Judgement – Sarifin Delight
by Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Sarifin Delight
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Tue Dec 20, 2011 @ 5:44pm
Location   Main Engineering
Timeline   1700 - following Final Responsibilitiies
Sarafin Delight (Part I)

Engineering can be a wonderful place of fulfillment. The whole idea is to provide power, keep things running, keep everyone happy, and not get noticed. The title of Assistant Chief of Engineering means that you have a great deal of responsibility to make sure things are implemented, completed, training is accomplished, everything is on schedule, and in most cases receives very little recognition for his efforts. Yet, when something goes wrong, it all falls flat on his or her shoulders. Of late, that has been the case for Lt. Vincent Kramer, Assistant Chief of Engineering.

((Main Engineering))
( 1700 hours )


Following the incident in the Turbolift, Lt. Kramer did not really look forward to returning to Main Engineering. He was very grateful that the Doctor at the Medstation next to the Emergency Transport station had given him a 3 day medical leave of absence. The bruising on his face was mostly taken care of , but there was still a slight sign.

Kramer entered Main engineering via the main entrance rather than right next to the Chief’s office. Walking off the lift, he was greeted with a smile from Ens. Kimshawn.

Ens. Kiimshawn smiled graciously, “Lieutenant.” She said and continued to smile. “I heard you had a date with two beautiful women, but there was a falling out?” she quipped and then chuckled softly.

“Yes. Thank you for keeping up on all the urgent news of the day.” Kramer quipped back.

Kimshawn scrutinized his face, “You don’t look to worse for wear.”

Kramer walked up and leaned against the console next to her chair informally. “Yeah, the doc did a fine job of hiding most of the bruising.” Looking across the room, “Is the Chief here?”

“Yes he is.” Kimshawn said, but then added hesitantly, “I think he’s waiting for you.”

“All right then,” Kramer thought, “Time to face the fire.”

“I’ll have the extinguisher handing,” She kidded.

Kramer looked down at her and smiled, “Thanks. I know I can always count on you.” Kidding aside, he truly meant it. He knew he could rely on Ens. Kimshawn in any tough situation to come through for him. Standing, he said, “I’ll talk to you later.” And walked cross Engineering.

As Kramer walked he received many waves, winks, and nods from the engineering personnel. He was sure that everyone had heard of the incident. Kramer appreciated their support, but it was time to face the Chief. Again.

As Kramer stepped up onto the platform between the Core Control and the Chief’s office, he could see through the transparent wall that the Chief’s office was empty. Kramer stopped and looked back across the extensive Main Engineering. “Well,” he began, “Nothing more to do here.”

With nothing more to say, Kramer turned and headed into the turbolift positioned between the Chief’s office and his. Turning around and looking out the doors as they closed, he said “Promenade.”

Vince walked down one of the main corridors on the promenade. With three days to do as he pleased, Vince thought of the many things he likes to do. 'Playing his instruments or attending concerts. There is always a concert of some kind taking place on the station.’ It was a big station, with 3 major concert halls, as well as, smaller venues. ‘Maybe a little jazz would be in order,’ Vince thought

He recalled that he had promised the Ladies from Sarafin to take them to dinner and he definitely was looking forward to that time.

OFF: To be continued -

Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering