an accident?" the attorney asked.

"The station medical officers weren't able to gain much information regarding cause of her death. They were at least able to ascertain that her central nervous system had shut down, additionally she had suffered from asphyxiation." The Gabriel replied from memory. The facts of his fiance's death had been permanently embedded into his mind.

"They were able to obtain fibers from her jacket that corresponded with a particular fiber that could not have been replicated by Federation systems. It had to have come onboard with one of the non-Federation researchers or scientists." The Lieutenant Commander stated.

"Once I cross-referenced the sample, it did not take long to determine the areas of space in which the fibers could have come from." Gabriel stated.

"And where did that come from?" Donovan asked.

"It was Nausicaan. The only Nausicaan that had stepped foot on the station was the escort of the Romulan. You combine that with the unauthorized communications and it did not take a genius to realize that the bastard had her killed just to cover his own tracks." Gabriel said.

"Well Commander, did that information drive you to kill the Doctor out of revenge?" Donovan asked as he stepped closer to him.

"Absolutely not! I was a Starfleet officer, not some petty Romulan thug! I never put my hands on that green bas-- on that Romulan. I was going to allow the Federation justice system deal with him rather than doing it myself." Gabriel replied excitedly.

"When Commander Muldeen told me that the Romulan had been found dead, I was shocked and partly angry." Gabriel added.

"Why is that?" the attorney further inquired.

"Because death was too easy for him, he deserved to pay for what he had done, he should've faced a Federation court and answer for the life he had senselessly taken away!" Gabriel responded. "But either way. . .I'm not responsible." He said in a lower tone as he managed to compose himself.

"Very well," the attorney nodded as he turned towards the judge. "Your Honor, I have no further questions at this time." He said as he turned to sit.

Ned stood and with a purposeful stride, made for the defendants area.
His hands folded behind his back, he looked at t he floor as he moved until he was a meter from Dorian and then looked up and placing his fingertip on his upper lip, he began to tap as if pondering his question but he knew exactly what he was going to ask.

He paused as his hands fell back to his side and he cocked his head to left.
"Commander, have you ever tortured a prisoner? Maybe taken it a little too far?" He questioned looking directly into Dorian's eye.

Gabriel cleared his throat as he looked from the attorney towards the Judge. "As the Chief Intelligence Officer, my duties sometimes required me to take. . .extra-judicial steps in order to retrieve information that is considered time-sensitive and valuable." He replied.

"And why did you do so? What was the purpose?" He pressed as he turned idly to look at the jury.

"For some time, a group of pirates had conducted a series of raids on Federation vessels within the area.They had taken countless lives, and unless I extracted the location of their base of operations, more Federation citizens were going to die. The mere inconvenience of a Cardassian pirate was a small price to pay."

He listened as Dorian explained his actions and without looking back, he asked his next, damning inquiry.
"And did you ever strike Dr Redding?"

Dorian's eyes increased significantly at the shock of such a question. "Why the hell would I ever strike her!?" He asked.

Ned shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, I don't know." He stated as he moved his hands behind his back and turned, moving back towards Dorian. "During an argument perhaps." In passing, he pulled a PADD that he laid upon the desk earlier.

"Let us see what can motivate you to strike someone, even those you love, after all, love and hate are so closely related. Anyhow, answer the question, did you ever strike Dr Redding." Ned restated and slowly rose the PADD into the air for all to see.

Dorian slammed his fist on the side panel beside him. "I NEVER harmed her, and I'm getting tired of being accused of being some type of deranged monster when I have done NOTHING, but dedicate my life to protecting other citizens of the Federation! How many times have I put *my life* on the line in the defense of others, and this is the thanks I get!? Being accused of murder some Romulan even though the TRUE victim was completely ignored!" He said as his chest heaved consistently.

There was nothing on the PADD but Ned wanted a reaction from Dorian and the tears running down his cheek were not the answer he was expecting.
Ned shook his head.

"No further questions. Prosecution has no further witnesses to call." Neds voice was low. He had failed to push the Security chiefs temper beyond a reasonable doubt and the fact that he had never struck his lover added to the tears that Dorian shed, were the toll of end of this trial. There could be no other justification to prolong this charade. Ned had lost his case and he knew it. The less than useless Cardassian witness had fallen apart when he had lost control, bringing about the finality to this case.

To be concluded.....

Edward Nugent (Prosecution)
By Mark

Donovan I'shar
Defense Attorney

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian