Cascade – It starts with a ... (Diplomatic thread) - Part II
by Commander Karen Villiers & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Rex Mett & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & UFP Ambassador Valtek

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Title   It starts with a ... (Diplomatic thread) - Part II
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Rex Mett & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & UFP Ambassador Valtek
Posted   Wed Oct 10, 2012 @ 1:00pm
Location   Diplomatic Suite
Timeline   SD70. 16:00
"Out of my way slug-belly, or else I will begin 'negotiating' whose blood my dagger will taste first." The Klingon said in low and determined tone.


"Shout and posture all you wish," the diminutive Trill said in a low tone, "I doubt you are any more interested in a satisfactory result to this summit than I am. Such bluster will do nothing to help your cause, it will only confirm the prejudices of those who would have a major political change between empires." Krah hoped that he would be sensible - there had to be a grain of common sense and restraint in an appointed Ambassador after all!

"This so-called 'summit' is a joke!" Ven'Tak spat. "The Empire needs NO ONE, our ships are staffed and our troops hunger for blood. The Dominion has been dealt with and has not stepped foot within our quadrant for years!" He declared.

"And contrary to what you Federation lemmings believe, we too can develop our OWN VIRUS to use against the Shape-shifters if they were ever to return." He said proudly.

"Mev![Stop!" The language was Klingon but the voice was not. It belonged to an Andorian woman, wearing the uniform of the Andorian Imperial Guard. "You embarrass the Empire when you act like that." She brushed and imaginary speck of lint from the epaulett next to several medals. "Besides? Where is the honor in assaulting those weaker than you?"

"BWAHAHAHAH!" he laughed in response. "Your logic is as laughable as those wiggly antenna on your head." he retorted. "The strongest Romulan is no better than our sickest targ."


"Brigadier Drema'Salah Meteh, Special Executive Envoy of the Andorian Empire." She looked him up and down. "Here to discuss why a Cardassian fleet has crossed the quadrant to rendezvous with the Romulans, which perhaps we she all get on with, before they do whatever it is they are going to do.

"They are Cardassians, they were probably meeting them for food. . ." he commented with a sneer.

At that, Hydel Turvan fought the urge to respond, however he recognized the opportunity to learn more from silence.

"And you shame the fallen of Khitomer with your ignorance and pride." The brigadier dismissed the bluster. "be silent, be constructive, or be absent. This is no time for a batleth-measuring contest."

Krah had withdrawn at the earliest opportunity, moving towards the bar and the only other door that led directly into this room. She took a tall glass of chilled juice of a fruit she couldn't identify by taste and turned to monitor the conversation.

"Like an Andorian would know what a Bat'leth would look like. IT IS a WARRIOR'S weapon." He snorted. "We are doing NOTHING but wasting our time by sitting here. The Wardens of this station haven't even the decency to be present for their OWN meeting." He said impatiently.

The boorish Klingon was going to be childish throughout, and the Brigadier had more pressing matters than coddling him. "Then we should start without them." She looked at the other assorted ambassadors, and took a seat at the large table. "Perhaps Ambassador Valtek can begin with official Federation position on recent events, and then we can ask our esteemed guests, "she glanced to tr'Rul and Hydel, "About the official position of their governments..." She didn't say it, but left the definite impression that what would follow then would be a lot of work that came under the heading of unofficial, but far more effective.

"Yes, yes, let's TALK. It seems to be all that the Federation is good at." Ven'Tak said as he begrudgingly took a seat at the long conference table.

Throughout the entire exchange, Valtek let himself fall off to the side. It was like herding school children. He let none of his irritation with the proceedings show, as he stood, only the hardness of his eyes. He cut straight to the point, with a terse and carrying voice, revealing just a little more shrewdness than placidity let on. "Starfleet has requested the Federation government to mediate the dispute that has arisen. This is not Deep Space Five's meeting. It is mine." Valtek presented the correction calmly, and then turned to lowered a viewscreen.

"The Romulan and Klingon Empire are at an impasse." The viewscreen began highlighting border conflicts. "Conflicts, disappearances, deaths, piracy, raids, silence. Of all people who should know, those gathered in this room should be very much aware that allies are much more valuable than enemies. The collapse of one relationship impacts dozens around it." The viewscreen illuminated several impacted colonies bordering the neutral zone and the Klingon Empire, including those of a few sitting at the table thus far.

"The Federation will not tolerate this behavior, from any of our allies." He leaned forward, balancing his hands on the table and looking at tr'Rul, Hydel and Ven'Tak intently. Rather than reign himself in, he spoke with candor.

"Should you wish to continue favorable relations with the Federation, and I assure you, you should," Valtek said in all seriousness, to everyone at the table, "Then we will talk it out. Like adults. We all have concerns, and we are all affected. This is not about pandering. If you choose not to negotiate, this meeting is adjourned. The Federation takes its position very seriously in this matter. We will not be host to secrecy and backstabbing. Not," he said, looking between both ambassadors, "in the name of mnei'sahe nor batlh, nor any other foolish overture of honor."

As he spoke, Valtek brought up several key facilities throughout the Alpha Quadrant that all depended on one another for survival, including several joint Klingon-Federation, Romulan-Cardassian, Federation-Cardassian and Federation-Romulan colonies and outposts, each with valuable civilians and materiel that managed to intersect and help one another even indirectly. "Your governments all possess embassies on our soil, and both have valuable projects underway that will increase benefit throughout the entire Alpha Quadrant and have benefited one another mutually."

Valtek changed the viewscreen to highlight a few more prominent incidents, both with heavy Klingon and Romulan casualties. "Whether or not you wish to admit it. As I have sat on the Federation's economic council for the past several years, I can show you the receipts. If you have no economic prosperity, then you have no prosperity. This meeting is your chance to be up front about what is occurring, and salvage what is left of our tenuous peace."

The viewscreen switched to a few very damning statistical charts from a variety of governments. "This quadrant is recovering from the Dominion War at an exceptionally slow rate. Our militaries are null." He glanced at Ven'Tak, who not moments ago had boasted otherwise, knowingly. "Our food supplies are diminished. Medical supplies diminished. Technological growth almost ceased." Another look to Krah, Hydel and tr'Rul. "Morale is low. Relationships are strained, there is limited trade structure." Janus. "We cannot afford to be at one another's throats. It will rot all of us."

Valtek's eyes flashed. "And were we to ever survive another assault on this Quadrant, it would be united. Therefore, the Federation has proposed the first official joint Galae-Starfleet operation here on Deep Space Five. In addition to this, we will be cross training each soldier to assist Q'oveyr, Tq'hriye and Mel'Dar medical colonies and will increase Klingon diplomatic personnel in our embassies. This is a non-negotiable condition of our officer exchange." He stared at tr'Rul, this time.

Its outrageous! tr'Rul thought, the Senate bowing to a request from Starfleet one that would undoubtedly expose Romulan territory and technology to prying eyes.

"Why should my government comply with such a request?" he asked in a slow drawl, entirely unaware of the length and level of the discussions that had taken place between the two powers in the years prior to this summit. Certain factions of the Romulan government saw a bigger picture painted across the vastness of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants - had he been a politician of his predecessors standing he might have been party to the request from the Romulan government to the Federation two years previously, or else if he had possessed real with and guile he might have gleaned such for himself, but tr'Rul was not that man, he never would be. He saw only what he was supposed to see.

"In return, we will be giving access to several limits of classified data and I have petitioned the Federation government to open full private and public sector trade lines with all of your governments. I won. As a result of this exchange, and this summit, we hope to improve infrastructure and conflict everywhere." Clearly, Valtek was unaccustomed to losing. "But I will not be giving you a hand out. Either all of you work to hammer out something you will all be happy with," he said, settling on a repetition of what he opened with, "Or this meeting is adjourned."

One had to wonder exactly how Valtek had been appointed to Federation anything.

TBC ...