Unity – Countdown. . .
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   Countdown. . .
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Tue Jun 29, 2010 @ 9:01pm
Location   Main OPS
Timeline   SD 16 - 15:30

=^= "Krah, respond! Krah, this is Elliot, respond! What's going on down there!?" =^= His voice rang through the communicator. He trusted Krah's ability to resolve the issue. If she was out of commission then that meant that the entire area was lost.

It took several minutes for the familiar voice responded to his original plea. "Everything's under control, Elliot," she said, "one of the hostages was kicking off. We had to shoot him," she lied trying to sound convincing.

Elliot knew something was wrong. She never spoke to him so casually, especially during such a crisis. There was no way she would have ever allowed the hostages to get out of control to the point that a lower-level solider like Darmon would feel the need to communicate with him directly.

=^="Ryouske! Hurry with the equipment and meet Tan'Rek at Engineering to plant the explosives."=^= Elliot ordered.


Elliot held his head as he stood at the console and tried to wrap his mind around everything that was happening at light-speed. He had lost Krah in the Science Lab, Raymond onboard the USS Trojan Horse, and countless other friends who had served and survived with him. He took a deep breathe as a flash of uncertainty raced thru his mind.

Davies watched as events began to unfold at a frightening pace. He began to look for a chance to take down Elliott and stop this before they were all lost to the madman's sense of right and wrong and set in motion a chain of events that may never correct the path of time as they knew it. He kept his head rested on his chest and his eye to the floor as he took a shallow breath.

"You can never bring back those you have loved or lost, time is running on a linear track and if you try to alter the past, you will only end up destroying our future and your own. This is a pointless exercise in selfishness, not to mention the fact that are displaying a total disregard for the 'Temporal Prime Directive'. When their agency catches up with you, in either your past or future....... this is your last chance." Davies stated.

Davies looked up and could see that Hartsfield was considering his plea, even if only for a second or two, it showed David that the mans resolve was straying. Davies rose from the chair, despite the pain his side and arm and slowly began to raise his eye to Elliott.

"You can't stop this, why can't you and your people just accept it and help us move forward?" Elliot asked as he turned towards the defiant Commander. "History is about to be remade despite your confining and often-disregarded 'Temporal Prime Directive'." He said with a straight-face as he walked towards the officer and shoved him back into his chair.

That sense of uncertainty was soon replaced by anger and a slow-building rage.

He turned towards Tan and raised his weapon towards him. "Bring the Graviton Emitter online and target it at the exact location of the anomaly you all encountered several weeks ago." he ordered.

"Don't do it Tan, let him make his own mistakes." Davies said quietly.

Vincent looked from one to the other. What exactly had he bitten off here? He was not qualified to be a Strategic Operations Officer, he had stumbled upon the anomaly by pure chance and now he was being asked to reproduce something that he had no idea how he did in the first place. "Crikey, I don't think think that's a good, mate..."

"I know that!" He snapped back at the Strategic Operations Officer. "But we are going to re-open it." He replied tensely. "Once it is re-opened, we are going to use the station to initiate a cataclysmic chair reaction that will cause the shockwave from the anomaly to wash over the immediate area and cause those of us 'loyal' to the cause back in time to prevent this." Elliot said with a smile.

Elliot's smile was a knowing smile because he knew that not everybody onboard would make it. Before they begun the mission, he had made sure to provide various members of his team with the necessary temporal chroniton nanites to facilitate their transport back in time. The rest of the team-members were hired guns that would have been killed by Starfleet forces even if the plan had failed to succeed. Those 'loyal' to the cause were about to embark into a mission of greatness.

"As soon as the teams in Engineering and Armory complete their tasks, we will complete our goal." he said.

Davies caught Bill's eye and Harris acknowledged with the slightest movement of his own.

Davies held his stare for a moment then slowly turned his eyes only to the Guardian Control console which was merely a metre from Bill.

Harris didn't need to be a genius to work out what Davies was thinking, but would he want Harris to target the station, or the Anomaly area. He figured the station, the anomaly had gone and even if this chroniton thing could do what Hartsfield claimed, they needed to be sure that he was not around to make that decision, even if it meant the loss of the station, it was nothing compared to the significant changes of the last 10 years.

Completely ignorant of the conspiracy brewing behind him, Vincent continued to tap away at his console, trying to remember the exact sequence of events that had lead him to the exact location of the anomaly. It was delicate stuff and he was working up a sweat. He saw an opportunity to waste some time. He forced a fake cough. "Any chance of getting a glass of water over here?"

Elliot did not hesitate before putting his weapon to the base of Tan's skull. "If you continue to stall, you won't need to worry about the sensation of thirst for much longer." He said as he pressed the weapon into his head to emphasis the point.

Bill shuffled towards the console, his hand reaching up as if steadying himself. He followed Tans lead and started to cough violently, his throat hurting as he rasped.
Elliot paid him no attention as he spun onto his side, coughing louder and harder, pulling himself up to his feet as he did so and slapped the initiate on the guardian platform.

Elliot smiled as he looked towards the viewscreen and saw the formation of the anomaly coming into view. "Yes. . .this is it. . ." he said to himself quietly. All of his planning was beginning to come together. With the temporal coordinates recovered from the Romulan Core, he would be able to direct the transition to the exact point in time and space.

"Mr. Tan. . .fire the emitter." Elliot ordered.

Davies bellowed. "Do not touch that. Hartsfield, you have 22 seconds to stand down, or the whole command ring gets disintegrated." His head tipped to the view screen to Elliotts left and the Guardian platform cannons being their course alteration toward the upper decks of DS5.

Elliot's throat became dry as he looked in the general direction of the Guardian platforms and saw them slowly adjusting their position towards the station. He was too close, too close to accomplishing his goals to allow this mini-revolt to stop the Cause.

"You are a liar, Davies!" he spat. "There's no way you would selfishly sacrifice the lives of your crew!" he said pointedly. "That's one of those holographic defensive systems you've used before. I don't know how you did it, and I really don't care, but shut it down or I swear . . ." Elliot said through clenched teeth.

"Fourteen seconds. If you plan goes ahead, then thousands of lives will be lost, if not, we're dead anyway, ... ten.... nine..." Davies stared coldly at Elliott, his eyes unwavering in his own resolve and though he could never speak for the rest of the crew, theoretically thinking, they were damned whatever.

Harris cast a sideways glance around to the platform, his body now fully covering the console, his eyes were fixed on the Commanders and praying that Davies would rescind the command IF Hartsfield would see that it was the prudent choice.

At the entrance way to Ops, Cordova drew his weapon, stun would suffice.
~What the hell~ He thought as he notched the setting up two levels and took aim at Davies.

What he didn't see, was the security officer, Duquense just a few steps behind him.

Duquesne had been a passive observer throughout the entire fiasco and just watched. He had worked with the Maquis before the war. He knew that they weren't all idealistic fanaticals. Many of them were hardworking farmers or workers who just wanted to protect their families from outside invaders attempting to seize their land.

However, the group before him was not worthy of such an explanation. They were focused on accomplishing one goal regardless of how it was going to affect the lives of countless individuals and worlds. Although he would have preferred a more harmonious resolution to the coup, he understood what needed to be done to protect the lives of everybody involved.

Duquesne charged towards Cordova and dipped his shoulder and slammed it into the back of the man as he kept his phaser aimed in the direction of Davies. Duquesne used the force of the impact to knock Cordova into the nearest console. Unfortunately, the collision caused Cordova to fire his phaser just above the head of Elliot.

Elliot instinctively dropped to a crouching position and returned fire with his weapon. Duquesne was preparing to slam his fist into the back of Cordova's back when he was thrown back against the wall by the lancing phaser blast from Elliot's phaser.

"Agh!" Duquesne shouted in pain as he fell against the wall and grasped is wounded shoulder.

Harris took the opportunity to start towards Hartsfield and was nearly upon him when Elliott suddenly turned to face him and Bill knew that moment was lost.

Elliot was losing control of the situation. He couldn't control both the fleet officers and still carry out his plan. He was not about concede to or admit defeat. They were not going to stop him.

Elliot grabbed Harris and rammed his knee into his solarplex as he raced to the console before him and tried to deactivate the guardian platforms before they obtained their target.

Davies now charged at Elliott from behind and caught him with a tackle around his waist, throwing both of them forwards as his flailing hand went for the lockout pad on the console

Elliot rolled onto his back and kicked upward, knocking the man off of him has he grabbed his communicator. =^= "Ryouske! Activate the charges! Activate them now!!!!!!" =^= he shouted as he scrambled to grab his weapon and began to climb to his feet and head towards the lift.

"You bastards won't stop us from setting history right!" He yelled as he began to activate the lift towards his intended destination. He gripped his arm as it throbbed in pain as the lift continued to descend. He knew that this mission was not over yet. . .

Ensign Veronica Bradfield had been kneeling in fear, unsure of what was the best to do, stay where she was and hope it would all work out alright and that Davies would save them, or to take the phase rifle secured to her station and use it or curl up and wait to die.

She was only twenty years old and she had not even began to lead her life, being directed by her uncle to serve in Starfleet when all she wanted was to see the universe and now her atoms would be doing that all by themselves.

She watched as Davies flung himself at the maniac who was about to lead them into a different kind of death and if he did nothing, the guardian platform would surely do so and when she saw the manic head away from her, an insane resolve came to her and she sprang, tiger like towards the console, determined to live another day and she saw 00:00:79 as her hand slapped un-aimed at the control and she continued over the console and landed in a heap bedside the Commander.

His communicator gone, and he being too far from the console to deactivate the platform, he looked towards Tan, who appeared to be frozen to the spot and from the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of red dive towards the console before he even had the chance to react.

"Hello Commander." She said weakly, still shocked that she had done what she had done, before her head spun around to the viewing console and watched momentarily for the tell tale flash that she had failed.

"Hello Ensign." Came his instant reply as he watched her head spin around and he knew what she sought.

"I think you stopped it!" He said, pushing himself to his feet.

Things were happening very quickly indeed. Too quickly for Vincent to completely understand. He recalled being ordered to switch the emitter on, but had been stopped by Davies. The sly old dog must have seen Duquense making his move. In the end, Vincent's obstinance (albeit drawn from his uncertainty) and Davies resolve had seen them through this. But the crisis was not over. "Commander, what do we do about those charges?"

David offered a hand to Harris, who was still trying to regain his breath as his hands held his groin area.
"Shields?" He suggested without really considering the ramifications of the effect the charges would have on the planet, but he also did not know what Darson had already done.

Commander David Davies

WO3C William Harris &
Anthony Cordova &
Ensign Bradfield
By Mark

Elliot Hartsfield
By Thom

Lt Vincent Tan
By Vana