Unity – Lux et Veritas
by Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Lux et Veritas
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Wed Feb 17, 2010 @ 6:44pm
Location   XO's Office
Timeline   SD17 07:30
OOC: English Translation for title, Light and Truth


Kreallia once again walked through the doors of the reception area for the Command Offices and stopped at the young Trill ensign she had seen the last time.

"Lieutenant t'Jay, you may go in," she was informed.

Kreallia nodded and entered Karen's office. "Commander Villiers, I think I might have some intelligence for you." She explained.

"Have a seat," Karen said. "I hear you've been keeping yourself busy," she added as she took her chair.

"Very busy." She said, taking the chair.

Karen leaned forward and steepled her fingers, "I assume that all that activity is what has lead to the intelligence you offer," she said. "Go ahead."

"Well I just saw Commander Gabriel and in my professional Counselor's oppinion.......he's fit for duty, light duty." She added.

"How did he react to the approach," Karen asked.

"Well he was quite hostile towards me, but here is my handy recording and video file." She said, handling the isolinear rod to her. "In case you want something else besides my commentary."

Karen smiled thinly, and ignored the rod. "I want your own words, nothing more, nothing less. If I want to watch and listen I'll call up the relevant sedurity log."

"Well he's fit to perform light duty, but this investigation has me worried." Kreallia stated. "He's like a time bomb but we dont know where the trigger is." She stated. "So for the next couple of weeks I'll be observing his duty, o'seven hundred to fourteen hundred hours." She explained, partially regretting that she had done so.

"That's going to be tough on both of you." Karen had a good idea what that trigger was. Gabriel was not stupid,he would have already linked his tense relations with the Romulan Consulate, the hostility between himself and the Ambassador's neice Rianni, together with Karen's own arrival at the station. However it was information that could not yet be shared. "During your observations it would be interesting if you could try and unearth where his hostility toward non-human species originates," Karen suggested.

Kreallia thought for a moment at the Commander's last statement. "While I doubt he'll divulge that information to me, it would be an interesting attempt." Kreallia stated. "And I suspect that it has something to do with Cardassians one way or another."

"An interesting theory," Karen concurred, "a lot of us still carry fresh memories of the Dominion war, it can make viewing Cardassians the same way we view others difficult."

"But a more likely prospect is something to do with Romulans, he sees Cardassians as amusement, but he's genuinely hostile towards Romulans." She explained.

"So I've read. He is reported to have openly harrassed embassy staff," she said, "but I'm sure you've read the file."

"No actually, I didnt know it had occurred." Kreallia said, puzzled at this. "When did it happen?" She asked.

"Over a series of weeks. Ambassador t'Khellian is off the station at the moment; she seems to have been the main target of his interests. The focus then shifted to the Ambassador's niece ... you may have met our CAG, Rianni Monteros - between you and me, he seems to take it as some sort of personal affront to see anyone with Romulan origins in that uniform. He is reported to have approached other members of embassy staff though not as routinely as the Ambassador."

"You Commander?" She asked, "Have a Romulan origin?"

Karen shook her head, "I'm human, through and through, but some ancestors of mine dealt with more than their fair share of prejudice in the past. He doesn't like me because I'm a lawyer ... I think he may have used the term 'desk jockey'." Karen pursed her lips, "If you wanted to drop the assignment, I'd understand and can appoint someone else."

"No I'll do it." Kreallia answered quickly.

"Good." Karen smiled though the gesture lacked warmth. She knew that Gabriel might be responsible for a violent murder but was not currently at liberty to share that information with the Counselor. "He has not been violent, though one report suggests that he practically assoulted the Ambassador when she returned to the station after being abducted. A concerned member of the public who wished to remain anonymous reported the incident; the Ambassador said nothing. Carry on, then, but be careful, Lieutenant."

"Well then it looks like my first stop is the Romulan embassy." Kreallia said as she got up.

"That's your call. Its not a routine assignment, and you're free to handle it in your own way," Karen said. "Good luck."

"Thank you Commander." Kreallia said as she walked out the door and through OPPS, she grabbed a turbolift and addressed the computer. "Romulan Embassy." She stated.


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer
Deep Space Five


Lieutenant Junior Grade Kreallia t'Jay
Chief Counselor
Deep Space Five