Interlude – Engineering and Science Mingle
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Engineering and Science Mingle
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Fri Sep 24, 2010 @ 3:50am
Location   Science Labs
Timeline   Current
Jana was running down the hall with PADDs in her hands. She seemed to be in a terrible hurry but she wasn't sure why, turning the corner she crashed into someone. "OH!" Jana exclaimed as she and her PADDs scattered everywhere. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She looked up at the man she crashed into.

Bruce looked down at the Lieutenant, a little embarrassed he had knocked her down. "Your fine it was my fault. I shouldn't work on corner consoles in the middle of the day." He said extending his hand and helping her up. After he had helped her up he knelled down and picked up the PADDs she was carrying. "Where were you heading in such a hurry?" He asked handing her the PADDs.

"Thank you. Well now that I have run into you my carbon dater scanner is on the fritz...could you have a look at it?" Jana asked.

"I don't have anything on the docket for the next little while, lead the way." Bruce said motioning with his hand.

"Thank you, it's back this way. I'm Jana by the way, the resident archaeologist and anthropologist." She smiled.

"Bruce, Chief Engineer." He said a little shyly. "But you probably already knew that..." He trailed off.

She shook her head, "I figured you were an engineer but I didn't know who you were. I have only been back a few days since my last dig and I haven't met very many people here." She smiled as they rounded the corner to her lab.

"Alright, do you remember what the last thing you were doing before it started to act up?" Bruce asked trying to pin point what could be wrong instead of wasting time checking every possible problem.

"I was using it to authenticate something for a friend of mine. I first thought I bumped it and threw the damn thing out of alignment and after the diagnostic nothing like that showed up. According to the diagnostic nothing is wrong with it but it wont even turn on." Jana handed him the diagnostic report.

"That's always fun to hear keeps things interesting." Bruce chuckled it wasn't the first time something was broken that the diagnostic shows it in perfect working order. He pulled a panel off from the side of the scanner and took a peak. "Well thats interesting." He said pulling out a piece of fiber optic cable that was completely melted together. "I would put a substantial amount down that this is the cause." He said as he was replacing the cable.

"Well why didn't I think of that!" She laughed, "did I over use the scanner?..."She asked.

"No if I remember correctly this model of scanner is prone to this. Every few months or so they decide to randomly burn out some part of their circuits." Bruce answered while putting the panel back on. "Here try it now. By the looks of it this was going out for a while now. You should get slightly faster readings now." He then moved back a little to let Jana try the scanner.

Jana stepped forward and started up the scanner again. She smiled, "I now know who to call when my lab decides to revolt against me." She laughed, ''which seems to be often."

Bruce smiled. "For you Ma'am I will personally make the trips to repair whatever you will need repairing. You could also use some updated equipment, I'll see what strings I can pull and get you some."

"Really? You would do that for me?" She asked smiling up at him.

"Ill see what I can do I have a few connections here and there that owe me a few favors. I don't like having people stuck with out dated equipment." He answered with a smile. He had never been in here it was usually another engineering member but there were a few pieces of equipment that could really use an upgrade.

"Thank you Lt. I really appreciate all the help you have given me." Jana smiled. "I didn't know who to go to get the equipment upgraded. Now I might actually get my paper done."

"Paper huh?" Bruce inquired. "Well what is it on, and what equipment will you need the most and I'll work harder on getting those first."

Jana eyed him carefully, it was her own damn fault for even mentioning her research paper. She was paranoid about her work being stolen, (with could reason). "I would rather not say...I had work stolen before, so I keep it close to me until it is ready to be published." She responded quietly. "I basically have all the equipment I need but they all seem to be outdated. The carbon dater is the big one though."

"I understand when you spend a lot of time doing research it is a shame to see it stolen. I'll just have to wait and read it when its published." Bruce said smiling. "I'll see if I can't get your new dater by tomorrow. But it will depend on what is scheduled on the replicators."

"I promise that you will be one of the first to see my work." She smiled, "thanks again for all your help."

"Your welcome. Again, don't hesitate to call if you need my help with anything else."

Jana nodded, "alright."


Lt. Jana Kasikova

Lt. Bruce Freeman