Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Dancing on the Stars.
by Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Dancing on the Stars.
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Sat Oct 18, 2008 @ 2:04pm
Location   Petro's Quarters
Timeline   1730 hrs

Petro stood in front of her mirror wearing the red dress and shoes that she had purchased earlier in the day. The fit was nice, if not a little sultry as she understood it to be. Her legs felt better after a quick visit to sickbay for some pain tolerance injections. Now she felt as though she could walk all night.

It had been a long and difficult day. After she returned from her shopping trip, there were more orders waiting for her approval. Three ships needed restocking of basic materials and two were in need of weapons replenishment. Fourteen new crewmembers had arrived and had to be assigned quarters and an Ambassodor wanted to complain about the decor of his suite. How was she to know that he was allergic to the color purple? It's not like it was listed in his files.

Then there was the fight that broke out in the storage lockers - or was it the changing lockers? What began as a simple dissagreement over whether the mirrorverse actually existed turned into a heated fight that ended five crewman in the brig and one in sickbay. Today was not the day for her to be short handed so she spent a good three hours trying to convince the guard on duty to release them on their own recognance. Rakka was sure to be displeased but there wasn't much Petro could do about that. They finally reached an agreement that the five crewmembers would return to duty, get the jobs done and then be on house arrest. There would be no attending the festival for them.

When that was taken care of Petro returned to her office only to find another message from Starfleet waiting for her. Captain Tahir had sent in the request for her officer training but Starfleet decided to postpone it for another day. Well, Petro could live with that. She'd have to get with Tahir first thing in the morning.

The day gone and the duties still piled up, Petro set out to get as much finished as she could. Most of it was done from her office, but at the end of the day she took her dress back to her quarters to change and prepare for the festival. She still wasn't sure what she needed to know in order to attend something of this magnitude. The decoration orders were easy enough, except for the Kartillian Glowing Bulb. Without knowing what it was that the thing did nor knowing anything about its origin, she had to get it cleared with Station Security. It wasn't an easy task to get the shop owner to accept that he wouldn't be receiving his Bulb, but after a bit of persuading on her part they managed to reach an agreement. Instead of the Kartillian Glowing Bulb, he settled on an earth style disco ball with lights..

Now, standing in front of her mirror, admiring how the dress looked on her, she dreamt of dancing. She didn't know how to dance, of course, but she could imagine it just the same. The real question would be how she would be perceived by the others.

Looking at the Chronometer, Petro left her quarters and made her way to the Promenade. Perhaps something to drink to take the edge off might be a good idea.


Warrant Officer Petro
DS5 -