Cascade – Move along, nothing to see here
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Move along, nothing to see here
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Tue Jun 25, 2013 @ 8:15am
Location   Transporter Room 3
Timeline   SD 72 1500 hours

Once the meeting in the lab adjourned and Steve took a moment to wrap his head around everything, he made his way up through the bowels of the station to deck 22. It was a lonely turbolift ride, as nobody else boarded the car for the entire trip up. But it gave Steve several minutes to clear his head.

No sooner had the doors to the transporter room parted then Wyman gestured out into the hallway. "Chief, take the rest of the shift off. Head over to whatever bar you like and have a drink on me."

The middle aged human NCO eyed the chief engineer for a moment, a puzzled look on his face. After another moment he stepped away from the console, "Um... OK Lieutenant. Just try not to break anything."

"I'll do my best, Chief." Steve chuckled as the man passed him. "And Chief - you never saw me, and you were on duty the entire time."

Now the transporter chief was even more perplexed, but chose not to pry into what was clearly a matter above his pay grade. "Whatever you say, sir." he simply remarked, throwing his hands up as he walked out into the corridor.

Once the older man was gone, Steve set swiftly to work. "Computer, lock down this room. Access restricted to Captain Tahir, Commander Villiers, department heads, Lieutenant Commander P'Trell, Lieutenant Larel, and Senior Chief Wyman. Maintain lock out until further notice."

The computer chirped its acknowledgment instantaneously. "Access to transporter room 3 is now restricted."

By this point Steve was at the console configuring it to monitor comm chatter in the hangar bay, Larel's vital signs, and internal sensors. It was a lot of incoming data, so he was forced to compartmentalize it and put different things into different windows.

He was so engrossed in the entire operation that he didn't notice the doors open. It wasn't until Ceridwen spoke that he realized she was standing there. "Should I be expecting you to bite my head off, or am I safe while we're on duty?"

Steve's head snapped up in surprise. "Welshy!" He bolted around the console and grabbed her by the shoulders in such a manner that she almost pulled back in surprise. "Hun... I am SO completely sorry for the horrible husband I've been since we got here. And as soon as all this insanity is over and done with, I'll explain everything that's been going on. I would right now, but... things being what they are..."

The petite redhead put a hand on his cheek. "Sharas told me what's been going on. I knew you were out of sorts, but a rogue child telepath has been screwing with people? I think we can chaulk this one up as an extenuating circumstance. But you still owe me dinner to make up for biting my head off."

"I think that can be arranged. I'll just have to find out what the best restaurant is on this booby hatch and we'll have a romantic evening after things get back to some semblance of sanity. But uh... if you don't mind my asking - what are you doing up here?"

With her free hand, Ceridwen plucked a small metallic cylinder from her pocket. "Sharas said you'd need an emergency transporter beacon. He was going to bring it himself, but then he remembered that he left An'ta wandering the station aimlessly, so I volunteered to walk into the lions den."

Taking the device and stuffing it into his pocket, Steve gazed into his wife's hazel eyes. "I promise you - once this is over, no more screwy antics. We find the most boring posting imaginable and raise Gwen in safety and..."

Placing a finger over her husband's mouth before he rambled on too long, Welshy shushed him. "Lets just stick it out here. I'm sure once some kid isn't trying to get us to kill each other, DS5 won't be that bad. Plus I want to tinker with some of the customizations the last chief engineer left behind. What I've seen so far while you were huddling up with the brass would make your head spin."

Steve chuckled softly. "Well then I guess we're staying. But I need to get back to work, and I need to configure this beacon. And you need to hold down the fort in engineering."

"Aye, aye Lieutenant." Welshy joked, leaning in for a kiss.

"Whoa now Senior Chief, that's a violation of protocol." Wyman chided mockingly.

A devilish smirk spreading across her face, Ceridwen planted one on him. Once the lip lock broke she whispered, "So tell the chief engineer on me, sir." At that she stuck her tongue out at him, spun, and quickly walked out of the small room.

Pulling the beacon out of his pocket and turning it over in his right hand, Steve watched her go. Once the door closed he remarked, "I don't deserve her."

Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5


SCPO Ceridwen Wyman
Engineer's Mate
Deep Space 5