Interlude – When Does a New Life Begin?
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   When Does a New Life Begin?
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Jun 01, 2010 @ 6:12pm
Location   Isha's Apartment / IRW Dhelan
Timeline   SD19 after "So What Happens Now?"
After standing there a minute holding Isha's hand and happy to finally have a place to go now that the place that was her home for so long had kicked her to the curb Rianni's curiosity got the better of her, "So, not to act like a spoiled little girl who can't wait for her Christmas present or anything, when do I get my ship, Aunt... Madam Ambassador?"

Isha laughed softly. "Patience," she said looking over her niece. Slowly she shook her head in disapproval as she rolled her lower lip between her teeth. "You are not visiting my ship dressed like that," she said, "It would not be appropriate. How can you expect anyone to respect you if you turn up dressed like a clown?"

"Oh, this?" Rianni sneered as she looked over the Federation uniform they'd decided she was no longer fit to wear, "I got no problems taking it off. Got something that would look better on me?"

Exhaling through her teeth Isha considered the question. She pointed to the replicator in the corner. "I assume it can make one," she said, "we should really get a tailor in, but I think you would not like to wait three weeks until a uniform can be made. There must be something in the database, I'd wager good latinum that there's a pattern in there. Feel free to use the guestroom to change. Down that hall, on the right," Isha said.

"It would make sense that there would be." Rianni agreed, moving quickly to the replicator, "Computer, I'll need a uniform, Romulan officer's, rank of erie'Riov." She commanded, putting in her measurements and remembering that the Romulan uniforms really didn't leave that much to the imagination, ~Glad I've been spending some time in the gym lately.~

In a matter of seconds the replicator had provided her with a decent fitting uniform, though a custom tailored one at the earliest possible time was a must. Slipping into it quickly she stepped out and stood before Isha, turning around so she could give her aunt the full view, "So, better?"

"A little," Isha smirked. "Dhelan," she said contacting the ship, "Be ready to depart in ten minutes. Now, lets be on our way."


It was to all intents and purposes an empty docking bay. That she had been able to persuade Captain Davies to allow her to bring a fully manned ship into the bay under cloak still surprised Isha, but then she had phrased the request in very particular terms and offered the ship as a 'secret defence to augment the station's own capabilities against an enemy that lurks in its heart' she had not named the enemy though the remainder of the request left little uncertainty as to where the ill-wind would blow from. And here it was, or wasn't as the case may be.

"Okay, so either it's cloaked or it's out being detailed." Rianni quipped.

"Hteij'rhau," Isha said, "kre," before the transporter beam fizzled around them.

Rianni looked around in all directions, her head on a proverbial swivel, as she took in the layout of the ship. her ship, "Wow, dip." She managed, realizing only afterwards she sounded like a teenager who'd smoked one 'J' too many, but not really caring. This ship, her ship, was that awe inspiring, ~Dip, indeed.~

Isha stepped lightly off the transport pad. "Come," she said sweeping towards the door. A rather wicked smile twisted her lips as she glanced back at Rianni, "You know what, erie'Riov," she said, "it occured to me that it is a shame to keep such a nice bird under cloak. Let's take her out, and leave her out, just in case my spoon-headed friend did not get the message when I shot him."

"I think that would be a good idea, Ambassador." Rianni grinned, her eyes alight with mischief as she planned the location for the unveiling of her ship, "I do have a great affection for gunboat diplomacy, my lady. Especially when my boat has the biggest and most guns."

Though she knew that by this action she was being both childish and deliberately provocotive Isha could not quite bring herself to care; she was confident that she had got her message across and expected that to be the end of it.

If the bridge crew had not been prepared for the sudden departure it did not show in their faces, actions or demeanour. "Computer, transfer command codes for the IRW DHelan to erie'Riov Rianni Monteros t'Khellian. Authorisation lhohnu'ey-dhaell, sei mne lhi." Isha said as she settled herself into the central chair. "My right and privilege,"she told Rianni without a flicker of doubt. "She's yours erie'Riov. Take her out."

"As you command, Ambassador." Rianni replied, bowing her head reverentially, "You heard her, take us out, maneuvering thrusters only." She ordered.

"Helm, when we clear the station I want you to move us to full thrusters to these coordinates." Rianni said, inputting the coordinates into the panel as she did so.

"But, erie'Riov, those coordinates will take us..." The helmsman started to protest, a protest silenced by Rianni's raised hand.

"I know exactly where they'll take us." Rianni replied, a wicked grin across her face, "Tactical, as soon as we reach these coordinates I want this vessel decloaked. It's time to introduce ourselves to the neighbors."

"Let's hope they're looking out of the window!" Isha said clapping her hands together in an expression nothing short of glee.

Rianni only turned and winked at her Aunt, glad to see that she knew exactly what was in her plans. She turned her attention next to communications, "Communications, we're not going to be taking any calls for the time being."

"Understood, erie'Riov." The communications officer replied, "Will you want jamming frequencies or just standard static?"

"Let's jam them, let them sweat a minute." Rianni laughed.

"Why erie'Riov t'Khellian I do believe that could interfere with the communications systems within that section of the station ... oh dear, how will the wheels of interstellar politics keep turning?" Isha remarked with a distinct lack of concern. She sincerely hoped that that strutting egotist would choose this moment to look out of his window.

"Really?" Rianni replied, feigning ignorance, "Well, let's experiment and if it does I owe you a drink. Helm, get me where I want to be."

"As you command, my lady." He replied, unable to fight his own laughter, ~Seems the Commander wants to give the Cardies what for. I can get behind that.~

Rianni grinned broadly as the ship moved forward and into position, smiling at Isha with an expression that said, 'This is going to be so much fun.'

"We are in position, erie'Riov." The Helmsman informed her, "Awaiting your orders."

Rianni turned and faced the officers at tactical and communications, "Well, you heard the man, now do your parts."

"We are decloaked, erie'Riov." Tactical replied happily.

"Jamming all Cardassian communication frequencies, erie'Riov." Communications added.

"Good." Rianni laughed, turning to Isha, "So, what do you think? Does that arrogant Spoonhead know we mean business now or should we thumb our noses at him a bit more?"

Part of her knew that this was not a good idea but the temptation was irresistible. Everything had been so serious recently and her niece, after everything was finally laughing. "What did you have in mind, erie'Riov?" Isha enquired.

"Well, the things that fly to mind quickest are things I would've done in my past as a Marine, but they are most undignified." Rianni laughed, "However, if it were possible for our operations department to patch into the Cardassian computer systems we could display Romulan travel videos on all of their screens for a couple of hours. But, I'm just thinking out loud."

Tempting though that was Isha had to draw the line somewhere and this was it. "I think not," she said, "it is one thing to selective jam their communications but quite another to point out to them that fundamental weakness in their system that would allow us to do as you suggest. We may have genuine need of that later on and I would prefer that they were not alerted and subsequently able to rectify the flaw."

"Of course." Rianni nodded, not only because Isha's position required Rianni to defer to her, but because she was absolutely right, they didn't want to tip their hand too much, "All right, plan B then."

=*=erie'Riov t'Khellian to all fighter crews, report to your ships immediately for a ceremonial fly by in honor of our Federation Allies at DS5.=*= Rianni ordered, adding as an aside to Isha, "And if that just happens to steam a spoonhead, oh well. I don't like them anyway."

"I have nothing but the greatest respect for my diplomatic counterparts," Isha said loftily though the words were delivered with a particular inflection that suggested the opposite. Isha placed her hands flat on the arms of the chair as she rose. "I will return to the station I think."

"Very well, Madam Ambassador." Rianni replied, taking the center seat as Isha rose, "I believe I'll put my ship through her paces for a bit longer, just to make sure everything is online and up to speed and be back for dinner." She then turned to communications, "Tell me, did our little experiment in fact jam all their communications?"

"It did, erie'Riov." The communications officer laughed.

"Well, in that case I guess I owe you a drink, Madam Ambassador." Rianni smiled at Isha, "I'll pay off over dinner."

Isha chuckled softly to herself her expression hidden, "Just don't scratch my warbird," Isha warned turning back for a second before she left the bridge.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian
Being childish


erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
IRW Dhelan, Commanding Officer