Unity – It's about time
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   It's about time
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Sun Jan 31, 2010 @ 8:41pm
Location   Outside Sickbay
Timeline   SD16 19:35
The door to sickbay closed behind them and as it did, David moved up alongside Karen.

"Did you notice the closeness of Adams and Dunham?" He asked in a hushed voice as he looked down at the PADD and saw one more person was getting an extra pip, the Chief Strategic Operations Officer, Vincent Tan and he smiled to himself and wondered what Captain Tahir would make of his round of changes in positions and promotions since she left.

"I think there was a guy in a coma who noticed it," Karen remarked wryly. "They're cute together," she said not knowing either of them personally it seemed a safe observation to make.

He chuckled to himself. "Funny, I always seem to miss the important relationship stuff. My mind is too focussed on the station to notice the people who work in it everyday." He admitted, noticing how pretty Villiers hair appeared. "Have you changed your hairstyle?" He enquired, trying to appear attentive and failing miserably.

Karen pulled a curl straight and released it. "Sometimes its easier to let it do what it wants," she said as it bounced back into place. "You should keep your eye on the people though, Commander Davies, they appreciate it, and you can tell a lot just by watching ... though the only way you get the details is through talking to them. Its turned into a big day for some," she added.

Again he gave a small chuckle to himself. "One more to go, Lieutenant Tan and then we can put aside our duty suits for the day." He said whimsically, knowing that they, the Commanders, were never off duty on this station.

Karen raised an eyebrow, there hadn't been a good time to mention the Cardassian's request for a ship, the possibility of which was keeping Dunham at liberty for the time being. First she needed to consult a contact of her own on Earth and then she would broach the subject with Davies.

"Let's do it then, I've got a bit more background on Gabriel to read up on before my night is done," Karen said.

Vincent swallowed nervously as he walked towards sickbay. He had been told by a rather haughty looking yeoman that the commander was looking for him and that sickbay was where he was to be found. The yeoman had not given him much information (Vincent suspected that she herself did not know) and as such Vincent had no idea what lay behind this mysterious summons.

He had always gotten along well with Davies, or so he thought, and there was nothing to be said about the performance of his duties, either in the positive or negative. As close as he was to Davies in age, the two did not share much else in common so he doubted that the call was for social reasons, not to mention that a yeoman had been sent. And sickbay was hardly an appropriate place for a meeting of any sort.

Unless, he pondered, that his atrociously thin cover had already been blown and Davies had decided to pressgang Vincent into serving as a doctor until the issue could be sorted, if ever by the immense bureaucratic machine that was Starfleet Headquarters. With these thoughts running through his head, Vincent approached sickbay.

His immediate reaction was that his worst thoughts were true. Not only was Davies there, but Commander Villiers was also present, her eyebrow raised at Davies in an expression of suspicion and menacing superiority.

"Commander Davies, Commander Villiers," Vincent said, turning on the charm. "An absolute pleasure to see you both. I trust I find you both well?"

David turned to Karen and then back to the approaching officer. He rubbed the side of his nose, scratching.
"Lieutenant Tan. We're very well, at least I am. Commander?" He said to Karen.

"Oh, on top of the world," a bemused Karen remarked.

"We were coming to see you, what brings you to sickbay?" David asked thumbing to the closed door behind him.

"I was told you had some news for me, sir," Vincent replied, "and that you were most likely to be found in the vicinity of the sickbay. I must admit, apart from that, your yeoman was not exactly forthcoming with more information."

David took a quick look around, not wanting to re-enter sickbay and the ante-natal clinic just across the way would suffice. David pulled a face of severity.

"Lieutenant, I did ask my yeoman to direct to me, but I didn't think you would catch up to us so soon." He sighed, hoping Karen would play along. "Look, lets get out of the hallway, we have some very serious information that we have to deal with and out here is just," Davies rubbed at his ear, "well, too open. Shall we?" He steered Vincent towards the door of the clinic and turned to Karen who had a look of semi shock on her expression, after all, she had never seen the humorous side to Davies.

As they entered, David veered off to the left of the bio bed and pulled up a stool. "Please, take a seat. Commander Villiers is more than capable to talk to you on this matter, as a JAG officer." He emphasised 'JAG' and waited for the Lieutenant and Commander to pull up their own stools.

Karen remained standing and linked her fingers behind her back," Indeed, a most serious matter," she said as she paced away. Her features blank she turned back. "How long have you been with us, Mister Tan?" she asked, wondering what the hell was going on.

"Only a few months," Vincent replied, not at all comfortable. "I was able to hitch a ride with Admiral Uhlan on his test cruise and so I was able to start my duties a bit early. Is there something wrong commander?"

Davies stood to the side and just behind Vincent as he responded to Karen and whilst out of line of Vincent's sight, he winked at Karen, just to let her in on the secret.

"In ... operations," she added, a tone of suspicion beneath her statement. A bit later on Karen was going to throw rocks at Davies, very large rocks.

"We feel that as the man in charge, you have not been giving the position everything it needs. Your dress has been all wrong and we feel we must point it to you, so that in future you dress accordingly." Davies could not help straining to keep his shoulder steady as he sidestepped Tan and made his way stand alongside his executive officer. "Well, Mr Tan, do you have anything to say in your defence?" Davies enquired.

Vincent had pulled on a Starfleet uniform for nearly two decades of his life and he very much doubted that his dress was anything but appropriate. Despite his indignation, he took a more cautious approach. "I am open to any suggestions you may have to rectify any faults, commander."

Davies took another step backwards as he eyed the Lieutenant he looked at himself and he could not carry on the façade any longer.

"I'm sorry Commander," He said to Karen as he stepped forward. "Lieutenant Junior Grade Vincent Tan, your uniform is indeed below standard." He looked to his left to the replicator station and then to Commander Villiers. "Commander, would you order the correct dress for Lieutenant Tan." He said, bucking his heads toward the station. "An extra gold pip on that collar would bring it up to an acceptable standard I believe." He said, the smile finally coming through on his face.

"Indeed," Karen said as she summoned the relevant program and returned with a little box in her hand.. "Commander," she said offering it to Vincent.

Vincent stared at the uniform. It was not the first time he had been surprised by a promotion, but it was always a pleasure to be recognised for his efforts, even if it was all an act. He had first worn two golden twenty years ago and Vincent had almost forgotten what a thrill it had all been. Now, whilst gratified, his mind was much more calculating about the whole thing. If he was being promoted, he was not suspected. A higher rank meant higher trust and, of course, a higher clearance level allowing him a greater degree of freedom.

He accepted the box from Villiers. "Thank you, commander. This is indeed a pleasant surprise. I must admit that you both had me very worried for a brief moment. A very brief one. But of course, my absolute confidence in my performance of all aspects of my duties reminded me that I had nothing to worry about."

"Be assured that its well deserved," Karen said, "Commander Davies will have his little jokes."

"That I will, sometimes." He said with a smile.

Commander David Davies

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Chief Strategic Operations Officer