Judgement – Reckless
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Reckless
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Dec 06, 2010 @ 9:00pm
Location   Personal Quarters
Timeline   SD35. 00:00
Why did I do that? Isha asked herself as the doors of her apartment closed behind her. She had never thought that she would beg anything from someone so far beneath her, but what did Isha know.

As she walked into her dressing room she shrugged off the pretty dust blue down, now stained at the knees with traces of Arrienye’s blood, stepping out of it, and leaving it on the floor where it fell. Isha felt numb. She had done a terrible thing to Arrienye. Despite R’Vek’s protests the beating itself could be justified, but to leave t’Merek their like that after the fact, waiting, and unable to seek medical attention until she, Isha deigned to acknowledge that what she had asked had been done.

Had t’Merek been angry with her she would have understood, but she was just so accepting, a Merek, making she, heir to the House of Khellian unworthy. There would be repercussions, of that she was sure, but Isha did not want to deal with that right now.

All that Isha wanted to do was escape from the world she found herself trapped in; the one where smiles hid lies and untold cruelties, she wanted a fiction. A beautiful simulacrum of the world, one through which she could pretend that kindness was exactly what it appeared to be.

One through which she might begin to take back control of her life. Isha stepped into the sonic shower, she did not really have time to use the water one, or the bath. She did however have an opportunity. Whilst kindness might not be at the front of Turvan's mind he obviously hoped to seduce her so at least he was going to be nice to her; he would not succeed, of course, not unless he gave her something that would change the balance of power in the sector. But she would let him believe that she would.

When Isha emerged she slipped into a gown of the deepest midnight blue silk, the unstructured sheath secured by a halterneck. She snapped a pair of ornate silver cuffs on her wrists then draped a cloak around her exposed shoulders and pulled up the hood, she did not want anyone to know about this, not ever.

Then she did exactly what she had told her head of security that she would never do again; she left the embassy alone through the back door. But then t’Merek had more pressing concerns right now that keeping her eye on a wayward ambassador.


Isha hesitated for just a moment as she reached the quarters the Legate was using. Then she reached out a slender arm and pressed the chime.


A'dan Galen and i'Tar L'ran sat and observed as the Legate continued to prepare himself to entertain his anticipated visitor.

"Sir, this woman is not just some commoner strolling down the promenade." Galen said as he continued to review her file within his padd.

"She is highly connected to the Romulan Senate and various Houses within the Romulan government." Galen added.

"I am very aware of that, Galen. What do you take me for, some kind of fool who doesn't study the name and history of all those whom requests his time?" Turvan responded rhetorically.

"This woman's influence will serve my plans very well, especially considering that I am merely a visitor on this station and lack the resources that she undoubtedly would wield." he added.

"Then why invite her to your private quarters, surely you understand what inferences might be drawn from- -" L'ran began to state.

"I am fully aware of what I am doing, L'ran." Turvan said with a more dismissive tone as he finished examining himself in the holo-reflector and stepped into the main room of his quarters. "I am not here to find a life-mate." He said.

"I already have one of those at home, and I assure you one is certainly more than enough." He said as he looked towards his female assistant as she placed the final dish on the table.

"Very well then, if there is nothing else, you two are dismissed." He said as he smiled appreciatively at the meal that was presented before him.

"Yes, Legate" the two Glinns said simultaneously as they stood and exited the Legate's quarters without further discussion. The doors slid open just as the chime to the suite was rang. In front of them stood the cloaked Romulan Ambassador.

Isha lowered her arm and stepped back to allow them to pass.
And what do you think of all this? she wondered offering them the barest acknowledgment.

Had this just been about satisfying the Legate's lust and temporarily boosting her own crippled self esteem she would not have come here. But there were hundreds of targets more easily attainable than Isha on the station, thousands probably, which meant that Turvan had another motive, just as she did, and Isha very much wanted to know what it was.

No expense had been spared when it came to Isha’s education, and no aspect was left uncovered. Her mother's goal had been to create someone capable of manipulating very powerful men, and she had succeeded, but apart from Isha's late husband, very few of them had felt the full benefit of her education.

Isha stepped inside the apartment and allowed the hood of the cloak to slide back as she undid the clasp at her throat.

"May I come in, Legate Turvan?" she asked as she let the cloak slip over her exposed shoulders into a pool on the floor.

"By all means, I wouldn't have it any other way." He said with a smile as he stepped aside to allow her to enter the room.

"My assistant was just placing he finishing touches on this wonderful meal for us." He said, signaling for his assistant to quickly depart.

"However, I must admit that I'm completely distracted from the meal by the beauty before me." he added as he walked to the table.

He sat at the table and continued to observe the ambassador as she took her seat.

"Whereas I am utterly ravenous," Isha replied her eyes fixed on him rather than the food. Though it was true, she had eaten breakfast but after Getal had stalked into her court offices she had lost that, and had not eaten since.

"This looks delightful, Legate Turvan," she said with an appreciative smile.

"It pales in comparison of your beauty, madam ambassador." He said flatteringly.

Had she been less worldly Isha might have believed him. But he had the manner of a politician; there was truth in his words but his words were not the truth. She allowed herself to react to the compliment, her cheeks darkening slightly as she blushed.

"So tell me, how goes the investigation into the Federation officer? I hear there is quite a bit of evidence against the unfortunately fellow." He said, starting conversation.

Isha nodded, "Quite a bit," she agreed, it was not her normal practice to talk about a case, but this was not a normal case and she was talking to the origin of some of that evidence. "It seems that nine years ago the facility where the murder took place was part of a top secret research project. Certain evidence was withheld from the investigation at the time in order to preserve confidentiality. Would you believe that the non-disclosure was authorized by Starfleet?"

Hydel took a sip from his glass before responding. "Nothing the Federation does surprises me, especially when it comes to furthering their own agenda or protecting their 'image' " he said. "Although, I am curious as to how you were able to gain access to a classified document with such minimal effort." he inquired.

"It was leaked. My government were somewhat disgruntled, when they heard," Isha explained, "one of our citizens was murdered and the Federation made the prosecution of his murderer impossible - the evidence that was available back then was circumstantial. But with the leak! Well, questions were asked at levels you and I can only aspire to reach," she continued deliberately diminishing her own status. "The events were re-examined and the withheld evidence reclassified ... and here we are, nine years down the road and a murderer who thought he was safe finds that he is finally going to have to answer for what he has done."

"Indeed" Hydel nodded. "However, I doubt the Federation would have allowed one of their own to be so easily turned over to the Romulan Government without more evidence aside from a recently disclosed document." he responded.

"I also have a witness, a technical assistant who was stationed at the facility at the time. I must ask you, Legate Turvan what your interest in the case is, forgive my cynicism but I have trouble believing that you are motivated by the incidental torture of a Cardassian pirate," she asked referring to the evidence that had come to her via Getal.

Hydel took another sip before responding. As the drink cascaded over his tongue and down his throat he thought carefully about her question. Of course his goal for becoming involved had more to do than with a mere pirate who was foolish enough to be caught by Federation forces.

"Isha my dear, I have plans for the future of my people. Plans that include returning us to a stablie self-sufficeint government that does not need the contrite assistance of the Federation, nor the protection of Starfleet." He said as he took another sip.

"However, I also recognize that you are a woman of quite abit of influence on this station and throughout your own government." He said as he extended his hand to be placed on top of hers.

"I did not earn my standing within the Cardassian Union by merely relying on my own intelligence and cunning disposition." He said as he looked directly into her eyes. "I have learned that the best way to accomplish a significant task is with the help of others." he stated.

Nor by relying on your natural modesty and retiring nature, Isha thought as she blinked. "With what do you wish my assistance?" she asked with the slightest smile.

Hydel continued to smile as he stroked her hand. "It would be easy, my dear, to say that the only thing I could ever need from you would be the presence of your beautiful smile." He said genuinely.

"However, my direct request is something that involves a person much much less plesant than yourself. It is in regards to the current Chief Ambassador for the Cardassian Union." He said as his smile remained. "What do you know of Getal?" he asked, delaying getting to the point.

Isha's smile widened into one that touched her eyes with warmth and lit her whole face, that was something she could quite easily grant him. Answering Turvan's question was a different matter.

"I know that he is a posturing egotist," Isha said unsure where this was leading, "and quite unsuited to holding a prominent diplomatic position. Was there something in particular that you think I ought to know?" she asked.

Worried appeared on Hydel's face as he tried to find the proper words. "The life of a soldier can be violent, chaotic, and unforgiving at times." he started. "For some, they are able to transition from the necessary brutality back into the more civilized world of Cardassian everyday life. However, for others . . ." he trailed off.

"I understand that, Legate Turvan," Isha replied shifting the hand that he had been caressing so that hers lay over his. "My Houses have produced many soldiers, and as you say, the return to a mundane life does not always rest easily," she continued.

"It is my unfortunate belief that Tharek Getal is responsible for the death of a young girl onboard this station." he said in a grave tone. "I believe she was employed by the 'Box of Delights' establishment onboard the station." he added.

"Oh?" Isha said. It would not surprise her in the slightest if he had; Getal had been a second away from slitting her own throat before he decided on another approach entirely. He was quite capable of murder.

"Do you believe him to be guilty?" Isha asked, "The proprietor is rumoured to be his mistress," she added.

"I believe that in a moment of anger, Getal is capable of forgetting his responsibility to our people and instead would give into his base impulses and. . ." he trailed off as he began to think about what could have happened to the poor Orion female.

"It is my belief and understanding, that Ambassador Getal could be significantly involved in the death of the Oriion female known as Kila." Hydel stated in a solemn voice.

Isha lowered her gaze as she processed his assertion, but in a second it was back. "Perhaps," she said, "but I do not see how I can help."

"Well, Isha, my dear. . .I understand that you hold a significant amount of influence within the Command staff of this facility. I truly believe that Federation justice will take its course and eventually they will confront the responsible perpetrators. However, it is a very strong possibility that Getal will try to use his status to escape his culpability in the matter." Hydel stated.

In one way Turvan's words were reassuring, he really did not know how tightly Getal had his hand around her own throat; it gave Isha something that she could use.

"I cannot get involved in a matter that does not concern my people," she replied, "though should I be asked I might suggest where they look for a culprit. Perhaps you should refer the matter to the Detapa council."

"Well, I certainly will be able to do what I can in regards to Cardassia addressing the matter. However, when the time comes, I would feel better if I knew that long with my government and the Federation, your government would assist in bringing the responsible parties to justice, regardless of their diplomatic status." he said with as much concern as he could muster as he continued to stroke her hand gentely.

"Legate Turvan, I cannot offer you the support of my government, they are committed to an approach that makes no ripples. I can offer you my support, however."

Hydel laughed in that melodic tone he had been known for. "My dear, I assure you, Getal will be taken care of by the proper sources of authority when the time comes. However, I just wanted other responsibile members of the station's diplomatic community to be aware of the man that has been . . .trusted with such immense responsibility by my people." He said with a smile.

"The Ambassador's time is soon nigh, whether he knows it or not." he said as he took another sip.

"Then would it not be preferable to broach the topic here and now? We are alone," and as she had taken the precaution to do so had activated a tranceiver that would disrupt any attempt to record or overhear the conversation this evening.

Hydel leaned close and spoke in a lowered tone as not to araise suspicion from any other attendant. "I have it considerable advice and evidence that Getal played a significant role in the death of the young Orion girl. There appears to be significant evidence implicating him and his young consort." he said.

"This is beneath my concern, Legate Turvan," Isha said, "Getal may or may not have anything to do with the death of a girl - I could quite believe it," she said. "but how that creature died is of no concern to me."

"If you are asking my opinion as to whether or not he would, then my opinion is that he would," Isha said.

"I wouldn't be surprised at all. My sources tell me that they apparently kept their relationship a secret from her for some time and when she learned of its existance she threw a drink in the Ambassador's face." he said incredously.

"Of course, I would hardly tolerate such low-class behavior, especially from an establishment's wait-staff. However. . .I just can't understand why the Ambassador would actually take out his anger against the poor girl." he said in disbelief.

"We don't yet know that he did," Isha said. Turvan's concern continued to perplex Isha, she of all people had no reason to protect Getal, but the accusation that was being made did not quite fit.

"What is it that you wish me to see?" Isha asked.

"Oh my dear Isha, the evidence against the Ambassador is quite damning from what I have learned." he replied. "For one, there appears to be DNA evidence belonging to both the Ambassador and his consort discovered at the scene of the brutal murder." he said as he placed the glass back down before him.

"One can only imagine how that poor girl suffered before her demise." he added.

How do you know all this? she wondered, the only way it made sense was if Turvan had somebody on the inside who was giving him information, which begged the question, is that someone you have planted or someone you have corrupted?

"I am sure that the authorities of Deep Space Five will investigate thoroughly," Isha said resting her chin on her upturned palm.

"Oh, I have no doubt they will, and I plan on making sure they have all the assistance they require." He said with a slight smile as he began to enjoy his meal.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Hydel Turvan