We All Fall Down – Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Mon Sep 01, 2014 @ 10:32pm
Location   CO's Office
Timeline   WAFD Day 2: 13:00
Tharek smiled to himself. The opportunity to see Isha again since before the explosion. It was insufficient to say he was just excited to see his favourite toy. The turbolift seemed to take mere seconds as he climbed the numerous number of decks to enter her new domain, and to reinforce the fact that there was nowhere on this station he couldn't be.


"Did you meet her?"

"By 'her' I assume you mean Lieutenant Commander Soran?" Tahhk replied.

"Who else would I mean?"

"Any other of the 1645 females that have arrived on the Station since traffic was reopened," the Vulcan stated.

"I think I'll request you removed from my presence now that we have the frozen Soran aboard," Isha said. She slumped slightly then rose.

"Or maybe not."

Isha drew up every reserve of courage and confidence in her being as she saw just who was creeping his way out of one of the hatches.

"Can I get you a drink, Getal," she said digging her nails into her palm. She walked to the replicator which left Tahhk between them, "I've delightful cocktail I'd love you to try."

Getal glared at the Vulcan with disdain. "I'll have tea." He said, pausing momentarily. "Camomile."

With her back turned Isha allowed herself a moment to distance herself from this ... this ... she'd deal with that later. Alone>

Even though they'd not had a full debrief it was clear to her that Tahhk understood her animosity. All that she could do was be painfully polite.

"How calming," Isha said as she returned with a single cup making it clear that he was not welcome. She handed it to Tahhk.

"Your tea, Vikar Gul," the Vulcan said as he extended the cup.

"Finally, someone who respects rank and discipline." He took the cup and took a small sip. "I hear that you've been promoted. Congratulations."

Tharek said, raising his cup in salute. He would continue the act as long as there were eyes and ears. "And I must say, what a shame it is to hear of the death of Rh'vaurek. That man was a credit to your species." The smile he gave her was false, and obviously so, as he sat himself down in the chair across from Isha's.

"And a man who is duly noted in history," Tahhk said. "He was indeed a credit to our Rihannsu cousins, as recognised by alll relevant powers."

Isha stayed. She had not thought that Tahhkh, her Shadow would speak in her defence.

"Where are you noted in history, Ambassador Getal?" Tahhk asked.

Getal chuckled in his throat. "A man who is noted in history before his time is a great man. A man who goes boasting of his accomplishments before his time, will fade into history with his words."

"Such is the nature of mediocrity," Tahhk replied.

He looked at Isha. The captain had remained where she was. Tahhk detected a tremour through her body, visible only in the slightest movement of her hand. It ceased as she curled them up into her palm.

Tahhk had only been in the company of Isha for a few days and in that time seen her plough through a range of emotions that he hardly knew had existed - from her despair following the platform malfunction through to the pleasure she took when her twins came home from school and the quiet authority she assumed in Ops - in all cases there was an underlying confidence but now?

She appeared pale, and to Tahhk's mind had withdrawn into herself.

So this is why I am here the Vulcan deduced, but why are you here, T'Vaurek, he wondered.

"Captain," Tahhk said - he wanted to emphasise her status as much as manage what ever this contrived 'visit' was about, "Why not take a seat? Then perhaps the Ambassador will explain his reason for this impromtu visit. There is a reason?"

"Why of course!" He exclaimed. "I'm here to congratulate the new commanding officer on her new position! Being both a Romulan ambassador and the commander of a Starfleet station is more than enough reason for praise. Wouldn't you agree my Vulcan friend!"

Isha placed herself in her chair.

"Ambassador Getal, I have long left the lowly Ambassadorial offices behind me. I am the Commanding Officer of this station, nothing more, nothing less," she said. "I am no longer tied by the bounds of Diplomacy. I speak for myself."

Tahhk observed her crushing grip on the arms of her chair - the Cardassian must have noticed it too. Isha did not appear to have done so, but she would, on reflection.

"If you would forgive the Commander," Tahhk said.

"No forgiveness is necessary. The Commander is obviously tired from her new role, and I'm sure my presence is nothing if a brief interruption in her busy schedule." Getal's smile was riddled with false structure.

"Indeed it is the Ambassador who ought to be apologising - he failed to make an appointment with my yoeman," Isha said, "Something to be remembered in future. Is the tea to your taste?" she asked.

"The tea is fine, thank you. And I agree, an apology from me is definitely owed. An ambassador ought to know this above all others I suppose!" Getal said as he rose from his chair, and his full height took the concentration of the room.

"What is your point, Getal? Reach it and leave," Isha said, aware that she was under the scrutiny of her observer.

Getal fained a hurt and surprised look. "I am merely here to bestow best wishes and congratulations upon you and this is the response I am treated with?"

"Then congratulate me, and move on," Isha replied evenly. "It is customary to make an appointment with my yoeman, not to crawl through ducts. I suggest you observe that convention also."

In the meantime Tahhk had removed the glasses.

He returned. "Was there anything further, Ambassador - we have some delightful chocolates?"

Tharek resumed his usual facial expression; cold and emotionless. "No. Goodbye Isha."

"May the Univese reward you equitably," she replied.

Isha had not moved since she'd sat down.

He grunted as he left the room, brushing past a lackey on the way. The young, fresh-faced officer was affected more by the barge than Getal, and stumbled as Tharek continued on his straight and narrow path to the turbolift, and back down to his little slice of Hell.

"T'Vaurek, we need to talk," Commander Tahhk said.

TBC ...