Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Sad farewell - A Command view
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero & Lieutenant JG Jonathan Riley & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Sad farewell - A Command view
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero & Lieutenant JG Jonathan Riley & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Sat Dec 20, 2008 @ 7:53pm
Location   Guardian Platform 1
Timeline   SD6 11:00
Jon, do you want to add anything, or are you happy as things are?


The bay was cool and quiet, personnel had filed into the largest platform in near silence, shoulder to shoulder as requested by the Captain. Sat proudly on a podium in the middle of the deck, stood the cold grey casket that housed the body of a very brave soul, that of Lieutenant Junior Grade Jonathan Riley. Next to it, stood 2 figures, that of the Captain, Tasha Tahir and holding a folded Star Fleet Flag, Lieutenant Commander Rakka.

Rakka stared down at the flag, silent. She still didn't know if she was ready to say goodbye. Some part of her still expected him to pop out of that casket yelling, "HA! Gotcha!" But she knew she would have to accept the inevitable once that casket was launched.

Petro sat in silence, watching the ceremony. She didn't know the man at all but knew that Rakka had a great respect for him. That alone gave her pause to respect him as well.

Chelsea had met Riley several times and had liked him. He'd been loyal and protective of Rakka when Ryan had been drunk, even though Rakka hadn't felt she needed that, it was still an honourable intention. In sickbay she'd been part of the care he'd received on several occasions. Looking at the sadness in the faces around her and at the casket that seemed so impersonal it wasn't possible not to be moved.

Medical officers dealt with life and death every day but if it ever became something that was just business to them, that would be the day they'd know lost their vocation and would need to retire. Chelsea knew this unhappiness and hollow sense of loss was a healthy thing for her to feel but that didn't make it any easier.

Standing next to CPO Ed McBain on one side of her and CMO Ryan Milarno on the other, she knew they too would be feeling the loss of 'the one that got away' from their combined attempts to save him, but she also knew that the combination of medical skill, experience and gifts that the three of them possessed as a team, amounted to such a total that if *they* couldn't save Riley, then it wasn't meant to happen.

Somehow that knowledge, as logical as it might be, didn't even ripple the surface of the terrible sense of waste that the loss of Riley's young, brave and promising life had left them all with.

Ryan stood in between Chelsea and Ed, his eyes never shifted from the view of the casket. In some ways loss was a part of the job, but not all the time, it could be prevented, but this person, he had come to know a little, the circumstances surrounding the incident and the extent of his injuries made it impossible to save him. And that killed Ryan it really did. The expression on his face was enough for onlookers to realise. He might not have talked to Riley much but the incident when he had got himself drunk at a bar, Riley and Rakka escorted him out before he could cause any serious conflicts, Riley was doing his job that night but Ryan would always remember that and be thankful...n a way he saved his career.

Jayfe hung towards the back of the bay, watching. His face was tight, almost squinting in concentration. There was always a terrible sadness at funerals that the greatest mental discipline couldn't block out for a telepath. An entire ceremony designed to demonstrate grief. It was an experience he could handle in small groups, but this was overwhelming. He tried to will his mental perceptiveness away to no avail - just like every day. The emptiness of grief and misery washed over him, threatening to erode his mostly calm exterior. There were other emotions, loud stray thoughts that manifested through his barriers but grief was the most invasive. He had never formally met Riley, only knew of him. He didn't dare watch Rakka too closely. He wanted to leave, but the curious sense of responsibility and etiquette that came with the uniform - no, with this station - tethered him in place.

Dorian stood by the main gathering of officers for the ceremony. He was not much for funerals or solemn events in general. He understood the significance of the funeral out of respect for the man, but he felt that this was something that was to be shared with his family. Riley was a Security Officer, more importantly he was a Starfleet Officer and with it came the responsibility and the inherent willingness to sacrifice one's life to protect the Federation.

However, Riley did serve his post honourably and it will be a shame that the otherwise inept Security department is losing such a capable officer.

Commander T'Lan stepped forward and stood at the head of the coffin.

Tasha felt a strong sense of pride and a deeper sense of gratefulness that only a person who had been saved could feel. She looked towards Rakka, who was gripping the flag tightly in her clenched fists. The Captain wanted to reach out and help to alleviate the Security chiefs anguish and she remembered how the Nausicaan had dismissed Tasha own show of emotion a few months ago and here and now, there was a self-restraint in Rakkas demeanour, but how long could she hold it and would she want to.

Tasha leant forward, placing her own hand on the loose end of the flag as she spoke in a hushed voice to Rakka.

"Commander." She paused, allowing Rakka a moment to clear her thoughts.

Rakka soon realized that 'Commander' was her. She focused her eyes on Tasha. "What--yes?"

"Shall we?" Tasha asked, as she gently pulled at her end of the flag, slowly allowing it fall outwards, bringing into view the globe and stars on the blue background. A simple shake and Tasha stepped backwards, whilst Rakka took a single step backwards and the lay the flag across the coffin, walking with a solemn look and drawing the blanket across the length of the casket.

In unity, they dropped their respective ends and the flag settled into place. Tasha took another step backwards and raised her arm in salute as Rakka smoothed down the flag, casting the Captain a single glance, before saluting to her junior officer.

Dropping her arm, she cast her own eye around the collected crew, seeing some familiar faces and a great deal of those she did not know from Adam.

There was Zorana and Cheyanne, flanking the new Barber, which seemed odd, being as they didn't know each other, but these sort of occasions had a tendency to throw people together.

Her head fell to her chest and she closed her eyes for a second, the faces staring down at the 3 commanders stood on the deck plate. Captain Tahir, Commander Rakka and the First Officer, T'Lan.

Tasha spun about on heel and marched towards the small raised rostrum and stepped up upon it, clearing her throat as Rakka and T'Lan flanked her. Tasha's eyes fell upon Petro, who looked quite serene, yet had a look of puzzlement on her face and Tasha wondered if she had ever attended a funeral. It was an odd thought, but it was her own.

Tasha reached across to Rakka and for the first time, was eye to eye with the Nausicaan and gave a single nod, as a mark of respect. She refaced the small microphone and swallowed hard, mentally preparing her speech.


CO: Captain Tasha Tahir
CIO: Lieutenant J.G. Dorian Gabriel
CSO: Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero
CSec: Lt. Cdr. Rakka
CMO: Lt. Ryan Milarno
ACMO: Lt JG Chelsea Adams
QM: Warrant Officer Petro