Time is Fleeting – So? Who's buying the drinks?
by Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   So? Who's buying the drinks?
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Fri Sep 04, 2009 @ 10:44am
Location   Maze Cafe. Promenade - Level 4 - Deck 144
Timeline   BACKPOST - SD9 : 23:30 hrs

It was approaching midnight, the waiter looked really fed up as if he wanted to go home but Jenna was too busy gazing at John and trying to choose something to eat.

"I'm sooooooo ravenous!" she said, thinking to herself that she'd said that before somewhen.

She had. She'd said it about 25 times in the maze.

"What are you having?" she asked John as she closed the menu. "I'll have whatever you have!"

"Well, I don't really know what I am going to have," John replied, still reviewing the menu. So many different kinds of choices. The benefits of having a replicator, he guessed. "Well, this sounds promising. Bajoran Prime Pasta with a Lemenian side salad I guess," he put his menu down and smiled at Jenna. "Sound allright?"

"Sure!" she replied cheerfully. The hovering waiter was called over and the order placed. "That beer you said the one who lost the most turnings would have to buy.... I guess that'd be me.. so what are you drinking?" she offered.

"Syntha-Cola Classic for me would be fine," John replied with a grin. Sure, he could drink other things, but some drinks just tasted better than others.

When the drinks had been brought over Jenna looked at John and held up her glass. "Here's to ... um... Happiness!" she toasted and clinked his glass with her smaller one.

Taking a sip she tilted her head to one side and said. "That was fun. I always liked those holographic historic figures that appear when you're least expecting them. I actually learned stuff from coming here. It's interesting the stories they tell and apparently it's all true events from history they're describing. It seems more real when they make it sound like someone you've met, telling you how it was for them."

"Yeah," John agreed after taking a good sip from his cup. "It was interesting to say the least. I wasn't expecting Zephram Cochraine there. Or any of them for that matter." He laughed and took another drink. "I'm glad we took the time to come here. It's been a nice evening so far and I'm glad it's not over yet."

Jenna treated him to a broad smile and a slight blush that suited her. "You didn't mind being assaulted then?" she joked.

"I'm hoping for another assault," John replied with a grin. He took another drink from his glass and leaned back a little. "Never knew station life could be so much fun and...interesting."

Jenna grinned back. 'No, nor did I until you came along!' she confided, little above a whisper. She slid her hand across the table and wound her fingers between his.

'What shall we do tomorrow?' she asked, gazing at him and thinking to herself she could drown in those fabulous eyes. 'What time are you on duty?'


A JP between

Ensign John Elliott
Assistant Chief of Operations - DS5



CPO Jenna Minton
Administative Officer

(Played by Chelsea)