Lieutenant JG Saria Rex’s Personal Log - Stardate 63201.05 - Twisted Feelings

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Title   Stardate 63201.05 - Twisted Feelings
Author   Lieutenant JG Saria Rex
Posted   Sun Aug 05, 2012 @ 4:52pm
Lieutenant JG Saria Rex's personal log, Stardate 63201.05

It seems the Science Department rolls like it should. The decrypting of the Romulan core is still in progress, and most of the damage has been repaired. Still, there is a lot of work ahead on it.

On the other side, here's something personal. I had a very interesting encounter with the new Propulsion Specialist, Ensign David Straggard. He's such a sweet guy, and he understand my problems. I feel safer with him than with anyone I know. But I'm not entirely sure what I feel fo him. Or I either just feel a very tight friendship, or I either have much greater feelings for him. In any of my lifetimes, I never met someone like David. I'm constantly thinking about him, even dreaming of him sometimes. But I'm unsure to tell him what I feel. We know eachother just a few days, but it seems like I've known him all the time.

But I have something in mind: I'll surprise him with my experimental slipstream-enchanted warp coil. I have a certain feeling he needs it more than I do.

End of log.