Things Past – Dont flatter yourself hun...
by Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Dont flatter yourself hun...
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Thu Feb 07, 2013 @ 10:23pm
Location   Underground Bar -- Dpeths of DS5
Luke had heard about the underground bars in the lower parts of the station from the other marines and he couldn't resist the oppitunity to see it for himself. He had been warned that not many humans go down there but the urge was far to great especially with the recent disputes at home and the news that Lillian was going back to earth had shocked him and he new abby wouldn't take well to it either.

He had followed a couple of bolians who pinged up on the security system and ss he expected led him straight to his first stop but before he even got in he was pushed away by the doorman. He quickly quickly moved on and managed to find himself a smaller bar but still full with life walking in he doged and dived to the bar.

He found himself sat on one of the bar stools and it wasnt long before a romulan ale was produced in fornt of him. "You're a new one stranger have this on me" said the very old looking ferengi bar keeper. Luke nodded and started to sip his drink as he placed the glass down he coughed slightly this was defiantly not synthanol.

He heard a small chuckle over the music from the speakers. A couple of chairs down the bar sat a woman, looking over at him with an amused smirk on her face as she watched him try to drink the strong ale.

Luke noticed the laughter and after wiping his moth he looked over to where it originated from and saw what appeared to be a human female which he thought was very odd "Whats so funny eh?" he asked knowing it was his inability to drink the ale.

"Nothing," she told him, shaking her head before downing her half glass of Romulan ale without a twitch.

He smiled and observed her more before speaking she seemed like a normal female and to drink without flinching was something that interested him "I've never seen a human handle such a potent ale before, not even a marine" he said but saying the last bit slightly more quietly whilst covering up with another swig of his drink.

Arrienye laughed, motioning for the bartender to get her another one. "Oh, please," she shook her head before tucking her hair behind her ear to show him how far off he was from reality. "Don't flatter yourself."

He grinned, "I am not trying to flatter myself in fact very much the opposite!" he finished of his drink and done the same as the female and asked the bar keep for more. "So what brings you down here then? I wouldn't think it to be a place for someone like yourself"

"We've just met. Don't you think you should at least know my name before assuming you know where my place is?" Arrienye's tone was icy cold. If there was one thing she disliked more than humans, it was anyone who thought it wise to assume anything about her.

He cocked his head slightly at the reply, "My apologies, Im Gny Sgt Luke Wyatt and who might you be ma'dam" he asked finishign of his second drink.

"I am Arrain Arrienye t'Merek," she replied, sitting a little straighter in her chair as a Cardassian made his way passed them, giving her a side-eyeing look.

"You're not Human as i first suspected" he replied as he watched her become rigid almost to attention as the cardassian walked by "Perhaps Cardassian? None like i've ever seen before mind Ahhh Romulan that must be it" he added finally.

Arrienye raised an eyebrow disbelivingly at him. A Cardassian, was he serious? Deciding she wouldn't get into it, she crossed her legs and replied. "I'm Romulan. And you're new to the station, I assume?"

"Somewhat, Ive been around for a couple of months or so but to say the least yes I am pretty new. How did you know?" He asked.

"You have a rookie look in your eyes," she said with a smirk. Raising her glass, she took another sip.

He laughed, "I may be new on the station but I am far from a rookie miss t'Merek" he replied, "What's your story then?" he asked joining her in drinking his own drink. She was a cold person but he was determined to break her like a Rancher breaking a stallion.

"Right, and I should tell you...why?" Arrienye asked, shaking her head at him. She wasn't even close enough to Sotar to really tell him much about herself, let alone a human soldier.

"Becuase im a complete stranger and you have nothing to loose but you could gain a friend?" he replied in an almost riddle like manor, "So is that still a no or do i have to buy you more romulan ale?"

"What, you think a few ales will loosen my tongue? You underestimate me."

He smiled, "Well if thats not going to work then I guess i'll just pull your file, how does that sound Miss t'Merek?" he gave a sly wink.

"A bit idiotic. I'm a high ranking officer on the base's Romulan embassy, you're a Marine," she told him coldly.

"I am a marine sergeant who knows how to work the system, call it what you want. I just think you should not be so cold its times like this you can make the best of ally's" he continued, he was quiet enjoying this she was certainly a hard nut to crack.

"I do not require allies in the Marine Corps," Arrienye assured him.

"Why are you so bitter?" he asked bluntly finishing of his drink, "Could I be going at this a better way?"

"I'm far from bitter. I just don't see why I should trust someone who just strolled into a bar and began speaking to me."

"Do you not ever get that gut instinct or is your romulan blood not made of anything these days, I've known my fair share of romulans hell i've fought along side them but you strike me to be something different." he said getting himself ready to leave to make sure abby was doing her homework.

"Well then I guess you haven't met many true Romulans,"Arrineye simply replied, raising her chin up to look down her nose at her as she sipped her drink.

He huffed "Well it seems I have places to be next time we meet I promise to know more about yourself than you do" he said standing up. "nice metting you Miss T'Merek."

Arrienye didn't reply. She simply finished her drink and wave at the bartender for a last one before heading to her quarters for the night.

Chris snuffed the ignorance ~Typical romulan~ he thought to himself as he made hi way out of the bar and back to normal station life.

Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt
Marine First Sergeant


(G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienya t'Merek
Head of Secuirty
Romulan SB:DS5