Small Things – Where did you come from?
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Where did you come from?
Mission   Small Things
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sat Dec 07, 2013 @ 10:38pm
Timeline   SD28 2200

Yolanthe blinked. She knew she'd come back to her office for a reason. She just couldn't remeber what it was. "Senior Moment, at my age." she muttered. "I am going soft." She turned round to head back out to the bar, and stopped dead, a full spectrum flashing over her skin in an instant.

Sitting on the coffee table was latinum. lots of latinum. Not one, but two - two!! - whole bricks. Two Bricks of latinum. She sat down sharply, and looked around her office, flushed green with suspicion. No, no-one was there. She got up, and walked down the hall to the break room. There was a couple of waiters shooting domjot. "Did anyone come in my office just now?"

The blonde risian shook his head. "no, Boss." He looked to his companion, a delicately shaded Aenar who also shook his head.

"Okay, thanks." Still puzzled Yolanthe went back to her office. She picked up one of the bricks. She'd only seen one before. It looked legit. It felt about right. But how did it get here? The same properties that made it impossible to replicate made it a almost impossible to transport. she tapped the communicator on her desk. "Edward?" she asked her assistant manager up in Klia's old manager. "Get me an appointment at the Bank of Bolia. I need to see an assayer." He grunted an affirmative, and she signed off.

She hefted the second brick thoughtfully. Two bricks. She laughed with relief, turning bright sky blue. It was a little miracle. She was safe. SHe could buy Tyler SHort some backbone, and still have cash left over. A brick of latinum bought an awful lot of cocktails on Risa. She almost skipped out of the office, brimming with good humour. She never even noticed the gap on her trophy wall where the Ferengi's purse used to hang.

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights