Unity – Circumstances; Part 1
by Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Circumstances; Part 1
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Feb 28, 2010 @ 5:54pm
Location   DS5
Timeline   SD17 Morning


As soon as he heard the shout the Vulcan released the body. It's shoulders dropped with a dull thud onto his feet Sulek struggled to replace the removable panel.

“We’d like a word with you. I know you're here, I can smell you you filthy yyaio."

This was not going well.

Sulek had come to check that his plan had succeeded and rather than a devastated shop and a lightly charred Vulcan he found the corpse in the middle of the floor and the store untouched. It was a bit of luck, Sulek thought that he had chosen to move the body before checking the explosive, and luck was the word because Sulek, for all his appeqarances had never accepted the teachings of Sarek and had rather followed the road of avarice.

Something had stopped the explosion, but he could still get away. Move the body and noone would be any the wiser. He'd sold out Prendergast for a good reward and played along with the fanatics so that he could cover his own tracks and disappear - the injured Vulcan doctor who happened to be a Romulan exile had made it all possible.

Sulek cleaned as best he could and only minutes after he had hauled the body into the compartment they came.

The Romulan must have heard the thud. Prendergast had always spoken dismissively of the man but Sulek began to think that he had underestimated him. He wasted no time wiping his feet on the garments of the dead man, his old garments, for Sulek now wore the outfit and the comm badge of the civillian doctor. He turned and used the back-door, the unofficial emergency exit.

The fanatics would wonder what had gone wrong, Sulek thought as he dragged himself arm by arm through the duct; he could explain that the device had failed to activate. He would show willing and join them ... for now anyway. He might even have a chance to get back to the shop and remove the device before they found it.

And into a corridor, grille replaced, to a central location to get bearings and then to make contact.

Sulek no longer hurried. He assumed the face and calm of one of Sarek's brethren and walked not too fast, not too slow to an information point. After peering at the board for a moment Sulek nodded, he was near the arboretum. On one of his walks he had noticed a particular plant growing there, a Romulan specemin, one that was exceptionally poisonous when prepared correctly. He could still direct attention in the direction of the consulate and away from himself if someone died from such a couse.

Sulek passed a Human Starfleet officer crouched on the floor, diligently working on a energy matter fold coupling. As the Man passed him he got up from his work, walked behind Sulek for a couple of moments then pulled him into a side corridor. He held the alien roughly by his shirt. “Hello Sulek. We’ve been looking for you” said the maquis infiltrator.

If Sulek was concerned he did not show it, that was his persona after all, Vulcan. "The device in the shop failed to detonate, I was monitoring events from a safe-house," he said in a hushed tone without moving his lips, "when I returned to recover it, there was a Romulan and a pair of Starfleet security officers there. I don't need to remind you that that shop was the link to the archaologist from whom we learned about the artefact."

“Cold blooded hobgoblin, what Romulan?” said the man shoving Sulek against the wall to emphises the uregency for information. The calm Vulcan demeanour was begingin to grate on the Marquis Infiltrators nerves. “Start talking or so help me....”

"Your display of strength is neither relevant, nor appropriate," Sulek said shrugging the Maquis' hands from his person. "There will be ample opportunity to fight," he said stepping away from the wall and turning back to the man with a look untainted by chagrin. "The Romulan, as a human would put it is, a business acquaintance of the archeologist. Prendergast always dismissed him as some sort of diplomatic shill, a man Prendergast humoured, and sometimes sold treasures to. I was ... perturbed to find him when I went to remove the failed device," Sulek said.

“What’s happened to the device now?” said the man urgently, his hand resting on the handle of his phaser.

"Exactly where it was planted," Sulek said. "Prendergast, it seems had some form of dampening field in place which prevented detonation. I wish to find the source of that field which will indicate its manufacture, and to recover the device."

“This is load Targ dung do know that! You’ve really.....” he fell silent a moment as they passed in the corridor by a pair civilians, when they were out of earshot the man continued to talk, but this time in hushed tones. “You’ve really screwed this up you know that.”

"On the contrary, I brought the archaeologist to our movement, and without him we would never have learned of the artefact, the one that we are about to steal from beneath the ears of the Romulans," Sulek stated.

“Oh? And how do you propose we steal this bloody artefact, they’ve got that embassy closed up more tighter than the marine barracks,” said the man through gritted teeth, and in a frustrated tone.

Just a hint of irriation crept into Sulek's tone. "The artefact is on the planet," he said, "the key that will open the door for the Founders. That's why we have people there working on it whilst we are here to aid our comrades in recovering the Romulan core."

“Nobody tells me anything around here.” Mumbled the man to himself, “You know what this getting awfully complicated, maybe I should just shoot you.” He said matter of factly, he was a man of action than anything else.

"Or maybe you should accompany me to the medical facility, when the call comes, we will take hostages," Sulek said. "For all intents and purposes I am a doctor, if you appear to be my patient there will be no question ... we would be well situated to establish a live shield that will aid our friends as they approach," he suggested.

“Sounds logical coming from a Vulcan. Ok after you.” Said the man gesturing for Sulek to proceed. He would follow after, where he could keep an eye on him.

"Indeed," Sulek said turning and guiding the man's hands as he spoke, "if you will insist on carrying a weapon, hold it here at the top of your hip-bone, look as though you are suffering. That way if you continue to distrust me you will both fulfil your role as patient, and be able to shoot me if needed."

“Acting really isn’t my forte” but the man gave it a go anyway. He leaned on the Vulcan; or what he thought was a Vulcan, and put on an over dramatised limp. They began to head to sickbay. But the man still kept a sharp eye on his companion, ever watchful of betrayal.


Marquis Infiltrator
Played by Lt Richard Dunham


NPC by Louise