Unity – Hand-delivered message
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Hand-delivered message
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Feb 15, 2010 @ 7:42pm
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD 17 - 02:00
Gabriel rubbed the bridge of his nose as he continued to walk down the uniquely lit hall. Perhaps it was the lack of sleep, or maybe it was something about the way the Romulan Consulate was designed that just seemed to had more tension to an already substantial headache.

He gave a nod to the two officers that he had assigned to the border of the Romulan Embassy as a "courtesy" to the then-Acting Romulan Ambassador. So far they had done a fairly good job of keeping tabs on the man whenever he chose to leave and enter the station. The recent bombing had made Gabriel question whether more security was necessary throughout the station.

It was perhaps half an hour since the erie'Khrein had returned from the station and lifted at least in part lockdown conditions within the Consulate, he had to, i-Orinwen reasoned, unless he wanted to spend the night in a corridor. She had not asked about the fresh bruising on his face or the dark slash on his upper arm but merely nodded as he told her to keep at her post until further notice. Security was still tight, her own reception area populated by four guards with all other entrances and exits sealed.

"I'm here to see the Ambassador." Gabriel said without a tone of patience in his voice.

"He's not available," i-Orinwen replied in clipped, precise Federation Standard. She was weary and did not want to have to deal with this particular pain in the neck right now.

Gabriel stared intently at the Romulan sitting before him. He was beginng to become fed up with Romulans walking around his station telling *him* what he would and would not do. He placed his hands on the desk and leaned foward on the desk.

"You people truly amaze me. No matter what uniform you are wearing, you are all the same. Coniving, manipulative, and over masters of mendacity." He said in a measured and terse tone. "I am not asking for an appointment. I said that I am here to see the Ambassador." He repeated in a stern tone.

i-Orinwen did not move an inch. She stared back at him with dark, glinting eyes, "Show officer Gabriel to the waiting area," she said.

As instructed one of the guards stepped forward.

He leaned back away from the desk and observed the woman as well as keeping a mental note on the location of the several guards.

i-Orinwen rose using the same fluid motion she had observed in the real ambassador and walked away without a word. Once she was round the corner she paused and drew a deep breath. Had Raedheol gone to his office or to t'Khellian's? She wavered for a moment and recalling that they had not yet succeeded in getting the doors of her suite open, that Rh'vaurek would have had no choice but to use his own, somewhat less well appointed room.


She returned to the reception area about ten minutes later. "Come with me," she said, "You as well," she added, addressing the guard.

Gabriel raised an eyebrow as he noticed the tone within the Romulan's voice. Perhaps it was because she had a room full of security. He stopped dwelling on the issue as he walked further down the corridor towards the Ambassador's office.

Rh'vaurek's own office lacked a window, and the acting Ambassador himself was seated in a chair digging a medical impliment inexpertly in his own upper arm. "What do you want Gabriel?" he asked without ceremony.

"I said that I'm here to see the Ambassador, not her second fiddle." Gabriel replied with noticable distain.

Slowly Rh'vaurek extracted a bloody shard of glass from his arm. It was about two inches long, he flicked it at Gabriel and spoke only when it hit the security chief's chest, slid then dropped to the floor. "I am the Ambassador, and I've just spent the evening doing the job you and yours failed to do.

"You have long since reneged on your end of our deal Raedhol, not only did you fail to get rid of Isha and her intrusive ways permenantly, but now you've managed to cause a riot on my station. I could care less for your kind, but it does not benefit me in anyway if you are killed during *my* watch." He replied.

"You don't have a watch," Rh'vaurek drew his shirt back on, but did not bother to button it. He'd clear out the rest of the debris later as soon as this piece of detritus was gone. "And any passing agreement you think we may have had is void; you haven't been playing the game, Gabriel. I'm surprised you have the guts to come in here."

Gabriel walked further into the room and dropped a padd unceremoniously on the Romulan's desk. "I wanted to hand-deliver the following announcement: The station is under a complete lockdown until this critical crisis current situation has been resolved. That means nobody is allowed on our off the station without prior authorization and clearance by station security." He stated.

"Whatever you all have planned within this sovreign dump will remain within these walls for the time being." He added. "I don't need to worry about your kind causing anymore disturbances." He concluded.

Rh'vaurek shrugged ignoring the trickle of blood that damped his shirt, "I'm not on my way anywhere, and we'll pick you up in our own time."

Gabriel's eye twitched slightly as he tried to maintain his composure. Gabriel knew that various forces were conspiraing to make his situation worst than it needed to be. He didn't need this, not now. The Romulan was dead and he should've stayed that way. He was not about to allow this . . .cretin disrupt anything.

With a lunge Gabriel knocked the items off of Rhaedol's deks and leaned over the desk looking into his face. "I've warned you before Romulan, about interfering in things that you know nothing about. What happened to that *Veruul* was a fitting end to his burdensome existance. I assure you, I am the *last* person you want to threaten." he said.

"I just spent the last hour doing your job, Gabriel. You're losing it," he said, barely suppressing a smirk, "if you ever had it, that is. Wholesale riot on the promenade, and not a whiff of security." Rh'vaurek leaned in, "What's your story?"

"My job? You can't even do *your* job without be upstaged by some woman, don't you *dare* sit there and try to look down your nose at me. Your *job* exists exclusively at Isha's leisure. She controls this entire joke of an embassy, hell, she controls you." Gabriel said in retort.

Rh'vaurek chuckled deeply, "yet for some reason that bothers you ... maybe you should mention it to your new Chief Counselor," he suggested, knowing how much her appointment must irk Gabriel. "As for Isha, well you seem to be the one that resents that woman's position and influence. Its just the way it is, who am I to resent tradition."

"I know more about your antiquated culture than you'd care for me to know. I know enough to recognize a less class peasant who has an inferiority complex. Your entire service to the empire has been nothing more than you striving to prove something to anybody that matters. Save yourself the stress and just accept the truth: You were born nothing and when you die your name will be nothing worth considering for more than half a moment." He spoke.

One all, Rh'vaurek thought, but he was not going to give Gabriel the satisfaction.

"You know Gabriel, I was wrong about you," Rh'vaurek said, "I thought at least you'd be a worthy adversary, deserving of a little respect but really its not the case. You come in here throwing tantrums while outside your own people are out of control. An ill tempered and unpopular thug," he said, "and a murderer."

Gabriel looked deep into the Romulan's eyes, searching for the slightest hint of an emotional register at the comment he made about his hiertage and career. Raedhoel's eyes gave away no such indicitation. Gabriel knew that the man was a a good liar, so he figured it he might as well continue on with the rest of his duties. Additionally, Gabriel was afraid that he would end up murdering *this* Romulan if he continued to speak.

"Consider the message delivered, Romulan. Stay off of the promanade." Gabriel said with finality as he turned and walked out of the office towards the main foyer.

For a minute or two Rh'vaurek leaned back in his chair and laughed, deeply and without reservation; Gabriel was scared of what was coming to him, so much so that the resurgence of the past had entirely thrown him. For his part, Rh'vaurek could not wait to watch it all unfold.

Gabriel had it coming to him, the murdering bastard.


erie'Khrein Rh'vuarek Raedheol
Acting Romulan Ambassador

Lieutenant Commander
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security