Beg, Steal or Borrow – Civil Unrest
by Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Civil Unrest
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Lieutenant JG Opaka Jo'el & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Thu Apr 16, 2009 @ 3:41am
Location   Romulan Embassy
Timeline   SD8 - Just before 1400

The MP Red Squad Commander, Sergeant Hars Taneko, took off his helmet and rubbed his shiny blue Bolian head as he examined the positions his men had constructed. Spanning the length of the corridor in both directions, they looked like they were put together well enough, but not especially fortified. He sighed, it would have to do. He could only hope that the riot didn’t get too out of control and force them back.

As a Bolian, he was opposed to most forms of needless violence, but his loyalty to the Corp, and the Federation overrode that instinct. He had been given a task, to protect this embassy, and like the many brave Bolians that had come before him he would finish the task to the best of his ability, no matter how dangerous the situation became.

He was slightly worried of course. What Bolian wasn’t? But his training helped to quash those fears. He looked around at the hard working Marines and a slight grin appeared on his face. At least he wasn’t alone in it. He left them to finish the preparations, and slipped inside the embassy, which was teeming with members of Blue Squad. He paid each and every one of them an acknowledging nod as he walked by, and eventually ended up at the Ambassador’s office door.

He pressed the control and stepped in as the hatch whooshed open. Inside was the Ambassador, Ms. t’khellian, and her bodyguard, the Ensign from security…Opaka, wasn’t it? He moved forward and addressed Isha, “Ma’am, I’m Sergeant Taneko. I’m the senior MP on the scene, so I’m in charge of the security for the embassy.”

Isha nodded, "I don't know what orders Darson has cascaded down to you, but here are mine; this office, and my quarters are to remain off limits to them ... and to you and your colleagues," she said. "There are a lot of people in this Consulate right now and I don't want to see my privacy violated. Tell me, Sergeant, what it the situation like outside?"

Jo'el stood behind Isha's desk, interested to see how the newly arrived MP's would react to his charge's seemingly icy demeaner. After several hours spent with Isha, he was starting to get some semblance of the front she was putting on, but most people Jo'el met weren't as perceptive.

Taneko gave a vague nod and acknowledgment that every MP was required to master at training, specifically for dealing with high profile civilians. The Major had given him very specific orders on what to do, and he would follow them to the letter…Even if that meant violating the privacy of a diplomat’s quarters. As he registered her question about the situation, he stroked his blue chin and gave a small sigh of thought.

“Well Ma’am,” he said, “Its been quiet so far…But I’m willing to bet anything that the situation will change for the worse in the next couple of minutes. And by worse, I mean for us.”

“What a surprise,” Isha hissed. “Please don’t waste my time telling me the obvious. Tell me something that might be of use to our defence. What is your analysis, man?”

“Quite frankly Ma’am, it’s the position of the Embassy. If the embassy was on open ground on some planet, or even adjacent to a plaza on the station, things would be far easier. We’d have plenty of space to spread out and implement crowd control procedures. However, we’re in the middle of a single standard corridor. It makes for a perfectly defensible position…if we were defending against intruders on the station. But unfortunately, the situation is the complete opposite. The rioters, Federation Citizens, are going to be packing in here, and they’re going to run out of space real quickly. If they get stopped by us, people are going to get crushed and die…and that is simply something we cannot abide.”

I think you’ll find I can abide it quite comfortably, Isha thought, anyone stupid enough to get involved in a riot in an enclosed space deserved what he got. Her gaze slipped from the Bolian to Opaka as if momentarily concerned that they might know what she was thinking, then she nodded for him to continue.

“To combat that, we've prepared a tiered fall-back plan so that whenever the pressure gets too great, we can move back and relieve some of it. However, as we fall back each time, we’ll increase our force. If we do get pushed back to the embassy, we’ll make a stand outside while we evacuate you and your staff to a secondary location through the emergency tunnel…though we want to avoid that if possible.”

Isha shook her head. “No, no, Sergeant, this is Rihannsu territory, I will not abandon it to a mob,” it had to be said, though she knew that she might well alter that opinion when faced with the option of dying for a piece of territory that was superimposed on someone else’s.

=^= Adams to Ambassador t'Khellian =^=

Isha bit her lower lip, “Gentlemen, you will excuse me,” she said, directing her words to Opaka. “I will be in my quarters while I speak with Doctor Adams. Chelsea, how kind of you to think of me,” she continued as she turned and swept from the room.

Jo'el nodded and stood sentinel by the exit. Alone at last he thought with a sigh, watching Taneko.

The Sergeant turned his attention to the Bajoran security officer, “Ensign. I understand that you have been assigned as the body guard to the ambassador, and I do not wish to interfere with your duties…however I have situational command here. I expect you to comply with my orders in order to ensure that we can coordinate as smoothly as possible.

"You know, the captain told me when I arrived that you guys would stay out of my face if I stayed out of yours. So do me a favor: don't bark any orders at me. If you need something, ask, don't tell. If that arrangement doesn't work for you, take it up with Lieutenant Gabriel."

Sergeant Taneko frowned, “Don’t take this the wrong way Ensign. I’m trying to ensure the safety of your protectee. You of all people should be willing to help with that." Suddenly his COM chattered and his second in command came over it, =/= “Sergeant, its starting. We could really use you out here sir.” =/=

He acknowledged the call and said to the security officer, “Well…here they come. Batten down the hatches and hope they didn’t bring to much body armor or IED’s. We’ll be on TAC channel 4 if you want to listen in.” He slipped on his helmet and strode out the office door, heading to meet the approaching mob.

"Better you than me," Jo'el slid in as the door closed off the din of the crowded corridor.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Major James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

Ensign Opaka Jo'el
VIP Bodyguard