Beg, Steal or Borrow – The Hidden Council
by Lieutenant Vincent Tan

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Title   The Hidden Council
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Tan
Posted   Sun May 31, 2009 @ 7:10am
Location   Some back room, Starfleet HQ, Earth
Timeline   SD8 - 2240
"... And the next issue on our agenda would be Deep Space Five," the patient Vulcan admiral said. "How is the investigation proceeding?"

"Our assets are in place," grunted the African admiral. "The Thor ran into some troubles but it arrived a few hours ago. Xelec's man was sent by shuttle and arrived a few hours before that."

"What of these reports of a attack on the station?" the Chinese admiral asked. Cunning and sly, he added, "Can your assets back them up? Or will you need more support?"

"Can yours?" the African retorted. "All I know is what Xelec has told me and that corresponds to what Starfleet Command received in the dispatches."

"The attack was very brazen," the Bolian said, as was his tendency to point out the obvious. "To attack a Starbase!"

"It was indeed," the smooth deep voice of the Vulcan added. "It would defy logic to attack unless some further assistance was expected. Do we have reports of other Romulan Star Empire Fleet movements in the area?"

"No new ones," the Australian spoke up for the first time. He had been too busy observing the interactions of the other admirals. "Just that training exercise we know has been ongoing for the last two weeks. Nothing else, or so I've been told."

"Well, *my* sources say that they are amassing a very large fleet near Iconia and simply using that exercise as a cover," the Chinese admiral stated smugly. "I am certain that if the Romulans attacked, they would thrust there and take out Obsidian command. If their fleet near Qualor attacked at the same time to take out Starbase 182, they could be in the Sol system in a few months."

"Yes, yes, yes," the African said dismissively. "Or so your marvellous and unverifiable source tells us. I still think it would be foolish to ignore the Typhon front. We still need more assets there."

"You already have assets there, running a fool's errand," the Chinese admiral responded. "There's nothing out there that anyone would want. You ask us to prioritise that area over more critical ones? We've allowed you to chase that goose, so to speak, and I think that is all the time we should waste on that field."

"Our starbase in that area was just attacked! Surely you cannot deny that the Romulans are active in the area. Their saboteurs are being questioned as we speak!" The African admiral could be passionate when he thought he was right.

"I'd hardly call four ships an attack. And these "saboteurs" you speak of? Mere troublemakers or at worst, rogue or mercenary agents. Hardly a cause for concern," the Chinaman stated. "And there are no more reports of Romulan activity, am I right?"

"Yes," the Australian admiral said guardedly.

"So there's no reason to worry about that area," the Bolian spoke again. "We should be worried about the areas where the Romulans have their fleets."

"Exactly!" the Chinese admiral now spoke with more confidence. "The reports of a conspiracy on DS5 are simply rumours. We waste time by sending assets there. What is your agent's name anyway? How do we even know that he will not just make alarmist stories up and feed them to us?"

"I would prefer not to divulge his name," the African said, committing his first unforced error of the meeting. "But Xelec trusts him and I trust Xelec."

"As much as one can trust an Andorian..."

"I think that is enough on that topic, gentlemen," the Vulcan said, reasserting control over the meeting. "We will allow the USS Thor and Admiral Uhlan's agent to remain in place at DS5 whilst committing more forces to Iconia and Qualor. Is that agreed?"

There were nods of assent from the gathered admirals.

"Very well," the Vulcan said, as the Chinese admiral did his best to hide a smug grin. "Next issue?"

The Australian spoke up. "Deep Space 3 is reporting increased Breen activity..."