Interlude – What a Piece of Junk
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   What a Piece of Junk
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Mon Aug 02, 2010 @ 11:00pm
Location   Lower hanger bay
Timeline   Interlude

Dunham was showing Freeman around his latest purchase, a banged up, old tramp like freighter that he had bought off the bartender of the box of delights. He had cleaned it out but there was still allot of work to be done. "Power flow to the plasma coils, have to be to re-aligned to start the quantum filament alignment in the fabric of phase transition circuit" said Dunham as he was showing the engineer around, "Having problems with the warp core to think I could reconfigure the flow of gravitons from the isolinear processors, to manipulate a graviton wave to the anti-matter injectors; this in turn would harmonise and re-power the dilithium matrix, at least in the short term?"

"Yeah but it will be a problem long term. It will just blow out the matrix in a few days of use, and then you will have to replace the matrix, injectors, and probably the whole core. Either way its going to take a lot to get this running the way it should." Bruce said looking over the ship.

Dunham moved some space around to sit down in, he cleared away, broken parts, debris, and what coudl of been some old cans of food. He wasn't sure. "Ok, looks like a re-jig of the photonic quantum actuator, by re-oscillating the frequency domain, in the neutrino network, do you think I should replace the baryon coupling?"

"Hmm," Bruce said looking over the coupling. "Surprisingly you can probably pull a few more years out of it. The old owner must have just replaced it."

"That's a surprise," said the pilot grudgingly but with a smile. "last owner didn't much replace anything. In fact I'm surprised it even made it to the station, hell the simplest things like the warp field are not even aligned correctly."

"Well it could be flown short distances but with out a aligned field it would be really bumpy."

"So what would I need to get my hands on to get the warp field aligned correctly?" said Dunham curiously.

"Well," Bruce said a little hesitantly. "To get it up to Federation Standards you would have to replace the antimatter relay, phase inducer, and plasma conduit."

Dunham nodded in agreement, "Ok saying if that was the case, what about if I just jury rigged the magnatomic alternating configuration of the oscillating E-M array, to produce a veteron network to stablise the warp field through a auxiliary neutrino conduit, instead of replacing all those units?"

"That may work, a little unorthodox and may end up frying the systems but you could probably get away with it for a year or two."

Dunham grinned. "Cool, I would like to get her flying as soon as possible" He slapped the side of the ship affectionatly, only for a ventilation shafte cover to fall from the ceiling and make loud clang behind him. Dunham gave a wry smile. "She's a junk, but she's my junk." his voice was a little wistful. "You know I've never owned anything before."

"Never? That's a surprise, every one owns something at some time or another." He replied starting to reconfigure the ship the way it needed to be to get it flying.

"Nah not really" said Dunham in thought as he handed the chief engineer a hydro spanner for his work. "I mean how can you own something if you never bought it? We have no money on earth, everything you could possibly need or want is replicated for you."

"I guess that's one way of thinking about it. I always figured that once it was replicated it was the persons who replicated it." Bruce said as he finished up the work. "There that should do it for a little while at least."


Lt Richard Dunham
Acting CAG


Lt Bruce Freeman
Chief Engineer