Beg, Steal or Borrow – Earthbound
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Earthbound
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Rakka & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Mon Feb 02, 2009 @ 8:05pm
Location   East Docking Ring; Bay 18 - USS Castor
Timeline   SD7 06:40

=^= "Lieutenant Kasikova, are you on your way, you're keeping us waiting!" Tasha said into her comm, shaking her head.
She turned to Jayfe to explain the counsellors tardiness.
"I have to be fair, I did tell her originally that we were leaving this evening and I do know how a woman cannot be rushed in the morning." She grinned.

=^="Yes Captain, I'm on my way!"=^= Zorana was flustered. "Shit!" She ran across to her dresser and threw whatever she could grab into her bag. ~I thought she said we were leaving tonight!~ She grabbed her bag and starting running through the corridors towards the east docking ring.

She arrived at the dock more flustered and out of breath than she thought possible. "Captain..." She tried to breathe, "I'm sorry, I thought you said we were leaving tonight." Her face was red from embarrassment and the exercise.

"Don't worry, the Captain likes to keep us on our toes," Jayfe offered the counsellor a warm smile. He sat at a perimeter console cross-checking flight plans.

Zorana nodded and smiled shyly.

Tasha still had a concern as to why the counsellor wanted to tag along. "No problem. Stow your gear. Do you have any experience with flight?" Tasha enquired.

"Some." She responded simply as she smiled at the captain. Zorana reached into her pocket and found the Iso-Key that Wallace had given her. She said a silent thank you that she hadn't forgotten it in her mad rush to get to the ship.

She took a final look across the control panel, which was showing a bank of green lights, just an red one regarding the landing gear. Tasha took a breath, before calling on the CEO.

She tapped the comm console. "USS Castor to Lieutenant Freeman." She awaited his response, but only for a second.

"Yes Captain?"

"Lieutenant. I had a red light on the Castor which relates to the landing struts. Did your engineer who checked the ship out this morning report anything?"

"I don't know how that could be Ma'am, I personally saw to your ship last night and everything was fine. There shouldn't be any Engineering personnel there this morning they are all supposed to be helping repair our damaged shuttle bay."

"There was an engineer in the Castor this morning. Never mind. Do I need to worry about this red light or the landing struts?" She asked.

"I don't think so, the worst that would happen is the struts wouldn't deploy and you would have a guided crash landing. If you would like I can have another shuttle ready in about an hour."

Tasha glanced at the time and made the instant decision. "Thanks Chief, I will stick with the Castor, she is fuelled and ready. Is there anything else I should be aware of?" She asked, watching her commanders at the ramp of the Wallace.

"Not that I know of, everything was green last night."

"Very good. See you when I get back, Tahir out." She closed the comm and made her way to T'Lan and Rakka.

"I hope I won't be gone for too long. Rakka, any message for Commander O'Dwyer?" Her voice low.

Rakka hadn't thought much about such matters--after all, O'Dwyer had been removed not long after she herself had gotten settled here. "Only 'good luck', I suppose," she replied.

Tashas head bobbed in acknowledgement, knowing that a message from anyone for Patrick would be welcomed.
"Consider it done." She glanced at the serious face of T'Lan, before adding one more request to Rakka.

"Rakka, can I ask one more thing of you?" She paused, knowing that Rakka would not refuse her next request, "Will you ensure that Petro get her assignments in on time for the Academy, she only has 3 weeks and I won't be here to push her."

The knot in Rakka's stomach relaxed a little. "Of course. It is the duty of a friend, not an officer."

Tasha smiled her own gratitude before extending her hand to both Commanders.
"Well, I shall be seeing you soon." She said to them both, shaking their respective hands.

T'Lan nodded, "I wish you a pleasant journey Captain."

Tasha made her way forward, laying a hand on Zorana's shoulder and giving a gentle squeeze as she passed, entering the control area, where Jayfe was sitting and waiting to take the Castor out of the docking ring.

"Jayfe?" Only stating his name in a question.

"Pre-flight checks are green, core output is stable, flight plans logged and approved." He angled his head so the Captain came into view. His fingers paused over their controls.

"Ready to take us out?" She asked, taking a final look around the cockpit.

"On your order, Captain." Jayfe enjoyed the thrill of departure. The pushing off into the blackness of space. He hadn't taken anything as large as the Castor out for quite some time.

"In that case, seal the doors, pressurise the cabin and take us out Mr Devero." She said, strapping her self into the second seat, tapping the comm channel.

=^= "USS Castor to Ops. Requesting clearance and a clear course from docking bay 18." She said, a slight tremor of emotion in her voice.

=^= "Clearance is yours, Castor. Clear horizons." The comm chirped off.

"Releasing docking clamps," Jayfe announced. "Maneuvering thrusters engaged." The sleek ship broke gently from its housing and climbed through the inner workings of the station.

"Port and starboard thrusters to station keeping, aft thrusters at one third ahead." The Castor slid gently through the enormous space dock doors, enveloped quickly by the vastness of space. "And we're clear. I'm bringing impulse engines on-line." Jayfe's hands slid across the console, entering commands. "Are you ok in the back there Counsellor?"

"Yes, I'm fine." She responded.

"We've cleared the stations gravity well. Warp engines are powered, course to Earth is plotted." Jayfe looked to Tasha hesitantly.

Tasha felt his eyes upon her and she turned to face him with the faintest of grins on her face.
"What?" She teased, "I am sure that I don't have to say you did a marvellous job......because you know you did." Her grin deepened.

Jayfe laughed. "Actually, I was waiting for you to give the word to go to warp. No time like the present though." Perhaps humans weren't as sensitive to the nuances of non-verbal communication as he had given them credit for. He reached forward and tapped a flashing red button. The Castor streaked into warp, Earth-bound.


CO: Tasha Tahir
XO: Lt Commander T'Lan
CSec: Lt. Cdr. Rakka
CEO: Lt JG Bruce Freeman
Chief Counsellor Lt. (JG) Zorana Kasikova
CSO: Lt. JG Jayfe Devero