Time is Fleeting – Cloak and stagger
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Cloak and stagger
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Mon Sep 07, 2009 @ 4:48pm
Location   Marine COs' office
Timeline   sd 09 1400(Backpost)
After the chief left jarred turned and looked at the colonel, "Ok, now that hes' gone, what the hell is going on?"

Darson waited until after the door closed, and then said in an annoyed tone, "I'm afraid that I can't tell you much, Mr. Wallace. I am currently in the middle of a very, very sensitive military operation...one that required the use of certain resources. That's all there is too it. Now, are you satisfied? Can I get back to my paperwork now?"

"No, you used a restricted encrytion code that makes it my business. So I need an explanation before Admiral Morgan gets here day after tomorrow wanting your head on a pike to parade around the promenade."

"I'm afraid that I can't give you one," Darson replied calmly, "without compromising Operational Security," he steepled his fingers, "you of all people should appreciate how important security is...and what happens when that security is broken."

"Then come up with one that doesn't, intelligence and communications are cracking down on this stuff and I don't want to give Dorian more ammunition to start accusing people of being traitors."

Darson chuckled, "It’s very interesting that you should phrase it like that." He cocked his head to the side, "well, if you are really so insistent, I suppose I could tell you...I have been in contact with an Admiral in JAG, on Earth whom I owed a favor to. He asked me to look into how the shield generators on the station failed in the recent Romulan attack. He chose to use restricted encryption codes because he didn't want to go through normal channels...are you satisfied now?"

"That’s easy the guys Dorian is holding in the brig, and the guy that the Freedom took back to Romulus. There’s copies of their interrogation on file, but they were pretty cryptic about who hired them."

Darson chuckled again, "Then perhaps you should be looking into that? Rather than coming here and bothering me? Correct me if I'm wrong...but you're the intelligence chief now, are you not? Things like this should be at the top of your to-do list."

"It was, then when we did our part we turned it over to security. But knowing Dorain hes' up to his usual political goals instead of doing his job, plus I'm busy with war game preparation."

Darson nodded, "Ah...the war games... I have much to do regarding them as well. Mr. Gabriel as well has far too much on his plate at the moment to pursue his political goals...or to find out who, if anybody, was the mastermind behind the sabotage...which is what I am aiming to do."

"What about your investigation into these allegations?"

"It involves investigating several persons of interest...including several prominent officers on this station, which is why this Admiral could not go through normal channels. Do you understand now, Mr. Wallace? We must both proceed with the utmost discretion regarding this matter...lest it come back to haunt us."

"There aren't too many people that it could be, but there is one possibility, security has become so lapse around here that we got taken for suckers and these Romulan terrorists got lucky." Jarred said with some degree of concern.

“Of course,” Darson replied, his voice inscrutable, “That is why I am putting the departed Commander Rakka’s actions under review as one aspect of my investigation. As well, the Intelligence department when it was under the command of Mr. Gabriel is being investigated. That means that all of his prior actions, as well as yours Mr. Wallace, are subject to my scrutiny as well. I hope that you will be able to assist me in this matter…I can sense that you and I share the same desire, Lieutenant…and I think we can bring it to fruition.

"Then you might as well scrutinize my medical records, I was off station during the attack and was injured during an investigation of an attack on a Klingon vessel, and subsequent destruction of USS Asia, by another of these Romulans who are causing all these problems, my best guess is to check over Freeman’ staff, as well all of the security officers who were supposed to be on duty in the areas that were sabotaged." Jarred said

“Thank you for the advice, Mr. Wallace. So I’ll ask once more…has this little misunderstanding been cleared up to your satisfaction?”

"For now, just don't draw so much attention to your activites again." jarred said as he stood up to leave, he knew there was more going on but he didn't want to let on what he knew.

Darson steepled his fingers and gazed at Jarred as he left, his eyes boring a hole in his back. As the door closed, he let out a mental sigh. Jarred could be trouble. This Admiral, whoever he was, was defanitvely poor at covering his tracks. And that of course meant that Darson was going to have to end this fast, before people began asking more questions.


Lt. Col. James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer