Judgement – Due Dilligence
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   Due Dilligence
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Fri Feb 04, 2011 @ 1:52pm
Location   Onboard The Matthais - Deep Space 5
Timeline   SD 36 - 00:00 hrs
=^= ". . .with the civil war raging between the recognized-government and the insurgents, it appears as if the new year will bring it a sense of destruction and continued struggle for the inhabitants of Feltor Prime. Various officials with commerce institutions throughout the region are depicting that investment in the planet is set to decrease as the year unfolds. . ." The reporter commented on the holoscreen.

"Computer, end transmission." the man said as he turned in his chair to look out his viewing window. He watched as the starts continued to streak past his window as his vessel streamed along its course. He smiled as he stood and continued to gaze outside of the window.

It had only been several months since his return from his fact-finding trip within the Gamma Quadrant. To say that his trip was informational would be an understatement. His testimony before the Federation Council was viewed as an eye-opening opportunity for the Federation to learn of the various opportunities that exist within the Gamma quadrant. Naturally, the brass within Starfleet was more concerned with tactical knowledge, Dominion troop strength, various strongholds.

However, after every inquiry his response was always the same, "I'm sorry Admiral/Councilman, but I am only a business man. You'll have to ask someone who is equipped to deal with military matters to give you a sufficient answer." He would say with that warm and engaging smile of his.

But he knew better. He was well aware of how the Dominion perceived the subtle yet consistent arrival of various Alpha Quadrant visitors through the wormhole once again. It had never been explained just how one Starfleet vessel had been able to destroy a combined fleet of over 25,000 Jem'Hadar vessels at the Second Battle of Deep Space Nine. The only thing that was evident was that the Dominion took notice of just a feat and viewed the Alpha quadrant as a lumbering giant.

Starfleet too still regarded the Gamma quadrant as a powdered keg. Although there had been no confrontation between the opposing powers for years, Starfleet was hesitant to send a noticeable fleet into the liar of their former enemies. To them, simply monitoring from afar was sufficient for the time being.

The gentleman knew that his long-term plans were beginning to take shape, and that they would involved a particular space station.

"Serenity," He said calmly as he walked away from his viewing window and back towards his chair. Within a few moments, the visually-pleasant form of his assistant appeared before.

"Yes, Mr. Raddon?" She asked.

"Contact our friend onboard Deep Space 5, I have a rather important assignment for her." he responded from his chair.

"Yes sir," the young assistant replied.

T'Pal was rather occupied with a very nice looking young man and growled annoyed when her console beeped. She ignored it at first but it seemed insisting for her to answer. It was not the greatest of moments to be interrupted, but eventually T'Pal shoved the young man off her. "Wait here.... " she said, definitely wanting to continue what they were doing.

"Do you have to..." he complained, clearly uncomfortable.

"Yes, as I said.... wait..." she said adding a soothing quality to her voice, a promising smile over her shoulder as she padded to her room. They had not made it to her bedroom yet.

T'Pal typed her code in, and noticing the nature of the channel requested, she added her end of privacy codes, before turning to the lounge, "You would have to leave!" she said loud enough for the young man to hear. "I will summon you once I am done...." she said and first watch him leave and ran a scan on the suite, before she finally opened the channel.

"Haven't heard from you for a while," She said as the face appeared on her screen.

The man leaned back in his chair as he smiled at the face in front of him. "I hope I didn't wake you." He said, knowing that she kept odd hours for professional and at times, personal reasons.

"Wake, no," she said with a small smile. "Interrupt yes," she said flatly, her eyes going meaningfully to the door. "And you are not pretty enough to make up for my... loss..."

He laughed as he pulled up a file that was transmitted to her through the secure line. "I'll keep this brief, then. " he responded. "I have been observing Deep Space Five for a fairly long time. This particular installation is in a strategic location for my current and future plans. However, it is different from other installations in that there are various forces vying for control all under one roof." he said.

"That is most certainly true, makes it easy for me to keep unnoticed.." she agreed, that being part reason for her making it her base, so to speak. "And that keeps the powers that be very busy....so what can I do for you?" she asked, curiously.

"Well, I've never been one for direct conflict, so that's why I am relying on your time spent on the station. I need to know about the names on this list." He said as he transmitted the file.

"Bradshaw Enterprises, Monteros Enterprises, and the Box of Delights." he said. "Those three appear to be the largest and most active civilian business on that station. It's always important to perform your due diligence before meeting with a prospective ally." he said with that same smile of his.

"Interesting," she said with a quircked brow. She had not had any dealings with the first one, and she herself used Box of Delight for her own entertainment. It was of course known to be a very convenient meeting place, but a recent murder of Kia had put a damper on things. Monteros enterprises was something different though. Isha was involved there....

"What exactly would you like to know?" she asked, keeping her own thoughts to herself.

"The usual," he smiled. "Their financial strength, any enemies onboard, what their relations are with each other, but most importantly; who are the Executive Officers of each entity." He said as he took on a more serious expression.

"All three of them have the potential of being great allies and I want to know what exactly I'm going to be dealing with before The Matthais arrives at Deep Space 5." he added. "I'm sure you can appreciate my interest." he said.

"Right..." T'Pal said. He was more likely interested to add them to his trophies of companies he had taken over. "I will contact you the moment I know more.... oh.. perhaps for my services rendered I want shares in your new venture..." she said.

Melvin smiled as he leaned closer towards the projector. "My dear, I always look out for my friends." he said with a simple smile.


Melvin Raddon
Raddon Corporation

Intelligence Officer