Beg, Steal or Borrow – Deals and Devils
by Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Deals and Devils
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Wed Jul 01, 2009 @ 3:12am
Location   Civilian Quarters
Timeline   SD9 0700 hrs

Lahy sat in the dark room waiting. He had done what he was asked to do, even though it was outside the scope of what the duties he normally performed for people. it was a strange feeling for him to sneak into a place and sneak back out again with nothing to show for it. If it weren't for the pending attack, the plans of his 'employer' and the general anxiousness around the Consolate, he probably would have stuck around to see what trinkets he could have liberated. Instead, he kept to the agenda and did only what he was asked. Now he wanted his payment.

He remained motionless as the doors opened and then closed. The figure that had walked in removed a coat, laying it over the back of a chair, and walked over to the kitchen. Opening the small refrigeration unit, he took out a bottle and set it on the counter. Turning, he opened a cabinet and reached for a glass.

"Better get two." Lahy said, startling the man.

"Jesus." Cordova said. "Lights." The room illuminated, revealing Anthony Cordova and Lahy sen'shuhs. "What are you doing in here?" He asked, indignant.

"What do you think I'm doing in here." Lahy asked. He gestured around the quant apartment. "If you had anything worth taking I'd have taken it already. But, I'm more interested in what is owed to me."

"What's owed to you?" Cordova asked, a tinge of laughter in the question. He retrieved another glass and poured them both some of the wine. Walking around the corner, he handed one to Lahy and sat in the adjacent seat. "Exactly what was it that was promised again?"

"You know what was promised." Lahy said, taking a sip of the wine. "And you know what can happen if I'm not paid."

"Yes." Cordova replied, a smirk on his lips. "I can imagine. I can also imagine what can happen to you should you cross the wrong people." He sipped his wine, not taking his eyes off his guest.

"I've crossed the wrong people more than they know." Lahy retorted. There was a pride in his response that sent a shiver down Anthony's spine. "That's why you hired me."

Not wanting to aggravate the little but very capable individual seated before him, Cordova smiled. "You have talent. That's to be sure. I have talent too."

"Yes, I am quite aware of your talents." The little man made talents sound more like an insult than a compliment. "You and your women. You sweet talk them into doing more than they ought. But I'm not interested in that. I'm just interested in my payment so I can be on my way."

Anthony stood, noting the warning finger that Lahy raised. "I know. Carefully." He said smiling. He walked over to a cabinet, opened it and retrieved a inconspicious package. He handed it to Lahy. "For your troubles."

Lahy set the package beside him on the seat and raised his glass. "A pleasure doing business with you. I trust I don't have to check to be sure it's all there."

"Of course not." Anthony said, feigning insult. "But, if it will make you feel better. However, if you can't trust the ones you work with, who can you trust?"

"No one." Lahy said, his voice flat and stern. "And that's the way it should be."

Cordova laughed. "Exactly right." He said, finishing his glass of wine. "Trust is a luxury that leads to destruction."

"And Poverty." Lahy added. He finished his drink and stood. "You have a guest." He said.

The look of confusion on Cordova's face was only intensified by the chime that rang at his door. He turned towards the door and when he looked back at Lahy, the diminuative man and his package were gone.

"Talent indeed." He said and rose to see who was at his door.


Anthony Cordova

Lahy Sen'shuhs