We All Fall Down – Business as Un-usual - Part 3
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Lieutenant Melara sh'Tagras & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Business as Un-usual - Part 3
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman & Lieutenant Melara sh'Tagras & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Mon Jun 30, 2014 @ 6:27pm
Location   Observation Lounge
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. c. 10:40 TBC

Perturbed for a moment that Federation Standard did not have the formal and informal forms of address that would make her status clear in Rihannsu, Isha chose another word to open her communal address.


"People, be seated," she said as she took the chair at the head of the table.

Trellis put down his padd and turned his attention to the new Commanding Officer of the station. He was quite aware of Dorian Gabriel's profound dislike for the woman and her entire species for that matter. Trellis, himself, had not problem with the woman. However, he did not know how to respond to the idea that an officer of the Romulan Star Empire had now become the commanding officer of the station.

'Moment of truth time...' Wyman thought as he turned his attention toward the station's new commanding officer. On the whole he didn't have much use for Romulans, but being the son of a diplomat he was willing to give her a chance to prove herself trustworthy.

Arriving just in time for the meeting, Marine Captain Miranda Flynn walked in calmly sipping on a cup of coffee, brewed strong in the Marine fashion. She appraised the room taking in all the new faces. Change was in the air, and she could smell it…if she didn’t have the aroma of coffee filling her nostrils. She took her seat at the far end of the table as was customary for the Marine CO consummate with their relative exclusion of the chain of command on a station. She had a PADD with her that she placed on the table in front of her, prepared to be read aloud at the beginning of the meeting.

It was just after the Marine that Isha's Shadow arrived.

"Everyone, given our unusual circumstances, Starfleet have provided me with a 'Shadow'. This is Commander Tahhk. Anything you say in front of me may be said in front of him," she said introducing briefly the tall Vulcan with a modicum of distaste beneath her tone. "His record and provenance is easily accessible on file. Starfleet deem it ... inappropriate that Deep Space Five pass immediately into my hands, but equally so that a Starfleet Commanding Officer is imposed above me."

Tahhk nodded in her direction before striding to the window where he stood with his hands behind the back - a vantage point chosen to observe rather than interfere.

Dell looked up from her padd. "Starfleet Ops are sending over a file of possible candidate for head of department for you to review, the holotech upgrade rollouts are ahead of schedule by a week, nothing else to report." And that bothered her. She was waiting for a disaster to happen.

"Aside from what I already mentioned, we're very nearly back to full operating capacity since the bombings. It was kind of slow going for a bit, but the old girl should be running smoother than ever." Wyman chimed in, gently patting the desk to indicate he was referring to the station.

Flynn looked down at the PADD in her hand briefly, "As you all know, Colonel Darson has been off-station for the past week, hence why I have been attending these staff meetings in his stead. I received a transmission from him last night indicating that he was returning later today from, and I quote: 'A record breaking bender of drugs, alcohol and personal enlightenment'," She sighed heavily, "I'm sure that he's just being factitious, but he also mentions bringing back twenty score wild boars that he will 'Let lose on the station so we can hunt them down in a traditional fashion to celebrate his homecoming.' So everybody brace yourselves for that, he should be coming in at around 1200 hours today."

Jarred chimed in "We'll be supplementing staffing shortages with some of the cadets that are on training for the time being, I've spoken to Commodore Allison and she has approved it with some conditions."

Trellis waited until the officer finished speaking before he began his report. "Captain t'Vaurek, the Security department is currently investigating reports of smuggling of various artifacts from the Gamma Quadrant." he reported.

"I have not been able to exactly pinpoint where the shipments are going to or who has an interest in them. Unfortunately, with a station this size it is difficult to ascertain any specific motive or culprit." He added. "Either way, whomever is responsible is using unreported and back-channels method of bringing the cargo onto the station." he remarked.

"Lets try to keep close track of that," Isha said, quite aware that between her words she was asking his to actively profile those he suspected rather than wait for evidence. "Increase random searches on cargos, especially those under the eyes of, or supplied by those you might deem suspicious."

Miranda lifted a hand slightly to Trellis and said, "Mr. Trellis, let us know if you need any manpower for your investigation."

Business concluded Isha got to her feet and motioned with her palms down for everyone to stay where they were.

"I have one other matter to deal with," she said.

Dell felt a small lurch in her stomach. She naturally assumed that the department heads were about to get a dressing down from their new captain.

Keeping his expression even, Steve clasped his hands together in his lap. 'And now for the other shoe to drop...' he thought.

Miranda kept an even expression and took a sip of coffee. She was to report everything said at these meetings by Isha to the Colonel, so she paid rapt attention to the woman standing at the head of the table.

"Lieutenant Wyman, please join me," she said, motioning for the Engineer to join her at the head of the table.

'Oh frak... She's been in command for less than a day - what the Hell did I do since yesterday?' Steve's mind was racing as he rose from his seat and moved around the table. Reaching Isha he found himself wondering just how much flop sweat he had going on, while still being nowhere close to knowing what in blazes he had done wrong.

"Your previous commanding officer reported great ingenuity on your behalf, highlighting your key role in bringing the stranded Yevadi Princling to safety and in doing so protecting the integrity of Deep Space Five, her crew and all who make this their home. In recognition of this the departed Executive Officer, Commander Villiers recommended your promotion. That recommendation was accepted and on behalf of Starfleet, it is my honour to bestow on you the rank of Lieutenant Commander."

Unsure of protocol Isha held the little box out to him in the flat of her hand.

Now Wyman was flop sweating for an entirely different reason. "I... I... I'm not sure what to say. Ah... thank you, Commander. Um... I will do my utmost not to let you down." he stammered. This was a complete blindside. It had been ten years since he had reached lieutenant, and the way things had gone since being assigned to DS5 he'd started to think he would die at that rank (and fairly soon, at that).

Taking the small, velvet lined box, he popped it open to reveal the black with gold trim rank pip. Actually seeing the minuscule pin seemed to settle his nerves a bit. "As amazing as this feels - I think my daughter is going to be more excited than I am."

"I hope that you make her proud, Mister Wyman," Isha replied with the slightest smile twitching at the edges of her lips, "and that you continue the good work. Thank you everyone. Dismissed."