Beg, Steal or Borrow – Ambassador's Daughter Part 2
by Lieutenant JG Derick Fox

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Title   Ambassador's Daughter Part 2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Derick Fox
Posted   Mon Jun 29, 2009 @ 11:37am
Location   Classified
Timeline   Approxamately 2 years ago

Two years ago...................

Derick was making his way through the remains of a city, now in ruins. It was dark and humid. Every once in a while lightning would streak across the sky and provide a moment of light. He didn’t like the approaching storm. The lightning could give him away if someone was out side looking. Derick removed his thermal imaging device due to the lightning. Derick moved stealthy and methodically like a panther hunting it prey.

He smelled them coming before he heard or saw them. Derick was down wind and they could have used a bath. He placed his back flat against the wall right up near the corner. He could now hear them coming.

Derick closed his eyes seeming to slow down time, waiting for the right moment. His right arm poised, ready to strike the first target. He swung in a wide arc, hitting his target in the throat. In shock, the target grabbed his throat not being able to breath, fear on his face. Then realization that he was under attack. Derick grabbed the mans head, pulling towards him and down while bringing up his knee into the mans face, breaking his nose and rendering him unconscious. The man dropped to the ground with a thud.

The second man coming out of shock with terror on his face drew his weapon in preparation to fire at Derick. In one swift move, Derick reached for his retractable baton made from poly-alloy that was on his back. As he swung it directly from its holster in a downward arc, he pressed the button to expand it. He felt the movement as it enlarged with a metallic twang right before it made contact with the side of the mans neck.. The man fell to the ground in a heap. Derick moved both unconscious men to a hidden area.

Derick continued advancing toward his target avoiding patrols when ever could. There was no need to take a risk of getting compromised. Derick made it to a building that he thought housed the damping field emitter that prevented communications, beam out, and scans. He place one of his explosive devices on the emitter and set the timer.

Derick began to search the building where he suspected that they held the Ambassadors daughter.
He had no idea who the ambassador was. It was classified to him and he didn’t really need to know anyway. It would have made no difference. He had a job to do.

Derick came to corner and peered around it, noticing two guards at a door.~That must be where they are holding her.~ This time Derick pulled his hand phaser out. He reached down and picked up a piece of debris, tossing it across the hall to get the guards attention. It was an old trick but, worked every time. The two guards pulled there weapons and began to move. Once the pair came were adjacent to the corner, Derick fired once at each of them, no both unconscious. He made his way for the door to the room.

Fox tested the door while searching for triggers and traps but found none and the door opened with no problem. A person was bound to a chair in the middle of the room with a cloth bag covering the head. Fox approached cautiously, carefully pulling the cloth, Derick gasped in horror and astonishment. “ can’t” He shook his head and closed his eyes expecting her to magically change. He swallowed hard then opened his eyes. “Oh thank god!”
It must have been some type of illusion. Ayren had been appearing in his dreams as of late and he found himself thinking about her more and more. The more he thought about her, the more pain was developing. Even at that moment his heart started to hurt. He missed her. “ Damn! Focus. We still need to get out of here,” he told himself.
With the detraction and pain of Ayren, Derick didn’t realize that someone came up from behind him. He was hit in the upper back by a hard metal tube which caused him to somersault foward.
Derick rolled to a kneeling position, drawing his phaser. The metal tube came down and hit Derick in the hand causing the phaser to fall to the floor. Derick yelled out in pain, pulling back his hand. He was sure that he had broken bones in his hand. He rolled back to get distance from the intruder and came up kneeling once more. His baton now expanded in his left hand. He came up with his right hand to hold the smaller end of the baton in an effort to deflect the metal pipe that was now coming straight down for Derick’s head. His broken hand was no match for the force or the pipe that was coming in a downward arc. The broken hand gave first as he yelled again in excruciating pain.

The idea that Derick would not finish this mission never crossed his mind. His combat reflexes began to take over. While laying on his back, Derick performed a leg sweep that sent the man crashing to the floor on his back . Derick was up in an instant an kicked the man in the temple rendering him unconscious. Derick pulled a detonator from his pocket and armed the switch. The light flashed red indicating that it was armed. He pushed the button with a flinch as the building rocked with a loud boom!.
Derick untied the young woman and helped her up slowly. A voice came over the com channel. “Major, we are making a run, now that the damping field is down. Stand by for transport.”
“Hurry up” was all that Derick got out before the door came crashing open. Molecules began to scramble but, not before a disruptor fire hit its mark. Derick was hit in the leg and dropped to his knee, then the molecules were gone.

Derick a woke in sick bay aboard his ship with medical staff and a nervous Captain hovering over him.
“Good job Major........sorry.... Lieutenant. We are all very proud of you. The Ambassador sends his personal thanks. Get some rest, that’s an order.


Lieutenant JG Derick Fox
Tactical Officer