Beg, Steal or Borrow – It's been a tough day
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   It's been a tough day
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Tue Jun 09, 2009 @ 8:59pm
Location   Promonade
Timeline   back post - a few hours after the battle
Claire gladly left the Freedom and was making her way through the Promenade. Her heart ached for Melanie, she knew what the other woman was going through. She hated being the one to tell Melanie that her loved one was gone and wasn't coming back. Claire wasn't paying attention so she nearly ran into Ayren who had been coming towards her.

"Hey!" Ayren said half laughing, avoiding a collision, by catching Claire's shoulders. 'Where is you mind?" she said a smiled, but immediately sensed her distress. "You need to site down girl..."

She smiled warmly when she saw Ayren. "Care to join me in my quarters? I would rather not talk out in public..." She said quietly.

Ayren's brow furrowed in concern. "Sure, we can..." and indicated with her hand for the you ng woman to lead the way. She could always pick up what she needed later. TAG

~Unless you have things to do here...~She replied. t

~I do, but that could wait~ Looking at Claire and the state of her mind she cocked her head. "Won't it be good for you to sit in the garden perhaps or in a pretty coffee shop?"

~Yes I suppose it might at that.~ She smiled. ~Coffee?~ She asked.

~Always..~ Ayren smiled. ~Come.. I know just the place~ Sh elead her to a quaint little coffee shop where it was obvious that she was a regular. After negotiating with the owner, Ayren and Claire were shown to a table, giving them some privacy but not isolating them. After placing their orders, Ayren leaned forward, her own expereinces pushed to the back of her mind. ~So talk to me..~

She sighed and folded her hands on the table she said. ~During the battle I had someone die in my arms. I had to tell his wife.~ She looked down at her hands.

Instinctively Ayren placed her hand on Claire's. ~That must have been aweful... I am truly sorry you had to go through that..."

~She was angry with him...and then with me. That it had been me that held him while he laid dying...she said 'It should of been me.'~ Claire shook her head.

~Do you think it shuld have been you?~

~I am blaming myself because he refused to let me help him but to tell Dr. Hemmingway that he had set her free and that he loved her.~

~How can you blame yorslef if *he* refused to let you halp him...? Maybe he new that he was beyond help....?"

~Because I could of ran and tried to find help. oh I don't know...~

~You were there for him when he needed oit most and you did what he asked... you cannot take responsibility for his request.."

~I know...I have always dealt with the aftermath of death...not death itself. I am unsure if I can even explain it properly.~

~Use this experience to enrich your understanding of death, It could really help those you counsel if you have experienced life and death.~ Ayren suggested.

~I will...are you ok?~

Ayren nodded. ~I am fine~ sh smiled.

~My telepathy must be off then..I thought I sensed something else...sorry Ayren.~ are not off.... quite alot happened today~ she sent thoughfully. She wasn't sure she could talk about the attack on Da'nal's children and she wasn't ready to talk about him quite yet.. she wouldn't know what to say... she hardly knew him. ~I have a lot on my mind~

~Then talk to me.~

~Unfortunetely it is part of an ongoing investigation~ she replied quietky/ What boithered her more was what she did and that it should become public knowledge. She had to close her mind. ~I am sorry my friend~

~It is alright, I understand Ayren. There is no need to apologise.~

Ayren squeezed Claire's hand as her comm badge chirped. "There is an incoming message for you, ms Kelan . It is from X'aedell Kelan. Do you wish to accept it?" came the voice of the comminications officer.

'Of course! patch it to my office... give me five minutes," she said and her face lit up. "It is my cousin," she explained to Claire. I have been expecting her" she said apologizing. "Would you excuse me please?"

"Yes of course. I will see you later Ayren...and thank you."