Things Past – Coming Aboard
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Coming Aboard
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue Jun 28, 2011 @ 3:16pm
Location   Main Hangar Bay
Timeline   CURRENT

Discreetly. That was how Kyle first boarded Deep Space Five; no parties, no nonsense and certainly no hugs. This was his style.


A small, unmarked shuttlecraft droned in and around the swarm of vessels zipping around the main hangar entrance, piloted by a nervous, sweaty Ensign, his cargo, the latest Assistant Chief Science Officer of the station. The craft was drifting at a low thruster speed, taking overdue care not to strike another of the small transports whizzing past. As the shuttle reached the docking perimeter and left the traffic zone, it shafted another burst of it's rear thrusters, before passing through the main doors and settling on a landing pad in the centre of the hangar.


'Thanks for the ride Harris',

Kyle was nestled comfortably in the rear section of the craft. He nodded to the shivering Ensign before standing, and releasing the hatch. He jumped down onto the smooth floor of the hangar and peered around him in awe; from the outside the station had looked like a picture card, and it was only from inside where Kyle could truly see the majesty and might of the Starbase. The hangar was at least sixty-feet high, and God only knew how far across it stretched. The enormous blast doors (which were currently ajar) were gapped by an impressive shield array that sparkled pale blue each time a ship would pass through.

Ensign Harris smiled at the Lieutenant's awe-struck expression as he stepped down from the shuttle, 'You like it?'

Kyle nodded and grinned back. He really did like it; despite this station's apparent track record for attracting trouble, Kyle was nonetheless eager to begin his tour of duty. The rumours he had picked up over the years were nothing compared to the scientific wonders that were produced by officers at the station. As the Lieutenant wandered across the hangar, he pondered his situation - he was (partly) from a race that no-one had even heard of, and that was good; Mezothi people were highly secretive of their daily affairs and Kyle, despite being a fine example of Humanity, was no exception when it came to forced discretion.

Kyle waved Ensign Harris goodbye, and continued his walk around the hangar - a group of engineers stared as he hurried past an old, battered transport. Another group, that this time consisted of Andorian females, blushed and winked as he walked past,
~No Kyle, no! Blue girls are off the menu for tonight~
Kyle grinned and walked on. He soon came to the exit, and found himself in a bustling corridor. This cramped and crowded corridor brought him back to his senses, and Kyle realised that he had work to do. The first place any new crew member needs to visit on a ship is the Exec's office; however, judging by the state of the works, that was going to be a challenge. Kyle allowed himself to drift along the tirade until he came to a turbolift.

'Deck-' Kyle began, but the doors could close a hand appeared in the crack. The doors reopened and a stout, dark-haired Romulan female appeared.

'May I?' She uttered, and swiftly sidestepped the Lieutenant. 'Deck Seven... is that where you are going as well?'

Kyle forced himself not to snigger and replied, 'Three in fact.'

The woman simply nodded, and placed her arms behind her back, staring blankly ahead.

Kyle chanced a glance at this strange newcomer, and noticed she was considerably attractive; her lips were voluptuous and her cheeks appeared soft and round. Before he could stop himself, he started;

'Flores, Kyle' - he held out a hand.

'Rhiana t'Sahen' - she took the proffered hand and squeezed it briefly, 'I assume you're working for the Science department?' She nodded at his teal collar.

'Uh, yeah Assistant Chief actually... lemme guess, Intelligence?' Kyle smiled at the opportunity to glance near her chest.

Rhiana pursed her lips and nodded, 'Correct Lieutenant. How, may I ask, are you enjoying your assignment thus far?'

'How did you know I was new?' Kyle puzzled.

Rhiana sighed and pointed at her breasts, 'Everyone knows that it is a mistake to stare at a Romulan's br-' The lift shuddered to a halt, and the doors slid open.

Kyle reacted quickly, 'Oh, looks like it's your stop ma'am,' he guided her out of the lift and hurriedly made to close the doors, leaving a perturbed and somewhat amused Romulan stood alone in the corridor.

Kyle was a fool with women, and went slippery at the mouth if he had to even talk to an attractive one. Kyle procrastinated this issue and forced himself to think of the meeting ahead with his XO.
