Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Picnic - Part 4 : Perspectives
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Picnic - Part 4 : Perspectives
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri Nov 14, 2008 @ 10:35am
Location   Bajoran Gardens
Timeline   Day 3 - Around 1.15pm [Backpost]
“Probably not quite the same,” Isha said, but she did not pull her hand away, “Beneath the so-called ‘Romulan arrogance’ we are an intensely emotional people; it burns sometimes, this little thing we call mnhei'sahe, and causes us to act in ways that aliens find hard to understand, but without it we’d be no better than Vulcans – dead. I am somewhat more volatile than most, and the depth of my passion is unpredictable and sometimes there are consequences,” she shrugged aware that her eyes probably glowed with the depth of her feeling.

"Isha, I don't know in what way you broke his heart or damaged his career and it's not my business, but I can tell that it wasn't only *he* who suffered as a result! I am sorry I judged him, I liked him at first - it was just that he seemed so different in the Embassy last night.

I was confused by the way he behaved though because it wasn't exactly as I would have expected of someone sinister, but I allowed myself to be resentful of being drawn into whatever it was. It wasn't your fault though, and you needn't be sorry! I know if he had truly wanted to hurt me, I should be sporting more than just the odd ache by now!" she explained, hoping this made more sense to Isha than it did to her.

Isha nodded, “That’s probably true, so we can agree that that was not his motive. Though whatever his motive was he should not have asked you there, and you should not have gone,” Isha paused in thought, “I’ll tell you this much, which might help you understand; he does what he does for the good of the Empire, working in our interests as much as your Starfleet intelligence branch works in the interests of your Federation. I don’t enter that part of his world, and I don’t ask him questions about it, though from time to time he tells me things,” Isha had an idea what Chelsea wanted her to say, but it was a promise Isha could not give and one that she would likely not have made even if it were in her power to do anything. “I’m sorry, Chelsea , but whoever Verelan Iawaiin is, she is beyond my help.”

"It's alright. I don't even know if she's all she was made out to be!" Chelsea related the story of her mentor and the siren to explain to Isha why she was reluctant to rush to Iawaiin's aid in case she turned out to be someone who was capable of worse things that it appeared had been done to her.

"I know it sounds rather offhand and heartless to say that I wish to dissociate myself with someone who may need assistance but I feel inclined to step back and trust Raedheol to have this all in hand, rather than to go off half-cocked based on assumptions. I just felt the need to justify my inaction, that's all, by at least asking a few basic questions," she finished explaining and fell thoughtfully silent.

Isha’s eyes narrowed, “I will find out why he thought he could bring you into this, I am not at all pleased with Rh’vaurek,” she said fiercely.

Realising she was still clutching Isha's hand, the fact brought back to her attention by the pressure from Isha's fingers as her displeasure became apparent, Chelsea released it, not because she was hurt, but because she was aware that perhaps she had held it longer than might be appropriate to Romulan sensibilities.

“You know, we’re lucky,” Isha said lightly, “there’s an extra pair of glasses in here, “so we can still have some of this. Don’t waste time worrying about events that are beyond your control,” Isha advised as she poured, “but promise me one thing; keep an eye on your Doctor Milarno, if he decides to confront Rh’vaurek about your house-call it will not go well,” seeing that Chelsea might take that the wrong way Isha explained, “the advice is for Ryan’s own safety, Raedheol has full diplomatic immunity, he doesn’t need to follow rules, and one dead doctor will not register on his conscience,” Isha’s eyes glittered, brightened by an unspoken thought as she handed Chelsea a glass.

Chelsea looked at Isha and noticed the glitter in her eye, but mistook it for having relevance to the subject of her last sentence. "Why does it seem to cause you amusement to think that the extinguishing of the light, centre and purpose of my life, would neither be prevented nor brought to justice, and would hold no importance for it's perpetrator? She asked quietly, her reaction frozen in a desperate faith that she *must* have misunderstood the situation and the comment.

Isha t'Khellian
Civilian Journalist & Romulan Aristocrat

Lt. (jg) Chelsea Adams
Assistant Chief Medical Officer - DS5