Judgement – Never mess with Security
by Arrival Alexander Sinclair

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Title   Never mess with Security
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Arrival Alexander Sinclair
Posted   Sun Feb 06, 2011 @ 9:21am
Location   Customs, DS 5
Timeline   MD 36 1900 hours

AJ could not believe how long it had actually taken them to get through everything. The docking and powering systems down seemed to drag on. He was already anxious enough with everything else going on without everything else dragging on. He tried to put a good spin on things, but his mood just did not warrant it so it just continued its downward spiral.

He was not looking forward to being amongst Starfleet or humans again. Living in Ferengi space was easy. Though many had problems with Ferengi there was simplicity to how they lived that humans could learn from. Yes they were always scheming and trying to get the upper hand amongst their own, but once you understood this, their motivations were easier to understand. They were also not overtly violent and would always figure out a way to peacefully coexist with their neighbors which translated well into their political standings as well.

He would have happily stayed in Ferengi space with Lobes if not for a few things. One of the hardest things was getting used to the fact that no matter what a Ferengi said or did, there was an angle. They tended to be very goal orientated but figuring out what those goals were, could not always be easy. You could never take anything they said or did at face value. He missed the blunt honesty of some humans, though he had known plenty that would give the Ferengi a run for their money.

Also, he was lonely. It was hard for him to admit, given the fact that he was a convicted criminal, most women would just walk away. Would show no interest once they found out. It had been the better part of a decade since he was in the company of a woman let alone in a relationship of some kind. The last one had been LT (JG) Shannon O’Neil. Their relationship had been like a moth to the flame, he being the moth and her the flame. It had started nearly the moment he had walked onto the USS Venerable and ended when he resigned his commission. She was not the kind of woman that mixed words and her last ones to him had been direct. They still stung when he thought of that day. The last time he had seen her was at his sentencing for prison. She had said nothing to him before or after, she had just sat in the room and stared at him.

“Hey, you coming or what?” Lobes said as he bounded ahead toward the customs station. AJ did not respond verbally but the words had brought his thoughts to the present. Given the number of those waiting, it did not take them very long to move through the lines to the customs officers.

Lobes chatted the poor Petty Officer’s ear off as she checked his credentials. She was in her late 20’s with a shapely figure and long blonde hair. It took only a moment for Lobes record to come up on her PADD, her demeanor changed to one of a serious nature as she said to him. “Imagine that, you are a smuggler. You are not going to be giving us any problems are you?”

“Hey.” The Ferengi said. “I was framed. I have no clue how that stuff found its way in my hold. I still think it was my cousin Brin. He has this thing on the side of his right ear. I never trusted it. No matter where you looked at him all you could see was this thing. Besides he was always jealous of me.” Lobes leaned in closer and winked at her. “I was always better with the females.”

The petty officer did not know what to think of the Ferengi before her so she just laughed. “Well you are going to be a handful aren’t you?”

Lobes gave her his best winning smile which only made her laugh even harder at the absurdity of it. “Now don’t cause any trouble or I will have you shackled in a cell. Understand?”

“Really?” He said quickly back to her as his face showed a very devilish grin. He watched her face turn red as she realized what he was thinking.

“Oh my God, get out of here you Rogue.” She said laughing.

Lobes moved to the other side and then turned to wait for AJ. Hoping that AJ would make it through the customs station without making some kind of scene.

She checked AJ’s credentials next and then looked at him. She appeared to be sizing him up. “Mr. Sinclair. Quite a record you have. Are you going to be a problem as well?”

“Whatever.” He responded with nothing but attitude.

Not in the mood AJ just looked at her for a moment and then started to walk past. He was not sure what happened next, but he caught her starting to move out of the corner of his eye and the next thing he knew he slammed hard into the floor trying to catch his breath. His right arm was held painfully behind his back while her knee was powerfully jabbed into his back. He might have outweighed her by at least fifty pounds but she had complete control of him.

He felt her breath on his ear as she whispered into it. “Look, I know this is embarrassing given whom and what you once were, but you are not an officer anymore. I am charged with ensuring the safety of this station, so I will ask you again. Is your past your past?”

“I am an honest trader, just looking for work.” AJ said, trying not to think about the hundreds staring at him. The embarrassment of the whole situation was almost overwhelming.

“Well good then.” She said as released him. “Welcome to DS 5.” She turned away from him and took the next person in line.

The last thing she heard from them was the Ferengi say to Mr. Sinclair. “What did you do? I am so jealous. Do you think she would do the same to me if I asked? AJ? AJ? He wait up. What's your problem.” The Petty Officer just shook her head laughing.


AJ Sinclair
Civilian Trader

Lobes (NPC)
Ferengi Engineer