Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon’s Personal Log - USS Farcharger - Ensign Greo Tovon - Scientific Log 27 - July 3rd 2380

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Title   USS Farcharger - Ensign Greo Tovon - Scientific Log 27 - July 3rd 2380
Author   Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon
Posted   Sun Jul 19, 2009 @ 11:22pm
Wow! That was amazing.

I've been on the Farcharger now for a month and most of my duties have been cataloguing vague gaseous anomalies or obscure fluctuations in the ship's warp field. I don't have to tell you though, I guess you've read my last twenty-six entries. They speak for themselves and the charting we've been doing. Well all that changed this morning.

We received a distress call from a trader vessel and rushed to answer it at maximum warp. I think the whole crew had been itching for something interesting to do. Well, they got it. We arrived to find a subspace anomaly had destabilised the ship's warp field and was affecting their power systems. They were being drawn into the rupture as we arrived.

The anomaly itself was barely a centimetre across, but it was influencing space for 3 AUs in all directions. As the rescue attempt got underway I had the chance, in assisting Lt. Nazeri, to study the rupture in subspace. It was fascinating. I had studied sensor readouts and recordings of such things at the Academy, but to see it up-close, first-hand was another thing.

I think tomorrow I will have to look into these occurances more. I need to have a focus and out here I'm sure these things are likey to crop up all over the place. Maybe I could write a paper on the rupture we saw today.
