Things Past – Current: Fallout and revelations: things have changed
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Lieutenant JG Gralthek Sirran & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Commander Rakka & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Current: Fallout and revelations: things have changed
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Lieutenant JG Gralthek Sirran & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Commander Rakka & Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Tue Apr 01, 2014 @ 5:55pm
Location   Out front of triage area
Timeline   advance two plus hours

Two of the officers from the Dawnstar had been joined by members of the Ivor away team and Dr Murdoch who upon discovering who the hooded officer was had gone several shades of white realizing that the dead clearly aren't always dead when it came to starfleet intelligence. Chief Ayers spoke first "This is bad, I haven't seen things like this since Chintoka."

Deciding he couldn't keep his identity a secret for much longer Jarred revealed himself, there was some visible shock from a nurse as a much older Jarred appeared from under the hood, "No Chief there was one worse, Doctor whats the current count on casualties?"

[Near the Promenade Triage area]

Trellis continued to breathe in and out of the oxygen mask as the nurse continued to take his pulse. The burning sensation in his lungs continued to re-assert itself every time he took a deep breath. However, he could at least breathe without absorbing more of the acidic smoke from before. He looked up as the Doctor.

"Doctor! What's the casualty report?" He nearly shouted.

"9 dead so far, still counting. Casualties amounting to about 200 but only 20-25 seriously wounded or critical. Figures still coming in from Sickbay data and I should get back there but I'll send back another Triage team." she began but as she spoke another wounded person presented and she was distracted by giving them treatment.

Lyhse was looking over Damage Control Team seventeen's report. To her amazement, one of them had suggested an improvised Photon Mortar charge trigger by a Phaser like overload.

The Wallace walked over to Lyhse "Is that the preliminaries at ground zero for the embassy bomb or the Bradshaw one?"

Lyhse looked at the data and stated: " It appears they think both are the same IED."

"Tri-Lithium resin, a some kind of compressed pulse wave device to completely wreak the electronics I assume?"

With some embarrassment Lyhse replies: "All respect; outside of some applications, improvised explosives isn't one of the areas I am knowledgeable." Quickly scanning the report, she continues "It is the opinion of the Master Chief that was on Damage Control Team seventeen that it was this military weapon that caused the great degree of structural damage, a physical size slightly larger than the Terran baseball."

Jarred pulled out a pad "This device most likely, its the core out of a static pulse mine." making reference to a device banned by the treaty of Algeron following the Earth-Romulan war.

Lyhse looked at the PADD's display. She was uncertain if anything she could add would be helpful; perhaps the mentioning of the Romulans had set something off inside of her, perhaps in her field, it was not stressed to create Improvised Explosive Devices, only what to look for.

Although Lyhse's curiosity wanted more, she had to admit, now wasn't the time.

"You're looking very active for a dead man," Karen said without a trace of humour as she approached Wallace. The devastation that had ripped through the newly repaired promenade leached what little humour she possessed from her being. "Report?"

"Time heals all wounds" he turned to the mess at hand "Two bombs matching the Avalon attack, Tri-Lithium resin with a static pulse core, the sensor control unit near the ambassadorial wing is destroyed, second bomb detonated in the Bradshaw offices no firm casualty numbers yet, Dawnstar reports they have disabled a class four transport that was attempting to steal cargo from the station." Jarred looked at Karen ~How'd the briefing go?~

Karen drew a breath. Slowly she raised her hand and rubbed it over her face and into her hair. She held it there as though about to tie it back.

~Which briefing?~ there'd been many.

~You've missed a lot, I assume you like Admiral McKenzie's new hair color.~ Jarred communicated wondering if she'd get the idea, and had a plan to discuss the effect of all of the temporal jumping that had taken place.

Jarred's next thought was interrupted =^= "Sir we have the Captain's ship on long range sensors."=^=

~I heard a rumour that you were transporting my replacement~ Karen thought, a rumour that came from JAG HQ. ~Is she still on the ship?~

~Didn't know she was a replacement.~ realizing she was practicing ~But my guest is aboard the ship, along with something else.~

In a break from her usual staid demeanour Karen grinned. Despite the turmoil she really was thrilled to be getting away from here. "You know more than I do, Wallace," Karen said, "I don't know her identity. What's your assessment of the situation here?"

"Similar attacks to the Avalon incident, The Dawnstar is attempting to orbit the station to see if we have anyone offloading any cargo from the deck below the bombing, casualty counts are still slow coming in." Jarred said.

"Deal with it, Mister Lieutenant Wallace, or whatever you are," Karen instructed with a sigh. "I'll be packing my bags."

Jarred looked around, ~someone please fill me in on how this works with females!~ "One of the bombing suspects is still at large, and presumed armed."

"We have casualties numbering 200 injured, but most of them "walking" and minor. There are 25 seriously hurt and 9 dead so far but some wreckage as yet still uncleared so that may rise." Chelsea repeated tiredly to anyone who was listening.

"I should get back." she offered again, this time moving towards the Turbolift, wondering if any of the Casualties she had in care could be that missing bomber. "Jarred?" She asked, turning back as that thought grew into a solid idea. "What is the chance that your *armed and dangerous* is amongst my wounded? Would they have been likely to have hurt themselves in their own backlash?" she asked.

"One is a burned corpse, DNA confirmed that, the other is the problem, he's armed for sure and very dangerous." Jarred stopped as the Dawnstar contacted him.

"Sir we have a category four ship leaving at high speed, due to the emergency we can nor pursue."

"Damn it!" raising his voice "Status on the warp drive?"

"Thirty minutes at best."

Jarred looked at the floor "Ten months down the pipe."

[Onboard The Matthias]

"The vessel has achieved warp 7 and has exited the sector." The Conn Officer reported.

"Any signs of pursuit from 'Fleet vessels?" The Captain's voice responded, raised with anticipation. He leaned forward in his chair and continued to watch the viewscreen before his chair.

"Negative, all surrounding vessels are engaged in rescue and support operations." The Conn Officer reported.

"Good.. ." Captain Dante Hanks sighed as he leaned back into his chair. "Good. . .Mr. Raddon will be pleased to know that they were able to leave without further detection." He added.

"Signal the station and inform them that The Raddon Corporation and The Matthias are willing and able to lend any assistance needed." The Captain said as he stood up and walked towards the nearby console and retrieved his glass. It was an empty gesture, but it seemed fitting to at least offer the assistance.

(Aboard the Station)

Jarred looked around at the carnage, "We need to deal with the casualties, track the ship until its out of range."

Jarred leaned against a bulkhead, things had changed, and this was the beginning.


A JP Between:

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security


Dante Hanks
The Matthias (civilian-NPC)


Commander Villiers


Cmdr Chelsea Dunham

et al