Judgement – Crimes of Punishment
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   Crimes of Punishment
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Sun Oct 31, 2010 @ 10:02pm
Location   Romulan Consulate, Ambassador's Office
Timeline   SD35: 21:30
"Thank you fpr coming, R'Vek," Isha said. With Rh'vaurek away Isha had no Chief of Staff to rely on and he employed no deputy, that left R'Vek as the ranking Galae officer on the station, it was therefore quite legitimate for her to ask him to step in on a matter of discipline. But she wanted t'Merek to appear a secondary issue. "Tell me, how are the preparations for your pirate hunt progressing?" she asked.

"The Dhelan is set to pull out of port in mere hours." R'Vek nodded, "I've got two more Warbirds on the way in case we end up needing to make a bigger impact statement to the Pirates...." He paused and stroked his beard for dramatic effect before continuing, "Or anyone else."

"Good," Isha replied, "I had the impression that the Lloann'su were not fully behind the proposal, some of them, anyway. They seemed uncomfortable with the idea of us leading the mission. Don't be surprised if they put limits on what information they share and start trying to take over," she added. "For some reason they don't wish to trust us even when we are being utterly straight and open with them," she observed.

"Well, they'll just have to get over it." R'Vek replied, he had no time for petty grudges and territorial disputes in a mission of this importance to all parties in the quadrant, "We're working towards a common goal, they're going to have to get past their issues and contribute fully."

"Of course they will have to," Isha replied, "just make sure Rianni brings my ship back in one piece. She's looking forward to leaving I take it?"

"Champing at the bit." R'Vek laughed, "I actually feel sorry for the poor bastards she's going up against."

"She has fire in her blood, we all do. One has to be seriously misguided to make an enemy of us," she mused. If it ever came out this sector was going to be engulfed in flames, Isha thought. "What was it that hru'Hfirh Sindari i-Ramnau t'Khellian said when she took back the city from the Hheinia ... " the particular t'Khellian she referred to was one of their ancestors, the one responsible for uniting the clans over a millenium ago.

"Ah yes, she waited until her forces had taken Ramnau, then she had her particular enemy brought to her You took my land, my home, my daughters. You left me crushed and ready die, you forgot something though. Take anything from the Khelliana and you'd best be certain the blood of the one you have wronged has ceased to flow. That is what she told him. Then she had him castrated and burned alive." Isha mentioned that particular piece of family history for a reason; it was as close as she could come to indirectly telling R'Vek what was going on and letting him know that she would deal with it in her way. "Still, we can't expect all and sundry to know our family history, can we."

"Well, I'm sure Rianni will give them a good and proper lesson." R'Vek smiled, "I hope they realize there's going to be a test at the end." He had gotten Isha's message, but there was no way he was going to just walk away from Tharek Getal, he had a lesson he had to teach as well.

Isha sighed, she could almost tell what he was thinking. "Its rather a good thing I caught you before you leave," she said. "I have a favour to ask you."

"Oh, what is it, cousin?" He asked, though he had a feeling she was about to drop some duty Raedheol couldn't be bothered with tending to before he left into his lap, "Ask and you shall receive."

"There was an incident a few days ago, a civilian was assaulted by my head of security. Normally I would overlook it, but a complaint was brought to me from a member of the public. R'Vek, I cannot have my staff bringing my name and the name of the Empire into disrepute."

"All right." R'Vek nodded, "And which civilian did Arrain t'Merek assault? And do you have any specific discipline in mind or do I have the free reign of it?"

"The bartender who hosted Rianni's party," Isha replied, "I'm sure you will do whatever is appropriate," Isha had no taste for the details of it.

"All right, Isha." R'Vek nodded, "How severe a beating did this bartender receive? I'd prefer to keep t'Merek's punishment in accordance with her offense lest it be thought by other Rihannsu that we value foreigners over our own officers."

"It is not the damage to the bartender that warrants it but the damage to my reputation," Isha said. Rh'vaurek wouldn't have asked, he would have just done it. "That is quite enough to justify any severity."

"Very well then." R'Vek agreed, though he now knew something was going on well beyond Isha's office or this bartender, "But I can assure you your reputation is in good standing, in spite of anything you might have heard to the contrary. What of mitigation? Was t'Merek provoked?" He knew that was a legitimate question and a legitimate defense, if Isha blew it off he'd also know someone else had pulled this particular string.

"This is exactly why it is necessary. I am sick to the stars of my staff treating my embassy like a holiday camp! You included!" Isha did not often raise her voice, she rarely felt the need, but this was one of the exceptions, "I have overlooked you bringing that havam in here because you are my cousin, I have even deigned to treat her with politeness because she is the mother of my niece but I will not tolerate this incessant questioning. I am erie'Hfirh of your House tr'Khellian as well as the chief representative of the Empire. I've given you an order. See that it is carried out."

R'Vek simply sighed and shook his head, "You know damn well that's a legitimate question, Isha. And you also know that if this ever comes to be questioned by those above us they're going to want to know why it wasn't considered. Isha, this isn't your first time at this, nor is it mine, you know we have to see that every facet of Rihannsu law is followed to the letter."

He paused for a long second, giving thought to ripping into her for her comments about Eleni before deciding not to even acknowledge such a childish and petulant statement at this time, "Very well, Isha, t'Merek shall be punished, but you will answer any questions that will inevitably arise when this oversight of our laws comes to the attention of eyes higher than ours. I hope you've got a damned good reason for everything you're doing, Isha, else you'll be the one in t'Merek's place before you know it."

"I know the law, R'Vek and I am acting within it," Isha said, albeit only an atom's breath within it. "You should go. t'Merek is expecting you," she said somewhat taken aback at the threat implied in his words.

"Very well, Madam Ambassador." R'Vek sighed, knowing that when and if this did come up he would keep Isha out of the line of fire as he always did, though it did her some good to be let think he wouldn't come to her rescue from time to time, ~Not that she doesn't know different deep down.~

"Thank you," Isha replied. "Send for me once its done."

"Of course, Madam Ambassador." R'Vek replied, smelling a Cardassian in this, ~I do believe Mr. Getal and I need to talk.~


EnRiov R'Vek tr'Khellian
Tal Shiar/Smells a Vole

Ambassador isha e-Ramnau e-Khellian t'Illialhae