Incommunicado – Dorians Trial (IV)
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers & Ambassador Cala Lurn & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Dorians Trial (IV)
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Karen Villiers & Ambassador Cala Lurn & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Wed Feb 08, 2012 @ 8:53pm
Location   Conference Room 3
Timeline   SD39 11:00
"No further questions. Prosecution has no further witnesses to call." Neds voice was low. He had failed to push the Security chiefs temper beyond a reasonable doubt and the fact that he had never struck his lover added to the tears that Dorian shed, were the toll of end of this trial. There could be no other justification to prolong this charade. Ned had lost his case and he knew it. The less than useless Cardassian witness had fallen apart when he had lost control, bringing about the finality to this case.

The time had arrived for the presiding judge to bring this trial to its final curtain.
Ned sat down, easing his tails underneath as he did so. He slowly scanned the room, the faces were just pale blurs, none he recognized nor none he would want to remember as he slowly dropped his attention to the PADD he was now holding.

"Your Honor, Defense rests its case. Before the Persecution. . .I mean, Prosecution begins its Closing Argument, we would like to *renew* our Motion to Dismiss due to their categorical failure to prove that my client was response for the death of the Romulan, nor for the charge of unlawful conduct unfit for a Starfleet officer. " He said to the Judge.

Ned didn't rise to the baiting of the defence and just kept reading his PADD as the Presiding judge began a summation of the evidence given, or rather the lack of it.

He took the Prosecutor's silence as a good thing and made his way back to the table next to his client. He looked at Dorian, and the only thing he saw was a focused look in the Commander's eyes. Perhaps it was fear, maybe it was anger, or it could have been both. Either way, Dorian continued to maintain a fixed glare directly towards the Presiding Judge.

The courts official and the usher sat a little closer to each other on the left of the judge and compared notes. They were looking at the testimonies of all the parties involved and now had to give guidance to the judge who looked down to them.
The usher stood and moved around to the left of the Presiding judge, handing him a brief outline of the hearing thus far, with what they believed to be the most important factors of the case in their own view.
The PADD found it's way to the desktop beneath the judges nose and the important sentence was underlined,
'Torture of suspects'
To the male official and female usher, this carried more weight than the rest of the evidence so far provided.
The Usher leant into the judges ear and whispered,
"Ma'am, the evidence is sadly lacking. The testimony of the Cardassian weak and the honour of the accused is more than highly questionable. We can easily dismiss the Lieutenant Commander on grounds of bringing Starfleet into disrepute with this evidence alone. The chances of us getting any form of conviction are slim. We have no body, no physical evidence, except circumstantial...."

The judge eased the Usher aside with a single wave of her arm. The usher realised that she had overstepped her boundaries and dipped her head as the judge leant forward.

Ned had watched the cohorts of the Court Official and the Usher and was a little bemused that she, the Usher had taken it upon herself to lend her opinion to the judge and he eased himself to the edge of his chair as the Judge leant forward, wondering what seh was about to say.

Karen's opinion was very different from that of the usher. Karen had taken a step back. Karen had employed diamond sharp objectivity as she had heard the evidence presented. It did not please her, but Karen knew that there was only one verdict that she could give in this case - the evidence spoke for itself.

"... and in conclusion, there is insufficient evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt that Dorian Gabriel was responsible for the murder of Doctor Ku'ran." The collective intake of breath in the court was tangible but Karen raised a slender hand to stave off any premature reactions. "This trial has highlighted a number of issues. Every man and woman acquires flaws in their character; that is the nature of humans, of Klingons, of Romulans, of all sentient species. That is to be tolerated. What cannot be tolerated is a representative of Starfleet in a position of power who carries prejudices against aliens, who openly discriminates against aliens who have committed no crime, nor is there place in Starfleet for one who advocates the use of torture under *any* circumstances.

"On the murder of Doctor Ku'rran and his Nausicaan assistant Dorian Gabriel is acquitted. On the matter of Dorian Gabriel's continued commission as a Starfleet Officer I have recommended that he be stripped of office for conduct unbecoming of an officer, indeed for conduct unbecoming of any Federation Citizen. This morning I received confirmation that Starfleet Command agree with my recommendation. Dorian Gabriel is free to go but not as a member of Starfleet."

Ned looked up, the verdict was not want he had hoped for, but it was certainly a step in the right direction and he afforded himself a little grin.

The murder trial had become a Courts Martial. Isha smiled softly as the verdict was given. There could hardly have been a better result she thought as she watched Villiers rise.

"Court dismissed!" Karen said as she rose and departed before the furore took hold.

Dorian couldn't believe it.

"Dismissed!? What the hell does she mean dismissed!?!" He shouted as he shot-up from his chair and angrily surveyed the courtroom.

"Sit down!" Donovan tried to say quietly as he grabbed his client's shoulders to calm him down.

"No damn it! Don't tell me to calm down! This my life and she just casually dismissed it as if I were nothing but a. . .but a. . ." he couldn't find the proper words until he set his eyes on the *true* cause of his misfortune.

"You bitch!" He yelled as he climbed over his table to reach the Romulan ambassador.

"Why Gabriel," Isha said without so much as a blink - even Getal was going to be happy with this verdict, she surmised. "It would seem that the judge was correct in her assessment," Isha said evenly as she stared Gabriel down. "I have done nothing other than provide evidence for this court," Isha continued, aware that they were both being observed. "And as the good judge Commander Villiers has just decreed this court is dismissed. I too will depart."

Isha rose and turned to leave, the guards who had hovered discretely nearby closing in around her as she did.

Dorian was stopped by several of her guards as he tried earnestly to extend his arms beyond their physical capacity so that the could wrap around her throat.

"This isn't over! Don't think that just because you have that judge and every other bureaucrat on this station underneath your thumb that this is over!" he shouted.

"What a strange and unfortunate man," Isha remarked not paying attention to Gabriel's ravings as she continued on her way. He had condemned himself and she needed to do nothing more than leave and allow Gabriel his misery and Getal his hollow victory.

Ned stood to get a better view as Gabriel was 'Starfished' away from the gallery. This was most unexpected and the grin he held now widened into a smile.

Just as Gabriel was carted unceremoniously out, Captain Tahir eased herself inward, sliding into a seat at the back. As she settled, she saw that people were getting up to leave. She had missed the verdict. Her eyes scanned the room and could see several notaries but none that she trusted. She rose from the still cold seat and strode down onto the conference floor and headed toward the rear office where she hoped to find Commander Villiers.

Nugent reached out to stop the passing Captain.
"Ah, Captain Tahir. I am afraid that result will not rest well with Mister Gabriel." Ned stated with a smugness.

Tasha stopped in her tracks by the obtrusive arm lifted her eyes to the man who had stopped her.
"Excuse me?" She replied as her eye dropped down to the offensive arm.

Ned took his hand of the Captains upper arm
"I'm sorry." He was apologising for his arm, not the verdict. "Did you not hear the verdict?" He questioned.

Tasha shook her head. "No, I was delayed." She explained.

Ned nodded without losing his grin.
"Gabriel was stripped of rank and privileges, though he was lucky that the evidence was lacking in the murder charge." He stated with continued smugness.

His grin annoyed Tasha and she didn't want to waste her time talking to this smug cretin.
"I am so pleased that the result has pleased you. Now you can please me by leaving this station at your earliest opportunity and that is not a request!" She remarked as she began to walk away.

"Oh, I plan on staying a while. I have a little celebrating to do." He said smartly.

Tasha spun on her heel facing back to Nugent.

"Do you? Well, if I find you on this station after midday, I will have you put in the brig for assault." She retorted.

Ned guffawed. "Assault? Assault on whom?" He questioned.

Tasha lifted her arm. "This stations commanding officer. I believe that was just caught on the stations monitors." She stepped back towards the prosecutor, "And if you think I am not serious, try me in an hour!" She glared at Ned before turning around with a flick of her hair and continued to Karens' judicial office, pleased that she now had a smug grin on her face.


Commander Karen Villiers

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Dorian Gabriel

Edward Nugent
By Mark

Captain Tasha Tahir

Donovan I'shar
Defense Attorney