Time is Fleeting – I am What I am
by Lieutenant JG Nicholas Gregory & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   I am What I am
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Nicholas Gregory & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Sep 13, 2009 @ 11:36pm
Location   Deep Space Nine
Timeline   SD14 1125hrs (Backpost)
Is a man flawed at birth? Does he exit the womb into a world that steers him into mistake after mistake? Or is it simply that our nature is flawed? My father once told me that “to be flawed is to be human and to be human is to be flawed”. These words still held true for me, my life was still filled with mistake after mistake. Of course I rarely got called on it and got away with it many times before. My conscious has been cleansed by my actions and it gets a little bit brighter every time I resist my own tendency to be a flawed individual. Today was a new start, a new beginning of sorts from my time on the USS London.

“Sir” an ensign called from the front of the shuttle, her hair shifting from one side to the other as she worked the controls of the shuttle never wavering in her duty.

“Yes, what is it?” moving to the front I could see what she wanted to show me, there before me was the enormity of Deep Space Five it seemed even bigger then I imagined.

“Will be docking in a few minutes, or would you prefer to be transported?” she asked a professional look on her face, her eyes only slightly doing a once over of him.

“I’d rather use the transporter; I don’t want to take up any more of your time Ensign?” Nick queried his memory was great for tactical situations but remembering names was just too great a burden for his mind.

“Victoria, Ensign Victoria” she said correcting herself with a slight blush, Nick had always hated these little flirtatious games it always got in the way of what people actually wanted. “If you’ll step on the transporter PADD we can start the transport, sir”

“Thanks have a good one” he said stepping on the PADD before disappearing into nothingness.

“Welcome aboard DS5.” Said the transport officer, may I see your transfer orders? She enquired.

Nick handed her her the PADD and she scanned it, handing it back to him with a smile.
"All in order." She advised.

“Thanks” Nick said his attention had been slightly occupied by the transport itself, no matter how many times he used the transport he kept recalling at those accidents during the test phases of the transporter.

No sooner had he tucked teh PADD back into his sack, he was ordered to the security office by Gabriel.

Nick frowned slightly was I being watched that closely? Shaking the thought from his mind he handed his bags to an officer and directed him to take his things to his quarters.

He then made his way to the turbolifts to attend this meeting with his new department head.


Lt JG Nick Gregory
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer

NPCs by Tasha