Incommunicado – The Nelvana Excursion (Part 1)
by Lieutenant JG Saria Rex

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Title   The Nelvana Excursion (Part 1)
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Tue Sep 11, 2012 @ 9:48pm
Location   Runabout Nile aboard Deep Space 5, Nelvana System
Timeline   SD58, 1400 hours

David was working on some final diagnostics on the Runabout Nile for the trip to the Nelvana System. They should be here any minute, he thought to himself. He loaded his luggage into the ship and was on his way back out when he saw Saria and Madelyn approaching from one direction and further down he saw the two marines coming, too.

"What's the status, David?" She asked, "Any chance of leaving the station alive?" She joked then. In her right hand, she held a phaser sniper rifle by the handle, ready to store it in the weapon locker.

"We're set for departure. Just going to brief these marines on the mission." David said as the two marines approached him.

"Sergeant William Johnson reporting, sir!" Said one of them.

"Corporal John Hanson reporting as well, sir!" said the other.

David almost covered his ears at their voice projected throughout the hangar. "At ease, gentlemen." The sergeant handed David a PADD with their assignment information. "Okay, we will be traveling to the Nelvana System for an investigation. It will be a 3 day trip there and 3 days back with 1 full day of sensor sweeps and thorough investigations on anything that may seem unusual. We will beam to the surface and investigate these abnormalities if necessary, so we will need protection. Set your phaser rifles to stun at all times unless otherwise noted. Understood? Oh, and try not to be too formal. This is Starfleet operations, not the marine corps." David said.

"Yes... sir." The marines were going to almost yell again when they caught themselves and spoke normally. They picked up their bags and went into the ship.

"We all ready?" David into the ship as he went into the ship to double check he had everything.

"I've never been more ready than now, Ensign. Fire up the engines if you wish." Saria smiled, as she closed the weapon locker and looked into the cockpit.

"Sounds good. Initiating departure procedures. Setting course for heading 125 mark 022." David said as the runabout lifted off the ground and went towards to hangar doors. It went through the force field and our into space. "Warp engines online. Engaging warp. Warp factor 5, engage." David tapped some more keys and the ship flew into warp.

The stars in front of the runabout changed into long, bright lines in front of them. Saria was naturally very sensitive to the warp motion, and wobbled a bit, but found her balance again. "Right. Enroute we are." She mumbled.

David set the runabout to auto pilot for the moment. He tapped a few keys to display the travel time, course, and map from here to the Nelvana system. He stepped out of the cockpit to meet up with the others. "70 hours to the Nelvana system. Anyone hungry?" David said as he approached the replicator for some food. This was going to be quite the trip.


Ensign David Straggard
Propulsion Specialist

Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Chief of Science

Ensign Madelyn Williard (NPC)
Computer Specialist

Sergeant William Johnson (NPC)

Corporal John Hanson (NPC)