Interlude – a new problem
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   a new problem
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Mon Jun 28, 2010 @ 10:48pm
Location   Docking port enterance hatch
Timeline   15 minutes after the past Returning Home SD18
Wayne Sr looked at the report he had been handed as soon as he had walked through the hatch and it was highly unsettling to him. He wandered if he had made the right choice in locating his business to the station. His personal aide looked at him as if he was about to blow up and it actually scared her.

"Mr. Bradshaw as you have read there was a terrorist attack on the station as well what would appear to be a chief of security who has gone off the deep end." Said Sarah softly.

"I can see that Sarah and I hate to say it but given the current situation I want every member of the family to have a security detail attached to them. If this is the way that security is handled here then I am simply not going trust fleet security any farther. The Captain may not like it but we happen to have an army on his station and by god I think it is time we showed just what we can do. Every gaurd attached to any security detail is to be armed at all times." Said Wayne coolly

"Sir I know I am just an employee but isn't this a little drastic of a step to take." Said Sarah as they walked

"I will admit it is not normally the way I like to do things but this is not a normal situation. COuple that with the fact that we could face threats from outside the station as well as inside it I think this calls for drastic measures." Said Wayne firmly

"I can see your point sir but do you really think such measures are needed. I mean I have read over the reports and it seems like the internal problem was with just one man. He has been suspended from duty at the present time. It is unlikely that the entire department would follow his lead." Said Sarah softly she knew she was on shaky ground but she also knew that she was one of the few people who could get away with saying that. After all she was more then just his assistant.

"Sarah you are a great girl, but you do not understand military. Troops will follow their leader especially if that leader has earned their respect. Such loyality will allow the leader to mold the men under his command to what he wants and in the case of the chief of security that will be a bunch of slightly crazed security officers. likely people who will take the law into their own hand. I hate to say it but it might have come to a point where we can not trust the fleet." Said Wayne as they walked "I hope like hell I am wrong though." He added

"Alright Wayne if that is the case and you think that is something that could happen I can see why we would need to take that measure." Said Sarah softly

The two walked the rest of the way back to the main office in relitive silance both of them were deep in thought and drew comfort from having the other near.

This post brought to you by the following people
Wayne Bradshaw
CEO Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated


Sarah jane Granger
Personal assistant to Wayne Bradshaw