We All Fall Down – Old Flames
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Old Flames
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Thu Jan 01, 2015 @ 4:32am
Location   Dorian's Quarters
It had taken her a little bit to get up the courage to even approach him, they hadn't spoken in four years and he had been far less than receptive to her then, but after a bit the urge to see Dorian became too much for Girauna. She had dressed to the nines for the occasion, putting on a fine Tholian silk dress, black with gold piping, and a black wig in a high backed bob style which she held in place with a bronze and sapphire circlet; for some reason she always felt compelled to look as beautiful as she could for him. ~Not that the fracker appreciates it anyway.~ She thought, laughing to herself as she put her high heeled, open toed black shoes on her feet and started out the door, her many bracelets jangling with each swing of her arms .

The computer had led her to Dorian's quarters quickly and also confirmed he was there. That was one thing she'd always love about Starfleet technology, never hard to find someone. Taking a deep breath she adjusted her clothes and 'hair' and rang his chime, smiling warmly when she saw him answer, "Hi."

Dorian looked up from his video projector in slight alarm. He wasn't expecting any visitors. More importantly, nobody should even know where his quarters were located since he was not registered under his name. While he was not a wanted fugitive, he knew that he was a persona non-grata onboard the station; therefore, the less you used his real name, always the better. Besides. . .it had worked well enough in fooling the new Federation Marshall.


Dorian stood and grabbed his phaser and concealed it behind his back as he walked to the door cautiously.

"Who is it?" He stated moreso than asked.

"It's Girauna." She answered, "And apparently you forgot I still had some special branch access and could find you by face. So, you gonna let me in?"

Dorian stared at her for several moments before stepping aside to allow the woman into his sparse quarters. As she entered he placed his weapon on the table and walked over to a nearby console deactivating the video projector.

"Hi, Girauna, it's good to see you, you look beautiful." Girauna sarcastically sighed the greeting she'd have liked to have received from Dorian, "It's good to see you, too. So, how have you been?"

Dorian gave a look around his . . .living area. . .before returning her glance. "I haven't worn a uniform in years, my reputation destroyed, and now I'm eeking a living by doing odd jobs. All in all, I'd say I'm doing just fine!" He said sardonically as he walked past her and took a seat in a nearby couch.

"And you?" He asked rhetorically.

"Worried about you, obviously." Girauna replied honestly, taking the seat next to him, "And I went through a lot of trouble, not just to find you, but also to get ready to see you, so I was hoping you might be willing to take a girl for a nice dinner. Or, if things are tight, I could take you."

Dorian's initial response was going to be "No", followed by several more colorful words. However, he thought about the idea and decided that it wouldn't hurt for him to go out and socialize with someone else, even if they weren't a human.

"Fine, we can go to the Dilithium Chamber, it's owned by the Raddon Corp., they seem to have a growing presence on the promenade." He suggested as he headed to change his clothes.

"That'll be fine." Girauna smiled, walking behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder, "You know, when a girl goes all out to look good like this for you, it's almost traditional she get a kiss." ~Why am I bending over backwards like this for this guy? Seriously!~

Dorian stopped. For the first time since she had arrived he actually stopped to look at the woman before him. She truly was attractive in a strong yet vulnerable type of way. He took her hands within his and looked into her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Girauna. You're right." He said as he leaned in and kissed her lips gently. "Now, can we go eat?" He said with a smile.

"Get dressed, handsome, I think somebody deserves a steak." She smiled, still tasting him on her lips, ~And THAT is why I put up with all the crap....~
