Incommunicado – One Long Trip
by Major Luther Fry

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Title   One Long Trip
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Major Luther Fry
Posted   Wed Aug 29, 2012 @ 9:05am
Location   Sydney class transport approaching the station
Timeline   SB 58
(ON: SD58, Sydney class Transport)

It had been a long boring trip for Luther. He hated traveling as cargo. The room on the ancient Sydney class transport was clean but small, and other than cleaning his kit and computer simulations and games there was nothing to break the boredom of the trip. The ship had been once a Starfleet vessel but had been retired over to civilian service. It had been the only ship headed in the required direction at the time on which Luther could hitch a ride to arrive in time for his new posting.

He returning to active duty had caused a lot of waves and problems politically and he was initially on his way to a remote colony to take command of its MARDET (Marine Detachment). The Powers that Be couldn't neither break him nor silence him so they decided to park him in the darkest furthest corner they could find. Then two days out, the CO of the USS Jutland received new orders, Luther was to transfer to the civilian transport SS Willow wisp which was on contract with the Star Fleet Merchant Marine and proceed with all haste to take up the duty station of MARDET XO on Deep Space 5. For two more days at high warp the Willow wisp burned its nacelles as it hurled through space heading to Deep Space 5.

For nearly nine years the shattered USS Peacemaker and its survivors were trapped in a temporal rift and blown half way across the galaxy. Nine years gone in a blink of an eye! His children would be nearly teenagers now, somewhere in the expanse of the Romulan Empire where their mother had taken them on their separation. So many missing birthdays, missing... With a growl Luther did his best to drive those thoughts out of his mind to no avail. His mind started to drift back to events just prior to his setting out to Deep Space 5.

Luther’s mind is pulled back to the present by the sound of the ship’s public address system announcing to its passengers that they were nearing Deep Space 5 and to start making ready to disembark.

An hour out from his destination, Luther showered and shaved up, and changed into a fresh and clean duty uniform with razor sharp creases. The Hrisal scabbard nestled snuggly between his shoulder blades under his tunic was like the embrace of an old friend. The high gloss shine of his boots gleamed in the lights of the quarters. Picking up two large duffle bags and a PADD containing his duty orders, he headed out the door to the Willow wisps transporter room. Luther had done this enough times to know the rest of his belongings in the transports hold would be transported separately across.

As he neared the transporter room, the corridor was filled with confused and flustered passengers. The air was full of angry voices and concern.

The ship’s XO was trying to get the crowd’s attention. “Ladies and Gentlemen.. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN IF YOU PLEASE!!” The crowd started to pay attention and the noise started to subside. “Thank you… Unfortunately your voyage will be a little longer than expected. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are unable the transporters are unsafe to use at this time, and we are unable to proceed any further toward the station under warp, impulse only. We will endeavor to get you to your destination as soon as we can. We again are sorry for the delay.”

“Just great.. Just bloody great… Stationed in the middle of nowhere and now this!” growled Luther. “I just hope this place has a decent bar with something other than synthihol as I need a real drink”

Major Luther Fry SFMC
Executive Officer
Marine Detachment
Deep Space 5
Obsidian Fleet