Incommunicado – Klingons on the Starboard Bow (Part 2)
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Klingons on the Starboard Bow (Part 2)
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant JG Saria Rex & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Thu Aug 16, 2012 @ 8:21am
Location   Hangar Bay
Timeline   SD58. 1110 hours

Saria came walking out of the ship already and greeted Relma. "I got all I need, Chief. I'm off to my office." She said, walking further.

A muffled acknowledgement emerged as an echo from the depths of the ship's inner parts, followed by a loud bang, a string of profanities, followed by further smaller bangs, each of which was met with a further loud curse.

Valkris shook her head and muttered something under her breath.


A heavy-set, blue-skinned Bolian woman appeared from amongst the Engineers already working on the Pollux and approached Relma. "Chief?" she asked, standing before him holding out a padd. "Could you look over these please Sir?" she asks. "They are the results of the latest structural analyses. I think you will be interested to see the changes to the sub-molecular formulaic reactions." she tells him with an excited look on her face, pleased to be the bearer of more important data.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" Came another muffled and echoing noise from inside the crawl-space. A scrabbling noise could then be heard - as though the Bajoran was attempting to extricate himself quickly - soon followed by another large bang, a loud "OUCH!" and further swearing.

"Sorry Sir, but I thought you should see this... " she faltered, wondering if she should have interrupted if he was going to emerge mad.

"I'll be right out." came another echoing reply from the small hatch. Followed by further bangs and then a regular thumping clank as the Bajoran started making his way back outside.

In the bottom of the ship, Lash was downloading waste processing data whilst suiting up. The few klingons nearby were openly laughing at him, but he had to go in and get samples. He made a mental note not to tease Ensign Tholos again. OR at least not for the next few days, and waded waist deep into the efluvia on Klingons 3 months in space. HE scraped samples from the bottom of the tank, and from the inlets and the outlets and waded out again. Stripping ouff the suit and throwing it into a bag for incineration, he checked the downloaded data. The only thing that was off was the ejection cycle was taking five seconds longer than it should. He sniggered. The klingons had Cling-ons on their waste hatch.

The nearby Klingons' laughter was just beginning to dissipate when another large set of banging and even louder swearing started echoing from within the hatch - seemingly getting closer to the exit as the echoing was lessening and the volume was getting louder. Suddenly out of the hatch emerged the head of the Bajoran Chief of Operations. "Report, Ensign." He said, regaining his cool and calm composure surprisingly quickly given that he was hanging upside down out of a Klingon maintenance hatch. The nearby Klingons' laughter trebled in volume and raucousness at this turn of events.

The Bolian Ensign quailed and nervously moved as if to help, tentatively holding out a hand but not close enough to be in the line of fall. "I... er.... " She held out the Padd.

The Bajoran shook his head, took the PADD, and replied "Thank you, Ensign." Before taking a moment to read back over the data. "That's very useful I'll see if i can get confirmation and correlation for that."

Lash sauntered back to where Relma was emerging. "Found anything boss?"

Relma glanced upwards at the crewman and glared. "Only that the clasp on my damned toolkit is buggered so far, Crewman. Now if you don't want your current duty assignment indefinitely extended might I suggest you stow it?l

The young half-vulcan gave him a bigger grin. "Consider it stowed boss. I've got the samples to take up to Lietenant Rex, But I think the waste system in clean. except for the ejection hatch. It needs a clean. Its not opening as well as it should. Might be worth a look from the outside."

Relma grimaced, but this was soon followed by a mischievous grin. "I think you just volunteered, Crewman." He then pulled himself up and back inside. A chorus of small bangs intertwined with the odd curse then began.

From the opening lash called, "You alright boss?"

Silence greeted the Crewman's question at first, but soon further small bangs and a very muffled "Yes" followed.

"Need any help?" the half breed asked.

The Bajoran's temper was obviously fraying in the confined space and the fact that he'd bumped his head and had his tools all fall out of the case - mostly onto him first - numerous times wasn't helping. He growled and yelled back - an effect which the echoes only amplified - "I'M FINE CREWMAN. GO DELIVER YOUR SAMPLES AND CLEAN THAT HATCH."

"Yes, Boss." the boy sounded abashed and he shuffled off to follow Relma's commands.

All this only served to convince the Bolian Ensign that she would like to be anywhere but here right now. She began leaning over to checking her findings, reading the extended Padd at arm's length, hoping to find an error that would give her an excuse to disappear with a muttered apology and be gone.

Once the Bajoran had regathered his tools from the various nooks and crannies into which they had fallen he set about his task of performing a full diagnostic of the deflector array and comparing the data to that he'd acquired from the Pollux. The readings were vastly different, which already pointed to a particular hypothesis, but on the other hand he couldn't be sure until he'd crunched the results fully. He continued collecting data and attempting to convert the logs over to a compatible format for his Federation technology - not the fastest process unfortunately given the tiny cramped space he was in.



Chief Warrant Officer First Class Relma Meryn
Chief Operations Officer

Valkris of the House of Inagh


Crewman Lash
Operaitons, DS5


Ensign Beren

et al